It's worth the wait!

I rode back home in full speed and saw Leah walking slowly to the house with her friends by her side. I slowed myself when I saw her. After saying ' bye bye ' to her friends, she turned to me.

" So early? I saw you rushing with your cycle. Any dates?" She asked.

" What is it with you kido? Oh you are not a kido anymore, you are 25 right"

" I am five!" she replied with an angry face.

" Doesn't seem like it."

She is just five but once she opens her mouth, she is twenty five. She is my sister so no wonder.

I went rushing upstairs to choose a perfect, casual dress for my date. Is it even a date? Ah, I don't know. I chose a blue hoodie which will perfectly go with my grey jean, then I combed my hair to the right. Ugh! No, I guess it's better if I leave my hair untouched. After changing my hair style to a messy one to look cool, I walked downstairs. Leah turned her head towards the stairs hearing the extra noise I made due to excitement.

" Will you break the stairs?"

I heard Aunt Kylie shouting from the kitchen.

" Yuck! Look at you, bleh." Leah widened her eyes in disgust and pulled her tongue out.

" What?" I asked.

" Blue doesn't suit....umm no I mean , no colors suits you, especially blue."

" Who are you to judge me?"

"I am your sister."

" No, we got you from the road side weeping in dirty clothes and covered in mud. Only because of 'my' kindness, I took you and brought you up. See, now you grew so much that you started to judge me." I replied.

She started to tear up and her eyes looked like a lost pup.

" Aunt Kylie." she cried out and ran to the kitchen.

" Aww baby, Lijah was just joking around .Why do you make this kid cry all the time and that too with a stupid lie? " Aunt yelled at me from the kitchen.

Without responding to that, I rushed up and changed to black hoodies because Leah just shattered my self confidence.

I rode to the deep blue lake, reached there by 3:30 and waited for Amanda. While waiting for her, I practiced myself talking to her.

It's 4o' clock , five and now six. She is still not here! The sun said bye but still she wasn't here to say hi.

I didn't have her number to call and check, so I waited another hour for her by the river side.

She ditched me, or maybe she is just busy. I made my mind accept that she is busy and got on my cycle to ride home.

Should I go check on her? Why not! I rode through her street, searching her house. That's when I noticed a board on the wall 'The Willsons '.

I think I found you, 'Amanda' !