

A pink scarf which was laying in the top of the chair along with a key. Lucy was nowhere to be found. A message popped up on my phone by lucy (YOU LIED! if you wish to see me do not involve others).

"Argh! we have been fooled" the policeman hits the chair and looks at me "its like they knew that we were tracing there location" "well if you guys had done your work in a nice way maybe this wouldn't have happened" i scoff , The police man glares at me "so you mean to say that we are useless huh only if your father had listened then this wouldn't had happened miss"

"what do you mean?" "and how dare you? to blame my father for all this" "We are sorry miss? he is just frustrated. sir please, miss I'll drop you home now" "what about carla? drop me school "

"Jake will drop her, and Pete you don't need to drop her or anything I'll drop her" he then wishers something in his hair the Pete guy nods and leaving me with this arrogant policeman.

the policeman faces me " miss stella i will drop you to home" "drop me to school" "well do you have some nice portrait pictures of you i guess you must have many? " "what?" "unless you want your portrait on the grave go home not school because its already 5pm" he comes closer on my face "is someone waiting for you at school?" "My books and my bag is waiting for me" "hah okay then first ill take you to reunite with your books and then ill drop you to your home"

Stella and the policeman are in the police car. This wasn't the first time stella is in a police car. Its her 3rd time. she looks at the policeman who's focus is on the road " My name is liv" "huh" "my name its liv you've been gazing on my face like you want to poke a hole in my face by your stare " I would love mess your nice face off" shoot she taught I called his nice face. "well I have heard that a lot " "what that people want to poke your face?" "No that I have a nice face" he smiles at her the again gives his eyes to the road. The road is dewy with fog its getting dark. Suddenly the car stops a truck has blocked the road. The truck was parked in such a way that no vehicles could pass through the road "this stupid , stay here ill go and check"

liv goes out , Stella's phone gets a message

("hey its derek, where are you?)

("I'm coming home, i am with this policeman he is dropping me home")

("who is he? it is getting late ) he calls her

"hello" "stella isn't it getting late tell me you location I'll pick you up from there" "don't worry derek a truck has blocked our way and you probably wont know my way since you are new"

"I can ask carla, geez you can't trust him he sounds sketchy everyone in this town is sketchy"

"well yes i cant argue over that ill tell you everything-" "gosh what my battery just dies ugh take about the situation" i get out of the car and head toward the truck .

I can't see liv "liv....! where are you?" now this shit is getting scary "liv I swear if you are playing joke on me then " stella is standing alone the place is getting dark and more fogy.

"stella" she turns and sees liv "i think i told you to stay in car " "well i can't where were you leaving me alone in this place don't you know i was so scared! where the hell were youu!!-" he puts his hand on her mouth "i was trying to find a way out i was just there talking to the locals" "hmmumm" he leaves his hand out of her mouth "locals do people also live in this hunted looking place" "well take a look the side" i looked at my side way there were like 3 4 houses ."now shall you get out of here" i nodded yes.

we are once again in the car with this awkward silent . I m thinking about the way to break the silent by playing some music. "lets play some music" he says and turns on the radio "uh!" a lady's moan gets played he shuts the player off. I'm holding off my laughter by putting my hand on mouth and looking out the window. "sorry for that" I burst out my laughter. "what the hell? is this on a police car" i am still laughing. Liv is smiling too holding him back "ahem this is not my personal car, your dad also uses this car" "my dad doesn't listens to this all exploiting sounds" talking about my dad why hasn't he called me yet? he didn't even tried to call me or maybe he is now but my phone is dead. "stella?" "yes" "could you please keep this all stuff a secret especially from your dad and mom" "why? " "please just do it. please" "okay" "thank you I'm sorry for being rude at you i shouldn't have done that" "its okay i forgive you" he smiled after hearing that. Well he isn't that bad and he has a cute smile.

i didn't even noticed that we arrived at my house i was so engaged to speaking with him that i dint even noticed it. It felt weird to say goodbye "okay then i hope we can speak to each other more " he said "well i guess . hey what about my books?" i gave him a questioning look "ops i m sorry" "its okay you are forgiven for twice " i get off the car and looked at him "good night liv" "good night miss stella" I went inside my home and while i was closing the door he waved me good bye I waved back and then I went inside. "mom dad" no one was at home probably they are in meeting or some since I'm familiar with all this events. I charge my phone in my room and heat up some soup. It was currently 8:34pm I remembered about carla and called her form my home telephone.

her mom picked up and informed me that carla is sleeping she asked me if she should wake her up but i just told her to let her sleep. Mom and dad also came mom was really tried she didn't even speak with me as for dad he asked me if everything was okay today i told him yes and hide every stuff that happened today.

today was really hectic i opened my phone and called derek and we talked for an hour and i told him everything about stella and the message. he told me to rest assure and he promised me that he will keep this all a secret. He asked me if he can drop me tomorrow school. "but you don't even know my address or do you?" "Actually i know " "how ? wait this is scary" "your friend trix gave me your address no she basically showed me" "oh okay then ill be looking forward to tomorrow I'm so tried" "good night stella sleep well and know that I'm always with you" "good night derek"

stella slept after that thinking that this day has just ended but the night is still long. And this night is not going to let her sleep.

someone knocked at Stella's room window she sees a tall figure in her window. She was about to scream when the figure flashed a light and showed itself.

"liv!" stella goes and opens her window liv comes in her room "what are you doing here?" she whispers.