

If there is a white board and small dot of black in that white board the eyes will only notice that small black dot even though there are many white spaces .

After the last goodbye to my friends. The school doesn't even feel like a school anymore. Isn't it funny the person whom you share the memories now are alive only in your memories.

"Stella!" "oh hey Carla where is Lucy?" I don't know i taught she will came with you?" "well but she hasn't i'll call her" I dialed Lucy's phone "hello "Lucy answered "hey Lucy where are you? shy aren't you in school we are waiting for you in front of the school's gate" "oh guys i cannot came to the school. I m not feeling well so I'm sorry" she hung up

"what did she say? Is she coming?" Carla asked me "no she is not she said that she is sick" "she is sick ah well what can we do lets go inside" the schools atmosphere was depressing. We passed thorugh the lockers. Elites, tony, Stacy, mike and James lockers were decorated by there's pic and flowers. Jordan the boyfriend of Stacy was crying and stacys friends were consoling him with tearful eye's natiella was looking at the lockers of mike she looked like she hadn't slept at all. I couldn't take it at all . I rushed to my class the bell also rang. i sited to my usual seat the seat of carla's me and lucy's.

the teacher came suddenly the class went silent. "i know that this is hard for you guys. but we cannot be stuck to the past forever. The more you grief and cry the more you will be stuck, we should let them all go I know it cannot happen in a day but try it" "and yeah we have a new student. Come on in Derek" derek the boy whom i accidently met for 2 days came in. well he did say he was about to came in my school. but i didn't took it so seriously . I hear some girl whispering about how hot he is "hey everyone my name is Derek Rae and i hope i can get along with you all' he smiled and looked at me. "omg stella isn't he the café guy he is looking at you" Carla said to me he again gave me a smile and waved at me. I can smell the jealously from the other girls. The teacher gave him the seat right across me . After the class was finished the guys came and invited him to the soccer. the girls hovered around him to introduce themselves.

but i find derek staring at me and replaying them i caught him staring at me he just smirked. and came to me i saw the girls frowning "well hello stella so good to see you again" "hey derek, good to see you again" "aum he-hello i am carla" "hey carls nice to meet you" this was the break time for the maths class i was in biology."aum stella which class are you in math's or biology?" "which class do you think i am in derek?" i smirked "i choose biology cause im also there" "well then lets go for biology class cause MR REM hates late comer in his class" carla is in maths so she went to the math class me and derek were going toward the biology class. Just then suddenly the mic spouts "miss carla and stella please came to the principal's room" "what why is the principal calling me?" "are you okay stella mind if i go with you?" "oh no derek i think it is not so serious you should go ad take your biology class its your first day i ll came fast" "okay but please take care " "yeah i will its not so serious"


stella and carla were sitting on the chair and in front of them were two policemen and MR Rivera

"miss stella and carla i know you must be wondering why i have called you here and why the policemen's are here? well dont be afraid they are just going to ask you some questions" Mr rivera nodded to the policemen "so miss can you both tell me when was the last time you saw your friend or best friend lucy?"

carla and stella both looked at each other and answered at the same time "the day before yesterday. In the cafe" now came to think at it i didn't saw lucy at the funeral "but why are you suddenly asking us about lucy? is everything all right?" the one old policeman said "Lucy is missing from yesterday" "what nonsense is this?" carla shouted "calm down miss carla"

"how is lucy missing? i just called her this morning and she said she is sick maybe she is in hospital?" The two policemen shared a look at each other and the other one said "are you sure you called her miss stella?" "do you think I'm lying?" "no i know you are the daughter of our chief_" "my father being a chief doesn't have to do anything with me you can check my phone" i gave them there my phone. and i also played the phone recording conversation between me and lucys. "miss stella i need you to came to police office with me right now"

I was at the police office with carla she also got dragged alone with me. the police officer came and put a phone pieces wrapped at the plastic in front of me. We knew it right away that it was lucys phone. "this is the phone that we found yesterday at the down shore river. Well you said that you called lucy and you also did have proof. but the sim card of this phone is also here and it is also registered at the same number you called with this morning. Well it can also be possible that there are two simcard with the same number. Which only concludes that lucy had two sim with the same number or someone had lucys sim with the same number to make it seem like she had runaway by her own will or it can be something else"

"but who will do this to her and why?" carla asked "well don't know. stella please call lucy again?" i called lucy she picked up i gave a look at the policemen. "hello lucy" "hello stella" the policeman gave me the sigh to continue the talk. the phone of lucy was being traced down. "hey lucy i wanted to ask you if you want to go to shopping with me? tell me where are you? i ll pick you up?" "stella you are in class right?" a chill run through my spine "yea-yes i 'm bored as hell and i m thinking to ditch my class" "you never ditched your class" the policeman grabbed my hand "keep talking" he whispered "come-on lucy you also never used to ask this much questions too" i was in a police van. the call of lucy was being traced "and yeah do you know that the hot guy whom we saw at the café is in our class" i talked many weird stuff just to take her time we went to a cabin inside of the jungle she hanged up on me without replaying back at me "she hunged up" "the policeman opened the door and ordered other policemen to surround the cabin and opened the door.

what i saw there was......!!