' YOU MAY' gone wrong

I took my phone immediately and tried calling her. All the calls ended up in voicemails.

Pick up the fucking phone Amanda! I rushed down the stairs to head to her house.

I opened the front door and heard some tiny voices from below.

" Hello Leah's brother, can we take Leah to the park?"

" You may, Leah's friends." I replied and rushed out.

I took my cycle and rode as fast as I could to her house. Finally, I reached her house and got off from the cycle only to see her dad washing his car right in front of me.

" You again? What are you doing here? You know what, I don't want to hear it, just get out." Her dad started with his shouting.

" Mr. Willson, I really need to talk to Amanda."

" How dare you say that to my face!!"

What a perfect time for my phone to ring. I took it out from the pocket and it was Aunt. I hung up and continued with Mr. Willson's drama.

" You have to understand me Mr. Willson, your daughter is in ..."

" Just shut up already. If you want to date someone then find some other girls, not my daughter you psychopath! She has a bright future ahead of her so stay away from her. You got it?"

Again it's aunt calling.

" Just hear me out. And then kick me out if you want."

" I don't need to hear you out to kick you out from my house and my daughter's life. You will make her life worse and I don't want that to happen to my daughter. If you love her then leave her alone."

Again my phone rang.

" Is it your second girlfriend calling? Guys like you give no value for relationships."

I picked up the phone finally.

" What is it Aunt? I'll be back home soon, so please hang up." I screamed and talked out all my anger.

" Leah got hit by a car. Where were you? How could you allow three kids to go out on the road all by their own? Do you want lose Leah too? "