Dungeon Core No. 89! Friend? Or Foe?

Hey, Shun here!

I've already seen so many people with fantasy colored hair and eyes, but no one with the same color as my [NWO] avatar's hair and eyes.

I wonder what's with that? Is it rare or something?


(Shun's POV)

While we were on our way to the dungeon, we decided to rest up first, mainly because the two girls seems to be quite tired. They've been doing their best to get used to their new life but it's been only a few days.

It'll take a lot of time to get used to it.

As they slept, I kept watch for both of them. Did I said that they are both cute? Ah, I just said so a few minutes back.

A few hours have already passed and the sun which was previously high up in the sky earlier is now starting to go down. Dawn is already approaching.

"Papa~… Nnn… Love…"

"Nnn… Papa… squeeze me… more…"

I glanced to my side and saw that Zenko and Ikumei were hugging me tightly despite being asleep. I didn't want to wake then up from whatever nice dream they are having, but I had no choice.

Ngh! I didn't want to do this to them but…

It was already approaching noon when we reached the [Ordinary Cave]. It took longer than expected, but we had finally gotten home.

However, how to say it… the first thing we saw after exiting the forest and looking towards the cave was something neither of us ever expected.

There was Rokuko, sitting on a white chair next to a white table, gracefully drinking tea. She was even in the form I first saw her in, rather than her DP-saving form.

In front of her was a lady I've never seen before, looking gently at Rokuko with her long white hair trailing behind her back. She radiated a classy aura that likely reflected some kind of noble status.

She definitely look like a noble to me. If I were to guess, she have this aura of an Empress?

Beside this empress-like lady stood a blonde… uh… guy?

Uh, wait! Actually, scratch that. Beside her stood a cross-dressing blonde girl wearing the black clothes of a butler while holding an umbrella over the first girl.

I almost got baited. I wonder if she's one of those cross-dressing "orekko". You know, that legendary rare species of girls who address themselves with 'ore'.

"And then, what happened next was…"

"Fufu. What happened after that?"

Rokuko gracefully tilted her cup to drink the tea. The refined lady used that opportunity to talk to her, smiling gently.

This is the first time I've seen Rokuko act in this kind of manner. I guess she could also act as a refined lady if she really put her mind to it.

Anyway, what the heck happened to the entrance to our cave? I just left for a few hours and it turned into some kind of royal garden of a palace?

What the heck is Rokuko doing? Also, who is that girl?

Heck, why are they drinking tea like nothing's wrong at all, acting all chummy chummy with each other?

Too many questions were swirling inside my head that it made me freeze in place for a few seconds. It seems like Rokuko noticed our arrival by that time as, soon enough she made eye contact with me.

"Oh, Shun! Welcome back! That didn't take long at all!"

"…First, answer my question. What are you doing?" I asked while massaging my forehead.

"Eh? Can't you tell? I'm having a tea party like the refined lady I am." Rokuko, who is not in her loli form, puffed out her sizable chest out with pride.

That's not what I meant at all. I want to know why you're doing that.

"Number 89 came over to spend time with me!"

"Number 89, huh? Hmm… Number 89? So, she's that dungeon core you've been talking about?!"

I looked more closely at the white-haired girl sitting next to her. She looked like much more of a refined lady than Rokuko.

You could maybe even say that Rokuko is like this girl's slightly younger version.

"Well, hello there… May I call you Shun?" The lady elegantly waved her hand.

To be completely honest, this girl is exactly my type. Like, seriously. I'm not even kidding.

The long, flowing white hair, red eyes… Eh, what? It's just because she's a native in this fantasy world, that's why I said she's my type?

Nah, that's not the case at all. I think?

"I was just talking to Number 89 about what happened recently. I told her about you too, Shun."

"Alright, Rokuko. Can you here for a second. Miss, please excuse us for a moment." I pulled Rokuko away and started whispering to her.

"…How much have you told her?"

"Ummm, we just started to talk, actually. I told her some things about you. Oh, and, I also gave her some of the snacks I like, like the [Melon Bread] and [Hamburger]!"

Rokuko let out a girlish squeal of happiness, clearly pleased that her older sister enjoyed her gift. I couldn't help but pinch her on her cheeks out of frustration..

"Ouch! Why'd you do that?!" Rokuko barked at me like an angered puppy.

Not gonna lie, this is really cute.

"Listen. Stop telling her things about us and our dungeon that she doesn't need to know. For all we know, she might be our enemy. That's an order, got it?"

"Ngh, okay… But… Number 89 is definitely not an enemy." Rokuko replied with a teary look on her face.

"…Who taught you to just weak goblins whenever you have the DP for it?"

"…Number 89."

"Who told you to just focus all of your resources in summoning goblins, not into expanding your dungeon more?"

"...Number 89."

"So? Are you really sure she definitely isn't our enemy?"

"B-But… ngh…"

Well, basically, here's how it is. Dungeon Core Number 89 wasn't letting Rokuko grow as a dungeon.

While her own dungeon was shooting up through the rankings, she taught Rokuko all of those useless strategies that evidently stunted her growth. There was some connection there.

Maybe we just don't know anything about her at all, I don't know. However, we definitely need to be careful around her.

"Mmm, Number 695. Will your secret discussion be over soon? I would like to join you two."

"O-OKAY! W-We're coming right over, Number 89!"

Just as I finished warning her, Rokuko still looked happy after Dungeon Core Number 89 called out to her. Yeah… If I hadn't used my Absolute Authority over her as Dungeon Master, she would've spilled the beans instantly.

Good thing we arrived early. Or else, she would've spilled some crucial information.

"So, what happened to the bandits after that?"

"U-Um…" Rokuko glanced at me.

Looks like she's hesitating, not knowing whether it's okay to say it or not.

"…As you can probably tell, they are all incapacitated and eventually died inside the dungeon."

"Hmm… so you took care of them, then? Judging from the reports I got from the guards and gatekeepers of Tsia City, you seem to be quite the strong adventurer."

"The reports…? What do you mean by that? Sorry, I don't know too much about you."

"Ah, I imagine not. You were summoned here from another world, after all."

Guess Rokuko already told her about my summoning and all that. Well, it's not like it's a secret, anyway.

"…Allow me to introduce myself." Dungeon Core Number 89 straightened her back and, with a hand on her chest, introduced herself with a clear voice.

"I am Dungeon Core Number 89. A… prior master of mine called me Haku. I know that humans prefer such names over numerical designations, so please feel free to call me Haku as well. I manage the [Ivory Labyrinth] located within the Laverio Empire's capital city. Dungeon Core Number 695 is my little sister, as you know. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Dungeon Core Number 89 smiled gracefully at me. Haku's a lot shorter than Dungeon Core Number 89, so I think I'll go with that.

I responded to Haku's greeting in turn, taking care to speak with enough gravity and weight that she wouldn't look down on me. I might not look like it but I was also trained in etiquette from a young age.

"It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, Miss Haku. My name is Shirokami Shun. You can address me as Shun. I have been working as the Dungeon Master of your little sister's dungeon, the [Ordinary Cave], for a little more than half a month. I pray that we can work well together."

"Oh my, you are quite the polite one. I am impressed." Hearing Haku say that made Rokuko panic a little.

"Sh-Should I introduce myself too?! I-I'm Dungeon Core Number 695, and…!"

Hey, no need to panic like that. We all know already that you can act as a refined young lady. No need to emphasize it to your older sister.

"Right. We gotta get ready to start our plan, Rokuko. It's long overdue. We can't wait any longer."

"My, my. Are you perhaps worried about that plan of yours regarding your inn? I can hand you this letter of mine that specifically tells others that Rokuko is my little sister and that the inn you're about to build have my backing." Haku said while taking out a slip of paper with a fancy looking mark and a crest from her cleavage.

"That's…" Why was she keeping it there…?

No! What I mean was… Right! Why does she have that?

Seemingly predicting what's inside my head, Haku immediately spoke up to clear my doubts.

"Despite my true identity, I am also an A-Rank adventurer, a position I often exploit to get people to follow my whims. I'm the former Empress of my country so I have a lot of speaking power despite how I may look."


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Help me out by becoming my member on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031. There's about 20 advanced chapters there to read!

Author's Remarks:

※ Dungeon Core Number 89 is basically like Yasaka from Highschool DxD, a busty MILF. However, she is more of a sly, cunning, and foxy woman than Yasaka who is a literal nine-tailed fox.