Two adults arguing

Nayla really couldn't contain her emotions anymore because when she heard about this problem she always felt like a mother figure who was completely useless to her daughter. She couldn't even imagine how Nadia's feelings and heart at that time when she was about to be paired with someone who was very far from her age.

"I know if you really can never like Nadia like you like Bianca, but at least respect her because she is also your daughter and she is still my child!" Nayla said, which made Arsa even more speechless.

The beautiful middle-aged woman was very angry and disappointed with her ex-husband because he had disappointed her so many times. Not only because of what he has done to Nadia but also many things that make Nayla hate her ex-husband even more.

"You still have a conscience or not?" Nayla asked in a rising tone.

"What exactly do you mean?" said Arsa who still doesn't want to understand how Nayla is feeling right now.