AN:Once again, there's not much information about this era, so I'll just add my own canon to it. Soooo, don't be surprised if there are differences from the canon.
In the Kingdom of Dragnof, humans, and dragons coexist in a rather peaceful scenery with both sides happy with it being what it is, though there is a minority from both sides which is dissatisfied. Some humans simply don't trust dragons believe that they are monsters that sooner or later will bring about the end of humanity, while on the dragon side of things, there were dragons that viewed humans as an inferior race, unworthy of having such a close relationship and live with them as if they had the same standing.
These feelings came from a small minority in the grand scheme of things, but they were still there and contributed to the tension that had been forming between the two races after the return of the Sage dragon Belserion, who came from the western continent after completing its mission of scouting the area. Its report of the situation was alarming and brought with it bad news, as It had discovered that dragons on the west side were more aggressive than the ones on the east, even going so far as eating humans. The worst part was that they were great in number and were headed towards dragnof, something that would bring about a terrible war and ruin the connection between dragons and humans leaving it in shambles along with the country that believed in coexistence and its people of said country.
All of this information was reported to the correct ruler of Dragnof, Irene Belserion, who is also the one Belserion the sage dragon serves and has sworn to protect with his life. Irene had a political marriage with a man named Rung Tudberg, which was a general from Iceberg. There was political tension between the two while of the neighboring countries Bellium stood neutral as it had the protection of Pergrande due to having a treaty formed around its vast mineral richness, and Pergrande wasn't interested in what it considered to be scuffling among small countryside forces. Aside from dragons, Dragnof had little to offer and it wasn't the only country that had them, but it was one of the countries that currently had the best relationship with its dragons.
In the capital of Dragnof, Draku, Irene was currently having a meeting with Belserion and her husband. They only had 2-3 months before the dragons of the west reached them and caused havoc.
Irene was a tall, voluptuous woman with straight Scarlet hair. She had a bang braided on the right side. Her black top has a diamond-shaped opening, exposing a portion of her breasts, and a heart-shaped pattern around the borders. She also wore handless gloves that went from her forearm to the middle of her arm. On the bottom side, she was wearing a tribal-like skirt that reached her feet, while thigh-high black boots with heels covered said feet.
While Rung was a middle-aged man with long, dark hair, droopy eyes, and a small goatee. He wore armor most of the time, a habit most likely originated from his position as a general. His armor was a simple silver plate with a skirt on the lower half. He also carried a sword with him everywhere.
Belserion was a Dragon sporting features typical of its species: large, quadrupedal body build, sharp claws, tough beige scales, large wings, and a tail, with a smooth, armor-like underbelly. Of its draconian features, Belserion's most notable features were the exceeding amount of sharp protrusions on the various parts of its body: large tusks jut out from and curve around either side of his jaw; two large horns that stuck out from the back of his head; two long maxillary canines protrude from his bottom jaw; its chin was rather sharp; it had a horn on his snout; the scapulars of its wings also features large, spiked protrusions.
"So, I think we should just take refuge in Iceberg and let the dragons fight it out with no major consequences." Rung suggested with a confident tone despite having an expression that portrayed his inner death.
"What?! That would be no different than letting the dragons to die for us! We are not here to sacrifice anyone. We're all equal, dragons and humans, running away and abandoning it isn't something I can do... Though it isn't a bad idea to take humans and dragons less fitted to battle to Iceberg while the battle takes place." Irene responded surprised her husband would even suggest such a thing, before concluding that it could be something for them to use to save as many as possible even if Dragnof were to fall.
"How can you not see it?! These things will be the end of us?! And for what? Coexistence? That's a lie! They want to trample us and the moment it goes down, they'll show their true colors! Belserion might be on your side, but what can you accomplish with one dragon when hundreds if not thousands of them are coming for us. We must flee with our people immediately!" Rung was persistent and sure of his standing in this argument, showing an expression of almost disgust at the stubbornness of Irene.
"How can I not see? Not see what? All the accomplishments are only possible because of what call fake coexistence? The agricultural state of the country because we used our knowledge together with their magic, the products we always get in time from other countries because dragons help us transport them, the few, but still useful minerals we could trade with the neighboring countries because they helped us find them! And many other things! The two races have been working together for centuries now, and you want to throw all that away because you're afraid of the enemy? Are you not a general who led his man to victory in your country?! Are you just another spoiled noble who was given a title because daddy felt like bringing you up in life?!" Irene was furious at Rung's lack of respect for a legacy that was left in her care by her now-deceased parents, a legacy she wholeheartedly looks up to as she has seen all the good it did for her people.
"Who do you think you are, to talk to me like that woman?! I'm your husband and you should show me some respect! Those things you mentioned, are old accomplishments of a far past, we are far ahead now and should do what's best for us humans!! Wake up! Irene, you are the ruler, you must put your people first and foremost!" Rung continued to oppose the idea of fighting together for the country, as he believed it would be the end of them. He got closer to Irene and grabbed her by the shoulders before starting to shake her while shouting on her face.
Irene was trembling disturbed and disgusted at his maniacal behavior.
"ENOUGH! I have stayed quiet listen to you belittle those of my kind, for respect to Irene, as you're her husband, but I will not stay quiet as you abuse your possession. You might be correct in assessing that this will be a terrifying battle and like Irene, I believe it would be for the best to take those not apt to battle to a safer place, but you want to abandon those who has put themselves at risk in battle under an assumption?! Truly not all humans can be like the Belserion. Do what you want, but Irene is the ruler and very well capable of making her own decisions." Belserion, who was silent up until the moment spoke scaring Rung who let go of Irene and fell on the ground terrified of the dragon.
"Y-You! Have no r-right to interfere in my discussion with my wife! Is that not right Irene my love?" Rung was shaking and stuttering almost stumbling on his words.
"Leave Rung, we can talk later, but remember to not do anything rash, please." Irene was still clearly angry but more so disturbed by the whole situation.
"Are you seriously?!-" Before he could finish his sentence Rung was met with Belserion's stare ran out of the room.
"Your human political intricacies will forever stay a mystery to me, was it really necessary for you to marry such a man? Though I understand his ideas, I did not expect them to come from someone who was a general, and you mentioned previously had to lead his man to battle. What a-" Belserion was obviously insulted by Rung's claims and accusations, but was stopped as It ranted.
"Enough Belserion, Rung is not the priority right now, and his connection to Iceberg might be our best chance to save many... Besides... I already... Nevermind. I believe, that we will need as much help and power as we could possibly get, but we don't have great relations with any of the neighboring countries, and Iceberg has only offered us the bare minimum despite having of their generals here. Do you think we can really win, Belserion?" Irene was worried as things didn't seem to be in their favor if the report Belserion brought was correct, they would be vastly outnumbered even with the reinforcements Iceberg offered.
"We have to win. The connection between the two races is something that just like you, I wish to protect, and I will do so with all my forces and every lasting breath. The same way I swore to protect you." Belserion responded emanating with hope and determination.
"Ah... You truly are my guardian, I don't know why you always stand with us no matter what. Haven't you repaid your debt to my family by now? You've already done so much, that to me, I'm the one who's been in debt to you for a long time now." Irene expressed her feelings and couldn't help but be thankful to have such a loyal friend.
"No, the dept I have to your family will be there so long as I live. Your ancestor saved me in a moment and time when his actions were no different from heresy to humans, that act has always somewhat confused me, but now, working with you and being in such a situation, I think I'm starting to finally understand why he did it." Belserion's loyalty was unwavering and unmatched as it gave its side of things to Irene.
"I could not be more honored that you feel that way, that's why I think it's time I tell you about my plan... I have been thinking and studying, to find a way to increase our odds of victory, and after much time, I have found a way to imbue humans with dragon magic and give them the power to fight on the same level, humans who would have skin as strong as dragon scales, lungs capable of carrying and projecting flames, nail strong enough to rip through iron, and bodies strong enough to fight toe to toe with a dragon, a magic that would turn a human into a Dragon-Slayer!" Irene told Belserion of her plan, the plan that created what would in the future be known as Dragon slayer magic, one of the most powerful ancient magics if not most powerful, in the fairy tail universe.
After this moment, Irene would become the mother of all dragon slayers and the first human to have the power to kill dragons with her own two hands.
"So, this was the reason why you suddenly called for a meeting?" Belserion asked.
"No, I called upon this meeting, cause the scout dragon caught wind of a woman moving at high speed in the direction of Draku. She doesn't seem to carry any type of insignia or emblems in her body to indicate which country she has alingence to, so we have no idea what she could possibly want, but Eamer, the scout dragon, referred that she had a strong aura of Ethernano and that it wasn't for he wouldn't have been able to detect her until she was close enough to do so with sight. Then Rung deviated the conversation to talk about his views on what kind of preparations we should make for the upcoming war and one thing led to another." Irene explained before sighting at the thought of Rung.
"I see, that is indeed suspicious... Perhaps one of the mainland countries caught wind of the situation and send in one of their officials to give us an offer of some kind. Anyhow, I believe we should wait and see what affiliation this woman has, before deciding how to act on it." Belserion gave its opinion on the matter after thinking about it.
"Yes, I'm of a similar opinion, but I actually wanted to go and meet them personally before they can reach Draku which according to Eamer shouldn't take more than 20 minutes, but after our little meeting we should have something around 3 minutes." Irene put another possibility on the table.
"20 minutes... and now 3 minutes? How far was this human when Eamer found her? Is she in some type of vehicle?" Belserion was surprised and confused.
Irene then explained the whole situation, and just she had finished, someone knocked on the door.
"Who is it? We are in the middle of an important meeting, if it isn't of urgency, please wait until we are done." Irene said.
"Your majesty! I bring a report of the scout dragon, Eamer, he started that your Majesty asked for this and that it is of high urgency!" A young man could be heard from the other side of the door.
Irene looked at Belserion before sighing and saying. "It seems we wasted too much time. You may come in and make your report!"
The door then opened and the young man made his report that the young woman stopped at a village, that was not too far from Draku known as the Conte village. This was good news for Irene and Belserion, as they continued to talk before undergoing the process of giving Irene her dragon slayer powers then and there.
Once done with that, she told Rung about the situation, and he insisted on coming which she couldn't really refuse not that she wanted to, but someone had to stay behind as representative while they were out. After, a bit of back and forth, Rung decided to stay.
This then led to them getting back on the move, Irene flying on the back of Belserion. Only to meet said woman only a few thousand meters away from Draku. Belserion descended to meet the woman who stopped and was simply observing them.
She wore a brown coat with a fitted long-sleeved black shirt under it, while the lower half was white swag pants and some black boots on the feet. Her boobs were very emphasized by the fitted T-shirt making them seem even bigger than they already are, but the coat covered it from the sides so they could only be appreciated from the front. Yes, it was he, Leonas.
"You, who are you? And why are you coming to Draku at such high speeds?" Irene was serious and on defensive against this unknown woman, she was ready to attack Leonas if he made any suspicious movements.
"Declare your intentions, retreat or be prepared to face my wrath, human." Belserion announced as it looked down at Leonas with eyes full of intimidation but not kill intent or maliciousness.
"Hehehe, and here I thought Draku would be more welcoming of my arrival, but I do not blame you for fearing the unknown. I'm Leonas Kairo, The Omni-Harem King, a wanderer seeking adventure, power, and most importantly all the beauties of the world." Leonas calmly introduced himself with a soft smile that looked very charming on his female face.
"What?... Omni... Harem King?.. Leonas?.. What an absurd title! And what makes you think Draku has any of what you seek for, cause if you want the help of the dragons that will not come as simple as that." Irene responded increasing her level of wariness after the unknown woman said such ridiculous things.
Belserion was just as wary but would not move until the opponent showed any hostility.
"No, I don't need the help of your dragons, I'm doing just fine on my own, and to answer your other questions, yes, Draku has something I want." Leonas keep his calm and confidence not worried about what they could do in the slightest.
"And what would that be?" Irene who was on the defensive now changed to an offensive stance, as if saying that whatever answer Leonas gave would determine, if they attack or not.
Belserion was on the same wavelength as Irene ready to attack if the answer given alludes to danger for Draku.
"What else if not the Queen of Dragons herself would pick my interest? I am here for you, Irene Belserion." Leonas declared with an alluring smile.
Irene immediately blushed in frustration and embarrassment at the sheer nonsense behind that sentence not even knowing how to respond immediately after.
"Hahahahahaha! Irene, it seems your fame has reached far and wide to the point an admirer would go to this extent simply to declare themselves to you! Truly the world is indeed weirder than fiction. Hahaha." Belserion was amused to no end by this development that It would have never even considered, because of how unthinkable it was for something like this to happen.
"Belserion! Enough." The flustered Irene commanded as Belserion soon itself containing the laughter inside.
"I'm... Honored that you feel such a way about me, but I'm already married... And you're also a woman and I don't know how I feel about that... I must refuse your proposal but it was nonetheless quite courteous of you to come here personally, especially considering the current situation of Dragnof, if you don't mind telling us your affliction and nobility rank as well as showing your proof of nobility, we will find appropriate accommodations for you to stay for a few days. It is not advisable to stay here for too long as a war will soon take place." Irene responded still a bit shocked with the whole situation but she quickly regained composure as she was speaking and even offered to give shelter as long as Leonas could prove his nobility.
"Oh, I don't have nobility Ishgar and I'm not affiliated with any of powers here. Thus I can't really show it to you, but I do have a mansion that I can show you around if interested." Leonas said with a very obvious implication.
"Once again I would have to refuse, if you refuse to show proof of nobility, I can not help you. You can enter Draku, but if you cause any trouble you will be judged by our laws, please keep that in mind. I hope you enjoy your stay here." Irene responded before turning around to once again mount Belserion and leave, after seeing that Leonas did not seem to have malicious intentions albeit being a quite strange person. She even called herself a King, despite being a woman, but Irene decided to not pry as it is probably personal and honestly none of her business.
"Well, that was already within my expectations, but I assume you won't refuse my help in battle? I'm a quite powerful magician with magic that can harm even dragons quite easily." Leonas proclaimed.
Hearing those words Irene immediately stopped and turned around going from serious to curious. "Why would you want to help us? Even if what you say is true, what benefits could you garner from this?" Irene was now interested but she didn't let that get in the way of her thoughts process.
"Quite simply actually, one I get to spent more time with you, two I'll become your hero, and three I also believe in the coexistence between dragons and humans." Leonas said simple and clean.
Both Irene and looked Belserion at each other before looking at Leonas. Belserion was containing its laughter this time and Irene wasn't as shocked as the first time but still surprised by the persistence and nonchalant attitude.
"Hmph! If you are so capable, you wouldn't mind sparing with Belserion, would you?" Irene snorted before asking a question, with an obvious trap, she just wants to scare Leonas out of his 'act'.
"Of course not, that would be super easy, barely an inconvenience." Leonas accepted, not just because he wanted to show Irene he's the real deal, but it would also be a great chance to test his strength against a real opponent and dragon at that.
Irene was surprised to see Leonas calmly accept, wondering if he could really be serious or if he was just a foolish noble that didn't understand the world, this woman in front of her really intrigued her.
"Hahaha! You have guts human, I'll tell you that. Let us see how you fare in battle against me." Belserion was impressed by how calm Leonas was despite not believing this human woman would be all that strong, even so, she already had some of its, respect idiotic or not.
"Great, to make this more interesting, let's make a bet. If I win, Irene will have to owe me a date, if I lose, I'll make sure to call reinforcements to help Dragnof in the upcoming war. What do you say?" Leonas throw in something extra to make the most out of this simple sparring match.
Irene was once again skeptical of Leonas' words but didn't believe Belserion would lose, so in the possibility that this woman says the truth. It would be very beneficial to them. ".... fine, we'll take the bet. I'll be overlooking this sparring match, as for the rules, you must immobilize your opponent in place. But no lethal moves, trying to hurt or trying to dismember the opponent. Are you ok with these rules?" These rules were obviously made for Belserion and not considering Leonas.
"... Hm, I feel like those are fairly unfair, as I'm quite small when compared to a dragon, and you want me to immobilize him without hurting him? That would be quite tough." Leonas responded, as even if he's strong the difference in size made it hard for him to just immobilize a dragon, not that he couldn't but he doesn't want to let Irene through him at the corner like that, by making rules without even considering him.
Irene didn't get why Leonas was so confident in his victory, but she didn't bother bursting his bubble and simply complied after all it would indeed be unfair, or so she believed. "Yes, you are correct. Belserion, can you do me a favor, and take your human form?"
After Irene asked Belserion began shrinking from the dragon form into a humanoid one and soon became a full-fledged human woman with white wings on her back.
(Wait? Dragons can just do that in Fairy Tail?) Leonas was surprised by this but in the good senses as his list of possibilities only increased.