Need to Sort it out

(POV Lijah)

I heard a knock on the door followed by a tiny little voice. I went and opened the door.

" Hello brother." She said and barged inside my room like a police officer coming in for a raid.

" What is it Leah? I am not in a mood for your craziness."

"Why did Amanda cry?" She asked. Maybe she saw her walking out.

"It's nothing Leah. And none of your business, so get out of my room."

" I will not, unless you tell me what happened?" She kept on asking.

" Which investigation movie did you watch?"

She is trying to imitate someone from some film she watched recently.

" I broke up with her." I said the truth.

She stared at me. Not any ordinary stare, it was a clear death stare with her mouth slightly opened.

" Why would you? First of, she was a gem. She was all you needed. She loved you, she cared about you and even me. She was so sweet to bring me my favorite candies and flowers. What is wrong with you?" She started to shout at me.

" You won't understand Leah." That's all I said.

" Oh my God! I can't believe you. Do you think you'll ever again get a girlfriend with that beautiful face of yours?" She said as she rolled her eyes and stepped out of the room.

" Your bad Mr.Lijah." She continued her talk down the stairs and I could still hear her murmuring.

" None of your business Miss Leah." I talked back and shut the door.

How Am I going to face her in the school? Was breaking up with her a bad decision? Ugh! I don't know.