Karin's Interest

Rafa quickly grabbed Nadia's hand to get away from Karin and left the cafeteria. Even Yeri was left alone because Rafa already had a bad feeling when Karin asked him to get acquainted like that.

While Yeri who was left was not angry, she seemed to have been given an assignment by Rafa to take care of this shameless tomboyish girl.

"Looks like I need to have a one-on-one talk with you!" Yeri said to Karin while looking at the tomboy girl with her sharp eyes.

"I'm not at all interested in talking to you. I'm leaving~" Karin said casually.

Just as the girl was about to leave Yeri, suddenly the chubby-cheeked girl grabbed her wrist.

"I didn't ask for your approval at all to want to talk to me. I just wanted to make it clear to you not to interfere in other people's personal affairs, especially in Nadia's love relationship!" Yeri growled.

"What is your problem?" Karin snapped.