Chapter 4:Talented Leonas and Horny Serenity*

Last chapter I got so worried with other things that I forgot to put the images of how Serenity looks, I already added them and I'll put them here again. Call me out on it if I forgot.

Also, only a small part at the end is hony. T-T

(Image here)


"Holy!... This makes no sense!" Leonas was shocked looking at his status and seeing his unreasonably high arsenal of abilities. It seemed as someone had handed him the sword on the stone and just told him 'You have the overpowered sword, now you just have to learn how to use it. You can't possibly fail at this right?', but looking at the unreasonable amount of options, He felt as though it was too much in a sense since there was no way he could organize filter through it all and then still remember what exactly each skill did.

Not that he wasn't happy to know he has great potential in him, but he has to find a way to filter and properly use it. This became his main concern in regards to his abilities, but right now he had other things to take care of. Not only was an aroused Sera trying to eat him alive, but he also had to deal with taking control of his Incubus abilities, cause as useful as they were on his quest for the supreme harem, it would be very inconvenient to just have people around him suffering from those effects constantly, especially if men were also affected, just thinking about it made Made Leonas nauseous. A man who despite becoming a Futa, still saw himself as a completely heterosexual man, only attracted to women.

"Fide, is there a way for me to deactivate, seal, or turn off my Intrinsic skills' sub-skills?" Leonas asked after having come to a conclusion.

[Yes master, it is possible to do so to any of your skills, though the same wouldn't apply to arts, magic, titles, and as such. Would you like to do so?] Fide quickly gave a response almost exuding happiness.

"Yes, except for the Immortality, and adaptability, but instead of fully deactivating, sealing, or turning them off, I want to put them in a dormant state. Basically, from then on, every time I reach the appropriate level of control with any of them or would be considered to by learning a new skill.

That way it is easier for me to familiarize myself with these skills. If I have too many powers and too much choice all of the time, I'll stay a jack of all trades, master of none, and that's not what I wish for. I will become the Omni-Harem Overlord Absolute embodiment, and everything it represents, though I'll just go by Omni-Harem King. As such it would sully my name to not even master all my abilities." Leonas was decided on this front.

[Yes master... The progress is complete. Your abilities are still available though dormant and you can still awaken them and use them whenever you want. The difference is that if you awaken them through training or practice, they will be registered as full-fledged skills, and no longer we sub-skills, meaning that they can become even stronger. Plus doing so increases your talent which makes it even easier to master the skills.] Fide reported to him.

"Good. Now take Serenity back to my domain. I'll talk with her when I'm back. It's not interesting if my aura just got out of control. Besides, if the effects of my aura are as strong as I think in the long run this will have a strong impact on her. Hehehe." Leonas ordered Fide and Serenity was immediately transported back to the domain.

"Now, let's take control of my powers before I break into the party. First, let's start with my magic." Leonas immediately decided to see what he was capable of with his powers.

In his surroundings, there were multiple trees, bushes, the typical Florestal vegetation. It wasn't cold nor hot it was more humid and the sun wasn't that high in the sky as it was afternoon. The forest was rather silent and not a soul besides Leonas could be seen in the vicinity. He then began to meditate and focus on his surroundings as he could feel the Ethernano in the air, it being the mana or magical energy of the fairy tail, one that is highly powered and or affected by the mage's feelings. After that, no results in controlling it could be felt for a while, so he decided to look at himself first and understand his new body through meditation. Which turned out to be more fruitful.

Leonas soon discovered that he not only has a magic core in him, which is called an origin in the fairy. The interesting part about this discovery was that his magic core had many other smaller cores in it, in an internal circuit of sorts, and aside from that his magical core was connected to another circuit, this one being external and expanding all throughout his body.

It was as if he was in a way built to be a mage, as there were paths, connections, and points that seemed to be able to channel many, he didn't know how he knew he could feel it. There were even many points in his body that had nothing to do with magic and seemed to be for something else and using his knowledge of anime, Leonas deduced that these are chi points to control aura instead of Ethernano, but right now that was not something he was interested in meddling in, as he still had a lot to focus on.

[The skill Inner Reading(Common) has been acquired.]

[The skill Inner Reading(Common) has evolved into Inner Reading(Epic)]

[Inner Reading: The power to read one's own status. User can read/view the complete status of themselves, allowing them to see any/all powers/skills, stats, level, overall health, flaws, etc. they possess. This can allow the user to uncover such things as their inner selves, being, and hidden potential/talents.]

Leonas opened his eyes and felt completely different from before, it was as if he had had this body for ages. He immediately got up and began shadow boxing throwing some hard punches before trying kicking and a series of different moves and as he did so, he began to focus on in his inner self and use his again while he was doing flying kicks and all types of moves.

[The skill Inner Reading(Epic) has evolved into Inner Reading(Ultimate)]

As Leonas was shadow boxing and focusing on himself, he finally found what he was looking for.Yhe space around him went from a forest, to a space of infinity purplish darkness, and then a young woman with a generous chest, wearing a tight black T-shirt and a brown jack over it with black swag pants to boot. Yes, it was Leonas.

"You got here too quickly... You're not ready to tame your inner beast yet. You should just focus on collecting hot babes for now." Inner Leonas said immediately as it saw Leonas.

"How strong is it?" Leonas asked seeing his inner self worried.

"Five times faster than you, that's how fast it's growing... Though we both know you haven't tried yet. Now seriously, I recommend waiting until it's stronger so you can adsorb it and reap all the benefits of its hard training." Inner Leonas said with a mischievous smile.

"Great minds think alike... Though we are the same. Anyhow, I came here to fuse with you so that my soul, mind, and body become one, and I can reach the next level of control over my body." Leonas wasn't surprised after it was him.

"Fine, just don't do anything stupid and ruin our plans." Inner Leonas commented before walking towards Leonas and slowly but surely disappearing into him.

[You have leveled up to level 5.]

[The skill Inner Reading(Ultimate) has evolved into Inner Reading(Perfect)]

Just as that happened everything around Leonas changed as the space went from an empty dark purplish place to a mansion with an enormous garden and even a sky was now present. Then beside the mansion rose a tower that pierced the sky.

[The skill Inner world(Common) has been acquired.]

[The skill Inner world has evolved into Inner world(Unique)]

[Inner world: The ability to have an inner world with themselves. The user possesses an inner world within themselves; a metaphysical or spiritual internal world within the user that acts as inner nexus/matrix system that is defined and made by the user's inner nature, thoughts, emotions, imagination, memories, beliefs, values, desires, and more, a very special world that is a part of the users as the byproduct of everything that is and lives within the users rich with wonders and dangerous that affects both the user and said world.]

[The skill Mindshifting(Perfect) has been acquired.]

[Mindshifting: The ability to have full control of one's own mind. The user has direct and total control over their mental structure, being able to manipulate at will their own emotions, sensations, perceptions, consciousness, memories, personality and everything connected to their brain and mind granting highly advanced capabilities. This allows both optimal efficiency and maximal comfort in all situations while preserving the user's ability to feel sensations and emotions. This ability also grants the user complete immunity to mind-altering abilities.]

"One down, only one to go, but I'll let that one do the training and come harvest later." Leonas said as he opened his eyes and was once again in the forest but now surrounded by destruction. Threes were cut down left and right, making the peaceful forest look more like a battle sight, but the cuts weren't natural, they all looked clean as if made by a high leveled swordsman.

Another thing that Leonas noticed looking around was that he no longer saw things as before, the world had become similar to how his inner space looked at first, the difference being that could see the trees and leaves as if they were transparent.

[The skill Penetration Vision(Perfect) (Transparent World variant) has been acquired.]

[Penetration Vision(Transparent World variant): The power to see through living organisms. The user can see through practically living organisms and perceive the world around them as if it was in slow-motion, thus dramatically increasing their movement speed and reflexes.]

[The skill Clear mind(Perfect)(Selfless state Variant) has been acquired.]

[The skill Clear mind(Selfless state Variant): The power to possess an entirely clear mind. The users can completely erase their presence from the battlefield, completely getting rid of their fighting spirit/will to fight, bloodlust, anger, hatred, malevolence, drive, and animosity.]

Leonas wasn't even surprised at this point, as he didn't know what to think of his ability to gain skills with such ease, it's not even funny or at least he believes.

Not being one to like wasting time with such thoughts Leonas immediately started focusing on his Ethernano again but this time he easily found its flow and expanded it to the surroundings before comprising it black onto his body.

[The skill Ethernano manipulation(Perfect) has been acquired.]

[Ethernano manipulation: The power to manipulate Ethernano. Users can create, shape, and manipulate Ethernano, a magical form of life energy highly connected to one's emotions. It is also an impersonal source of energy that is both external and internal, existing in people, places, and objects, and can be transmuted by the user into magical powers that yield upstanding results in both practice and combat.]

[Master, it's almost unbelievable how you're instantly mastering all these skills like it's nothing. Though you might want to slow down a bit. Your level is a representation of your body and soul's potential, meaning how much power it can hold. You were already at the limit before, but making all those dominant helped, and now that you level up you can handle more, but if you don't pay attention to your level you won't be able to take more skills and even damage yourself.] Just as Leonas was going on a skill acquiring spree, Fide came in with unexpected news.

"How so? I had many more skills at work before... Unless... Are you implying that Skills and sub-skills have a different rule set when it comes to this?" Leonas was at first confused but then came up with a possibility.

[Precisely Master! When you were a level 1 you could hold 10 skills of which you had 7. Now as a level 5 you can hold 14 skills of which you have 13 right now. Whoever you can have as many sub-skills as you would like since they count as part of the main skill. The disadvantages are that if the main skill gets blocked so do all its sub-skills, as well as the fact a sub-skill cannot outgrow its main skill in power. To put it simply even if a skill has the potential to evolve beyond if it's a sub-skill, it is limited to the limit its mother skill has. Last but not least important, if the mother skill gets stolen, sealed, or blocked all its sub-skills and the progress made with them will be gone as well, if required the progress with the sub-skills will be reset. Plus only intrinsic skills have sub-skills.] Fide explained.

"I'll keep that in mind. But now, I need to know in which country of Ishgar I am. So, that I can plan my course of action." Leonas took note of the information given before focusing on what was ahead.

(AN: I couldn't find anything useful about Dragnof's location aside from the fact that it existed in the eastern side of Ishgar nor is there information about how the map used to look, so I'll just make up a bunch of stuff. My fic my rules.)

[Master, You are in Dragnof, Somewhere in between what would be the Pergrande Kingdom, Iceberg, and Bellium. More specifically you are in a place known as the forest of the great dragon. The capital of Dragnof, Draku is a week's walk North from here. 3 days, if no stops to rest or do anything else, are made. At least that would be the case for an average human, with your current capacities, if you run at your maximum speed, you could get there in 40 minutes if no stops are made, and in 1 and a half with proper resting periods in between.] Fide gave a detailed estimate of things.

"Wait, how far is Draku from here?" hearing Mitz's calculations, Leonas got curious about the actual distance.

[It is approximately 400km(248.5 miles) from here.] Fide happily responded.

"..... Wait, how fast can I run at max speed?" Even though Leonas knew he was no longer a human, he still viewed things from a very human perspective as he hasn't been here for even a day yet. Though it was getting closer to nighttime by now.

[Master should be capable of moving at approximately 170 meters per second at maximum. You shouldn't worry as such a feat isn't as unbelievable as it would be if not under 'anime logic'. The laws that govern these worlds, while very similar to you're previous' at times, are nonetheless very different.] Fide reported.

"Let us move before I start questing the physics of anime, as that never ends well." Leonas then began moving at full speed while following, Fide's instructions.


In a luxurious room with walls full of red and golden, on a king-sized bed with purple mattress laid Serenity, she was now in what was Leonas' room.

"That bastard, just leaving me here in this state... The only time I needed him to be a horny idiot and he does this!... And why does this room smell like him if he's never been here!!!" Serenity was obviously not a fan of her current predicament and she had been fighting her desire to relieve herself in hopes that Leonas would come back and their undo it or take responsibility, but neither of those happened, he just left her hanging, 'how could he?!' she thought as she finally gave in to her desires.

She quickly slid her hands between her legs and began to lower her underwear before moving her dress out of the way. Her hands moved hesitantly still in hopes the doors would suddenly open with his return, but they never did, 'What a bastard' she thought as she began to play with her pussy, 'But I can't stop thinking about him right now, cursed Incubus physiology!' with a mix of both anger and lust for one person, she continued to please herself.

She unconsciously rubbed her clitoris harder, building in the bodily fluids and making it easier to use her fingers to her this carnal plague that was slowly consuming her. She through every moment of it, she simply couldn't get his image of him out of her mind.

She craved for him and no amount of denial would change these feelings, she wanted it, she wanted him to just take her and make her his. But there was a side of her that couldn't let herself go that easily, a part that was happy Leonas did not take advantage of her current state as she wouldn't have tried to stop him if he wanted to, she would have indulged in the movement only to later when sober felt that, it wasn't how she wanted things to go, she was a hopeless romantic type and needed attention and time. Not that it mattered right now as she plunged her fingers into herself with her mind drowning in him deeper every second like a never-ending cycle of descent into madness.

At the mercy of these thoughts, she furiously fingered her pussy that was already at waterfall levels of wet. Her moans were loud and she didn't care to contain them, since nobody but the doll maids were in the mansion and they couldn't enter this room without permission, so why contain them? She writhed and squirmed bonding the bed and creating a squeaking noise that grew louder, as she buried her fingers into her pussy. Sera then moved her other hand to her chest area before uncovering her breasts and taking hold of her nipple.

She could feel it was getting closer to the time of bliss and freedom, the moment where she could finally get free, but the image of Leonas kept popping up almost overwriting her other thoughts, as she speed up her fingering and got rougher on her nipple.

She felt her pussy tighten and stiffen, as an enormous joy overcame her as waves of pleasure and ecstasy flooded her entire being as she hurled her head back and let her back fall on the bed as she had the greatest orgasm she could have asked for while thinking of her son to be husband.

"LEONAS, YOU FUCKIN JERK!" She groaned as she washed the bed's sheets with the scent of her juices straight from her flaming cunt.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

She breathe heavily but soon recomposed herself only to discover that this wasn't the end of her ride in the sea of desire.

"Why won't it go away?!... Do I have to do it again?... But what he comes back?... Whatever, it's not like I can do anything about this, I could've at least asked to keep some of my divine powers... How naive of me... Leonas, just come back already... Frikin idiotic dumbass..." Those were her words of frustration, care, and need before she was eventually lost to the carnal trip.