

The next day I woke up and looked at the mirror.

Oh! I had to die!! Why are the cops not here yet? Did they just magically forgot to arrest me?!

I checked my phone and Lijah had replied,

' There is a solution.'

Am I in a different dimension or what?

I walked downstairs and everything was usual. Dad getting ready for office, mom packing his lunch, everyone seemed busy.

I got ready for school and pretended that this is a normal day. I took my cycle and rod to Virchys.

"Hey Aunt, where is Li?" I asked from the door.

"Amandaaa!!' Leah came running to hug me.

"Hello Leah." I spoke as she hugged my waist.

"Thank God you are back. Justice for my cheeks!." She spoke.

"I think he went early for school." Aunt said from the kitchen.

"Oh ok."

After waving a bye to Leah, I took the cycle and rod to school. My inner instinct told me that something was wrong. There were no cops at school too. What the hell happened to the cops? They got enough evidences and why are they still holding back?

I walked to the cafeteria and sat on 'our' bench, till the bell rang. He didn't show up!

" So kids, today was the submission day of your Project, 'Out of your Cz'. But, with all the pressure and tension, I thought to extend it to next week. I know you guys are in an emotionally volatile place lately, so try to be strong. I appreciate your efforts to bring back your friend Godwin. I heard about the search parties and all the other events. Keep it up guys!" He spoke.

Shoot! I totally forgot about that project. That is basically how we had a chance to know each other.

I frequently texted Lijah the whole day, but he neither saw nor replied to them.

"Hey Amanda." Lian came to my spot.

"Hi Lian." Saying that I smiled back.

"Who are you texting with?" He asked.

"Just my cousin!" I replied. After having a short conversation with him, the bell rang.

" Amanda Willson, to my office." An announcement was heard from the speaker.

I was literally sweating! It's finally my time to confess. I walked to the office, barely able to move my body.

The cops sat there, waiting for me.

"Amanda, where is Lijah?" The female officer who came earlier asked as soon as I reached the door.

"I don't know." I replied.

"You don't know? Spit the truth or go behind bars, your choice." The other officer spoke with a scaring voice.

I was in the edge of crying. What happened to Li?

"I am telling the truth. I rode to his house today and checked, he wasn't there. I thought he would be here, but he isn't. I really don't know where he is. He used to hide."

Now all I wanted was to find him, alone or with the officers.

"Used to hide? What do you mean." He asked.

"In the past, he used to go somewhere whenever he felt overwhelmed. But, he promised me that he'll stop it."

"Where did he used to go?" She asked.

"He never told me."

" Sir, we'll have to take Amanda with us for further questioning." He said to the Principal.

The lady officer handcuffed me and took me to the vehicle.

I was not a bit worried about going to prison. I just wanted to find him. I just wanted to know whether he is safe or not.

"Justin and Harry, I need you guys to go to Lijah's house and check his room thoroughly without living a single dust." He spoke as he drove.

I remembered his text which said, he found a solution. Fleeing away from people was his solution? What kind of a stupid idea is that! He won't do that, because, he know that I'll be in trouble if he plans to run away.

What if we came up with the same solution?