Racial evolution, bloodline, and physique ranks

[Ranks for mortals]

For any of these ranks to take full effect, all the three(Racial evolution, bloodline, and physique), have to reach the full power of said rank, otherwise, the power will never be 100%. With one-30%, with two-70%, and with all three-100%

For those curious, these three parameters basically represent one's talent as a whole aside from being what they are. Also, the descriptions are more about how the person instinctively feels(Similar to how you just feel hungry) rather than what they are, though the way they react to such feeling, that has to do with their personality and character. Will you be swayed by the instincts and become arrogant, or resist and make full use of your newfound potential?

No rank: You're just another average Joe, yup, life do be like that at times. For those that exude no special treats or none worthy traits.

Mutated: Your talent is nothing to scoff at, if others had half of it they would be geniuses in their own right, but you are a prodigy, one most can not match. For those that show traits that can have the power to affect a whole city. It has three stages.

Aberrant: It's weird, you don't feel like others can keep up, but it's not like you're invincible, though you're pretty sure nobody on the same level could ever harm you. For those that show traits that can have the power to affect a whole country. It has two stages.

Abomination: You are not like the other mortals, you're just built different, you're above it, and if anyone disagrees let's see if they dare check you. For those that show traits that can have the power to affect whole continents. It has two stages.

Monstrosity: Who needs divinity?! Not you! Because you can blow up planets just fine without it! So who cares! Fuck the Gods and their bullshit! You'll just make your own rules and show everyone who's boss! For those that show traits that can have the power to affect whole planets. It has four stages.

[Divinity is required to go any further.]

[Ranks for Divinities]

Singularity: BOOM! BOOOMMM!BOOOOMMMM! Why is everything so frail?! Is there anything in this solar system that won't break with your mere presence? We shall never know. For those that show traits that can have the power to affect whole solar systems. It has three stages.

Lower Edritchty: Devouring planets for fun? Maybe you're just hungry, who cares, it's not like they can stop you. After all who would keep these galaxies in proper chaos(or order) if not for you?... For those that show traits that can have the power to affect whole galaxies. It has five stages.

Cosmosity: Of all the cosmic beings, who is the greatest? You! Who makes the universe into their bitch and still has time to appreciate some good time? You! This universe shall know its place so long as you exist. For those that show traits that can have the power to affect whole universes. It has two stages.

Higher Edritchty: You are the nightmare of all the existences below you, the mere speculation of your presence will bring their instincts to fear. For those that show traits that can have the power to affect whole multiverses. It has three stages.

Virtuality: Are you real? Who knows... Who could know? Does it matter?... You are now a being that isn't quite a part of the 'story', but you're still there. For those that show traits that can have the power to affect whole Omniverses. It has ten stages.

Fantasy: A thought, an idea, a dream... you are the embodiment of the whole 'genre', a being that has long shown traits that have the power to go beyond the 'story'. It has infinitely many stages.