" Lijah, I need to get back home, right now." She shouted.

I could see the tension and confusion in her eyes.

" Slide down the hill!!." I spoke.

She looked at me with an excited look and held my hands tightly.

" In 3 2 1 " I counted.

Both of us slid down the hill by screaming loud. It was so fun, but still I know that things are going to get worst once we reach her home.

She jumped on to the cycle and shouted " Fast!" .

I cycled as fast as I could. As it was night and a small street, vehicles were less and thus it made the cycling easier and smoother.

Along with the fast cycling, I asked her, " Did you take the kiss seriously? Like, did you feel like the kiss was the beginning of something beautiful?"

" Yes, it did feel epic and I loved it."

I was extremely delighted and satisfied with her reply. Very soon we reached her house gate.

" Should I come in or will it make things worse?" I asked her.

" Don't you step inside my house, you spoiled kid." I heard a harsh masculine voice from the side of the gate.

" O-h da...d." Amanda spoke nervously.

Her dad was staring at me as if I killed his daughter.

" Didn't you get any other boys to date other than this orphan psychopath." He shouted by giving me a death stare.

Of course his words stabbed me straight through my heart. It was painful!

" Dad! Don't talk to him like that." Amanda shouted back at her dad.

That's when a lady, most probably her mom, came running out of the house.

" Oh dear, you are back!" She exclaimed with relief.

" You were out with a boy?" Her tone changed as soon as she saw me.

" Oh isn't this that kid who was admitted in the mental hospital?" Her mom widened her eyes and asked with a disturbed look.

Amanda looked at me staggered.

"Mom, stop! This is Lijah not some.."

Before she could finish, I started,

"Yes Ma'am. Iam 'that' boy' and I'm sorry for what just happened."