
"Deep blue lake." I blurted out.

" What?" The female officer asked.

"Drive to deep blue lake." I screamed.

"Calm down kid, what is it?"

"Please, with all the respect, drive to deep blue lake." I repeated.

All I could feel was a numb heart. Lijah, please be there!

He slowed the car as we approached the lake, and finally stopped.

I opened the door and rushed with handcuffs to the rock he always sits on.

I could hear them running and following me along with the sound of the lake.

He wasn't there, but his clothes were.

His shirt, watch and shoes lied scattered on the rocks.

I kneeled towards his clothes and held them in my hands.

" Li" I whispered.

" Li" I screamed out.

I sat there without moving a single muscle.

"Li" I screamed for the last time.

I felt like a thousand firecrackers were bursting inside me. It was painful. It was so painful. I need you, I fucking need you. 'I' was supposed to die, not you.

I wanted to shout his name again and again until he comes back, but I didn't have any voice left.

I looked at the expeditiously moving lake. You took away my brother and I forgave, but why Li?