Hey, Shun here!
I still remember the memory that I got from my past self when I was a kid. In there, I followed my dad at a construction site. There, for the first time, I bore witness to just how hard it is to do that job.
Like, seriously. That job is as dangerous as it could get. Balancing on makeshift scaffoldings, looking out for falling debris, it's really hazardous.
When I first tried helping out my dad in building our small house, I got many calluses just from carrying stuffs like hollow blocks and mixing the cement.
(Shun's POV)
"Hey Rokuko. How much DP did we earn from those bandits by now?"
"Hmm? You mean those trashy humans? So far, we earned 346 DP per day from them."
"That means we earned 2,076 DP just from them, huh. Coupled with the DP we still have with us, we have around 17,000 DP."
"Yep! You're really amazing Shun! This is the first time I've earned this many DP!"
"How many years have you been here, anyway?"
"I don't know? I think I've been here for around 10 years?" Ten years, huh. She really is still young then.
Anyway, Rokuko's age aside, I've actually started to build our first floor differently.
To actually make our progress faster, I spent my time shaping up two meter tall golems that resembles backhoes but with two backhoes that doubles as their arms. I currently was able to make two entire Golems out of stone, with its feet literally made of tracks.
It was really hard to make them work but it was only a matter of time before I finally made two working Double Backhoe Construction Golem. I changed the joints and the tips of the backhoe into iron.
These two will be joining the huge Golem that I made to resemble that machine with a huge drill in front of it. It could drill a hole of about 3m in diameter.
Other than those two, I also made two rollers and three dump trucks. I finally completed my initial series of Construction Golems.
I plan on making the first floor into a place with around six or seven rooms, with five meter wide paths connecting them. The ceiling will be around five meters high while the rooms will be around seventy square meters.
I had Rokuko command the Golems while I worked on making some Golem monsters that will be guarding the first three rooms. I plan on making this into a pretty easy room to cater to newbie adventurers.
Why? Because, after much deliberation and conversation, I and Rokuko decided on making an Inn beside the dungeon.
Since, if wanted to earn a lot of DP and money at the same time, I need to cater to the needs of almost every rank of adventurers.
The Inn and building a newbie friendly, and at the same time potential high earning dungeon would be a good bait to reel in those adventurers. Actually, I already had some Golems go outside to clear out some of the trees and place some indicators over there.
I wanted to secure as many land as I can in here in order to avoid others from stealing it from me later on. It's really easy to claim land ownership in a fantasy world such as this.
"Hmm… This cave entrance just doesn't give me the, "This is a dungeon" kinda vibe."
"Hmm? Why does it need that "This is a dungeon!" kinda vibe?"
"Well, I don't know. It's just for aesthetic purposes…"
"Well, you do what you want then… Ah! Dump Truck Golem! Don't dump those soil in there!"
Looking at the hard at work Rokuko, I myself went back to designing the dungeon's entrance.
"Umm, wait, let's use those cement I found from the catalog and some bricks to mold a more dungeon like entrance…"
By the way, we actually made this new entrance after dumping lots of soil on the past entrance. This made the dungeon's entrance have a higher elevation, with stairs that leads to the first room.
To make it have a more dungeon-y feel, I made the staircase leading to the first room dark on purpose. Then, I placed some self made traps like stone arrows shooting out of the ceiling, glove-like arms that pops out of the walls, and the trap that I'm most proud of all, the wooden sword that would suddenly come out after these people step on a certain section of the staircase.
The reason why I could make these traps so easily was because I made them all a golem, except for the arrows that rains down from the ceiling. The only golem I made from that one is the trigger and the things that fires the arrow.
"This should do it! This entrance now give me the vibe of a dungeon entrance!"
"You know what, Shun? You seem to be quite the oddball…"
Hey, that's rude! I just got too worked up on designing this entrance, that's all.
"I mean, who would dump soil on their entrance just to make a staircase full of traps that could kill? Aren't you a human as well?"
"That's to avoid us from getting killed. Also, only idiots would fall for those traps. If they are careful enough, they should atleast be able to avoid these easy to spot traps."
"Then what about that time when I saw you meticulously place a bunch of soil and rocks on top of the road towards the entrance in order to make it look more natural? I don't get you…"
"T-That's just to make it look more natural, okay? People would suspect us of making a new entrance if we don't do it like that."
I'm just kidding. I got carried away and decided to make a natural looking pavement that leads towards the dungeon's entrance to make it have more of that dungeon-like feel.
I literally burned two or three days into making this. If I didn't have a bunch of golems helping me out, this would've took a lot of time for me to finish.
Heck, I even had my golems uproot some trees carefully in order to place them near the surroundings of the way to the entrance. Since the way to the entrance's location is at a higher elevation than last time — around 10m higher or so.
I also made the staircase leading to the first room into a pretty long spiral staircase.
I'm pretty proud of my work, really. Now, you might be asking, how are the dump trucks supposed to bring the soil out of the dungeon?
Good question. Right now, I made a pretty sneaky hidden entrance that are covered with lots of vines and some trees. We'll be closing that hidden entrance once we have enough space inside the first floor for all the Construction Golems to move around.
Once my work on the entrance was over, I went back to the Master Room so that we could have some lunch. Tsuka has been here all along, occasionally being petted by Rokuko or me when we're taking a break.
"How's our construction progressing so far?" I asked Rokuko while munching on a piece of my meat steak.
Tsuka and Rokuko is eating with me on a round table I made out of some unused wooden logs and epoxy. The epoxy costs 150 DP per barrel but the finished product was more than the price of the materials just based on how it looks.
If you are wondering, this table is also molded through the use of [Create Golem]. I've been using this spell now for a little over a week and I've discovered that the spell allows me to literally morph any material around like clay as long as I didn't give any special orders while using it.
Very convenient.
This spell literally helped me shape up the entire path leading to the dungeon's entrance according to the image I have in my mind after various tweaks. I don't get why not many people are using this spell.
"The construction's going really well! I didn't know that you can use Golems like this! You're really very amazing, Shun!"
"Squeak! Master, amazing!"
For some reason, I'm feeling quite proud of what I did during these past few days. Is hard labor my calling or something?
"Oh, by the way, what happened to those bandits that we imprisoned? Did they die yet?"
"Wait, let me check… It looks like only three of the henchmen and the bandit boss is alive. These humans sure are tough. It's okay though. This way, they'll suffer more. It's their punishment for stepping at my core using their dirty feet! Humph!"
"Ha-Hahaha. Good for you, Rokuko."
To be honest, I think that the ease of how Rokuko could utter such heartless words never ceases to baffle me. I mean, currently, she looks like an elementary school kid so that's double the shock and bafflement.
"It's all because of you Shun! If not for you, our dungeon wouldn't grow so fast in such a short time! Thank you, Shun!"
Seeing the genuine smile on her face, I just showed her a smile of my own before petting her head. Heh, she could be cute sometimes, huh.
Now that we're mostly done with our renovation on our first floor — or should I call it first basement floor now? — I decided to take some rest. I've been working really hard for the past few days so I want to have some peace and relaxation for once.
After two days of rest, I'll go make some Golem monsters. Once I'm done with that, I could finally go on an adventure to the large town for two or three days.
I'm looking forward to it!
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me on my ko-fi page! I'm planning on adding 5 more advanced chapters to the 15 that's already there so it'll be a total of 20 advanced chapters. Welp, that's all that I could write after a few days of vacation. Link is: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031!
Author's Remarks:
※ [Create Golem] is really such a versatile magic. While reading the novel once again, I couldn't help but be shocked by the utility of the spell. Thus, I wouldn't pass on the chance to make Shun learn it. There's no way I'm gonna pass on such a useful spell just to become more unique than the OG MC of this light novel series.