Bianca VS Karina

"Never mind, we'd better go to class, after all this is Rafandra's class. I'm afraid if someone is inside and hears all our conversations, especially about what you just said," said Giselle to Karina because she didn't want to get in trouble with others.

Giselle is very afraid if someone else hears the conversation between her and Karina, moreover what has just been said because it is really very sensitive and maybe if someone else hears it then talks about it to Nadia or even. Bianca, then it is certain that because it will not be a good morning from Bianca's tantrum.

"Didn't I already say that I don't care at all? Tsk, you are a bastard!" Karina squeaked casually.

A few moments later after saying that, Bianca walked out of the classroom with a smirk.

"Are you done talking about other people behind your back?" Asked the beautiful girl and behind her was followed Nadia who was also very annoyed with what Karina had said.