【Create Golem】 (2)

Hey, Shun here!

I'm really happy to be in a fantasy world but why is this turning into something like me begging to do hard labor? Is it just me?

Once I'm done with fortifying our dungeon, I'm really gonna start my fantasy adventure in earnest! No one's gonna stop me!

My dream fantasy adventure, here I come! Soon…


(Shun's POV)

Once I decided in my next course of action, I immediately followed through it after eating my breakfast. Rokuko and Tsuka are playing at the other side of the Master Room so I just left them alone and exited through the Dungeon Core.

By the way, Rokuko's core looks like a basketball sized sphere that's faintly glowing with light. It looks like a faintly glowing round rock from a bystander's perspective.

"Uhh… First, I need a shovel and some pickaxe to get some clay. I need them to make a golem…"

I leisurely walked towards a section of the five-meter wide path and began taking some clay out of this dirt wall using my shovel. There's no one inside this room since this is the path towards the fourth room, the place where we decided to put the Dungeon Core temporarily.

This path leads towards the third room — an empty room. Then, after that room is the second room where the bandits are imprisoned.

The size of these room are the average size of a bedroom so around 45-46 square meters. It's pretty wide if you're just gonna put a goblin on it but for me, it's pretty small.

After I'm done with my experiments with the Golems, I should try to make them widen this room a little more. Can I do that?

While I was digging, I called out to Rokuko and asked her if she could maybe fix the wall where I took the clay from. I actually saw the wall literally regenerate in a flash.

I'm actually really surprised. However, if we leave it alone, we could basically renovate the whole place.

"Alright, no point in dilly-dallying… [Create Golem]!"

I sent my mana flowing into the clump of clay I prepared. The mana formed circuits within it and morphed the clay into the shape of a person.

Perhaps thanks to the scroll, the image of a perfect golem arose in my mind… Well, it's actually a lot smaller than I expected, but that's fine.




Never mind! This is fine. Everything will be okay. I hope.

Obeying the instructions that were filling my mind, I kneaded the clay with my hands while pouring more mana into it. It didn't take long until the clay turned into a (somewhat small) human-shaped golem.

"This is definitely what the Golem I have in mind but… This is fine I guess?"

I had based its design on a pla-model that my previous self used to play with during his childhood. In short, this golem looks like a forty-centimeters version of Voltes Five.

Instead of joints to allow its movements, though, there was magic. Its body was made of clay instead of plastic.

Its movements were controlled by an embedded magic circle instead of being controlled by hand. It should have a magic stone powering it but… We didn't have any magic stones on the ready.

Oh well. We can just power it externally… The magic power floating around inside the dungeon's atmosphere should be good enough. After pouring more mana into it, the forty-centimeters-tall (mini) Clay Golem was complete.

『Wow! What's that…? A golem…?』

While I was busy building the golem, it looks like Rokuko and Tsuka was finished playing and peeked on me through the dungeon's monitor. What's with all the question marks though?

"What's with all the question marks?"

『Well, golems are usually way bigger than an adult human! I'm pretty sure we would need to make a lot more than a hundred of these for the scroll to pay for itself.』

"You're right. I searched through the Monster Catalog and saw that a Golem costs 100 DP? Should I make one that's as big as Golem-sensei or something?"

『I don't know who Golem-sensei is but you should definitely make it a lot bigger than that…』

"Alright, copy that."

Since I wanted to know more about the Golems before making more of them, I decided to order this Golem I first made around for now. Let's see what happens.

First, I made it start gathering clay for me in the nearby cave. That would help me save a lot of time. Then, I told it to bring the clay back to me.

Since crafting needs a lot more dexterity than my current self, I transformed to my avatar in [OSO] 'Syunpo Panda'. Using the remaining clay, I molded a bigger version of Voltes Five(small). This time, it's around 6ft tall.

While I was doing this Voltes Five(Human-sized), the Voltes Five(small) suddenly came back carrying some clay that fitted its small hands. As it dumped the clay near me, it turned back once again and began gathering clay once again.

『See that? Golems sure are dumb, aren't they? It didn't even pick up the shovel or the pickaxe near you. It would make his job sooo much easier.』

No, you're wrong Rokuko. What I saw just now is something revolutionary.

"Nope. You don't know what you're talking about, Rokuko. I'm basically speechless and shocked by the vast potential golems have. I wonder what faces the scientists would make once they saw how these Golems performed orders…"

Rokuko must have been thinking something like "Golems can't do anything complicated!", but that was way too narrow of a mindset. If you think about it, "start gathering clay then bring it back to me" is a pretty complicated order on its own.

Robots in my predecessor's world couldn't even do anything like that. Heck, these golems are so much better than even the robots we have in my current home dimension!

To make a robot do something like that, you'd need to first teach it how to mine a wall in the first place from the ground up. Not only that, but telling them "go here" wouldn't work. You'd have to tell them exactly how many steps to take, and even how to move their legs.

They wouldn't stand up on their own if they fell over, and if they hit a wall on the way there, they'd keep walking into the wall forever. But with magic, all I had to do was say "Go here and mine some clay from that wall." Golems were amazing.

If I was a tech geek, I would probably be bawling in tears right now while screaming about how revolutionary a discovery this is. As expected of fantasy. This is seriously amazing.

After finding out the use of the golems, I tried out various things. It's kinda frustrating if something didn't work but my researcher's spirit is burning right now!

I wouldn't be able to sleep well every night if I don't know most of the things about golems by the end of my first week in this world.

And so, my endless research began. I tried out every little thing I could think of from changing the golem's body parts into something else.

Voltes Five(small) and Voltes Five(human-sized) became my test dummies during these experiments. The first thing I found out was that, as long as you have a solid image inside your mind, you could actually just drop a magic stone on a clay and utter the chant to make a Golem.

The chant goes like this, "O Mass of clay, change your shape and become a servant that obeys my every command."

After saying that chant, you'll instantly have a new golem. Now, my experiments actually didn't end with just that.

I didn't spend almost an entire week of my life just to find out such a simple fact that the scroll injected inside my head in a form of memory. No sir.

In my next experiments, I made two golems do the exact same thing. The first one have no magic stone within it while the other have one.

The conclusion? Golems are amazing.

They could basically do anything as long as your command is clear and concise enough. I mean, heck, they're very versatile. As long as they have the right tools, they're the perfect workers!

Speaking of which, I also found out that Golems could basically run forever inside the confines of a dungeon. Outside of it, though, the ones without magic stones automatically stops while the other with magic stone could last for at least an hour.

It depends on the quality of the magic stone, it seems. I needed to replenish the supply of magic power on their magic stones after that.

Currently, a lot of things are scattered around the Core Room — the room where we temporarily placed Rokuko's core. There are clocks made of clay, small buildings made of clay, heck, there are even a sword here made of wood and stones.

Believe it or not, these are actually golems.

"Hey, the first golem I made! Stop what you're doing and come in front of me."

With my call, a small forty centimeters golem that's making bricks using a mold and some clay marched in front of me after placing his tools to the side. Yep, I figured out how to program them really easily.

The trick here is to basically use the recording function of the Dungeon Monitor. Make sure that all of your every action was recorded in that video before letting the golem learn your actions through that footage.

When I discovered this function, I was actually so moved that I shed some tears of happiness. Thank you my past self. You literally just saved me from months or even days of fruitless hard labor by picking this magic up.


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Support me on ko-fi! ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031. I posted an arc's worth of advanced chapter for 5$(monthly). If you are interested, just go and check the link~!

Author's Remarks:

※ Skipped a few days. Nothing really exciting about research and stuffs. Now that we literally have blue collar slaves, we can finally start the renovations in earnest.