Leah got hit by a car?!?

What did I just do? Am I losing myself? What was I even thinking?

I walked back to my cycle.

" Finally you got the point. Now, go away from here to somewhere you fit in, like a mental hospital." I heard her dad shouting from behind.

I rode back to the house and saw Aunt driving her car into the car porch.

I jumped from my cycle, making the cycle fall on the ground and I rushed to Aunt's car. I could see Leah lying on the back seat.

Aunt got out of the car with a medicine bag.

" Is she fine?" I asked.

Aunt didn't reply anything. I guess she is still mad at me.

" Aunt, I am so sorry. I was busy dealing with another issue."

" Oh is it? What is that issue which is more important than your sister's life?"

" Today there is a party at Sylas' and people will be using drug in there. My friend Amanda is also going to that party and I don't want her to do drugs and be manipulated by other boys ."

Aunt gave me a serious look.

" You got a girlfriend? Or is that your stupid explanation to excuse out of this?"

" Aunt, please believe me."

" I am done with you Lijah. You're just too dangerous for her, you're proving it again and again. Get out of my sight now."