Not a second chance

While at the same time but in another place or rather in the hospital where Mina and Marcel are being treated. There were Mark and Siska who were taking care of their return from Mina and also Marcel. They had decided to take Mina and Marcel to stay at their house for a while.

They had also discussed all this together with Rafandra and Rafandra also didn't mind at all about the decision that had been taken by Mama and her brother. What's more, Rafandra also really wants to live with a complete family, namely with papa, mama, and also his brother.

Even though it had to be in a situation like this, it seemed that fate would not wrongly give way so Rafandra and his family also didn't mind at all if they had to accept Mina too to enter their lives.

"Thank you, Auntie, for helping Mina very well. Mina doesn't know what to reply to Auntie, even for now Mina is very ashamed of what Mina has done," said Mina, who is now standing in front of Siska.