Bianca VS Karina (2)

"I said.. you apologize to Nadia for what you said about her!"

Bianca raised her voice even more because she didn't get a response from Karina. The tomboy girl then tried to get up from the floor and clean her uniform. Don't have the slightest fear of Bianca even though Bianca's gaze looks very deadly to others around her.

"Why do I want to apologize to Nadia for what I said earlier? Was my explanation unclear to you? There's nothing wrong with what I said, so why am I apologizing to Nadia? Tch, I don't want to!" Karina said casually.

"Karina, don't be like this. You better apologize for what you said earlier, you've gone too far!" Giselle scolds.

"Why are you defending Nadia too? Is it because of Bianca that you are scared? Huh? Coward and unconscious!" sarcastically Karina.