Hey, Shun here!
It's already over one and a half month since I've stayed in this fantasy world and the progress of my quests are, as expected, really slow.
However, after making this inn of ours and partnering up with Haku, I think my progress will skyrocket. After all, she's a big shot in this dimension.
(Shun's POV)
"…By the way, if you don't mind us asking, just how much did you pay to buy the all?" Ms. Receptionist asked out of curiosity.
"I paid over 3 gold coins, if we count the expenditure in their clothes and such."
"Uhh... That's quite the steal, given how just this human girl should cost higher. She should be worth around twenty or thirty gold, at the very least. As for the others, since they are beastkins, aside from the elf, I guess their price was on the lower end." Ms. Receptionist looked at me with suspicion but I just shrugged it away by saying that she could verify it with Mr. Doscosp himself.
"You sure have some good head on your shoulder. And yeah, I was totally worth twenty gold coins at first. It's just, y'see, I have a liiiittle bit of a troubled history."
"Hm. That must be… quite the history, then." Ms. Receptionist seems to be quite taken aback by our resident foodie's behaviour that isn't really slave-like.
"Honestly, between you and me, I should be dead as crap right now. But thanks to Mr. Docosp doing me a major solid, I got off with just a price drop. Hence me being cheap as heck. So? We all good?"
"…Well, the Guild will independently verify that story. You did visit him on our introduction, after all. As for your other slaves, I think they're all good."
After we concluded our report, I decided to register the elf girl as an adventurer since it really seems like she wanted to become one. As for the others, they didn't seem to be interested in registering.
Once the registration process was done, we decided to go back to our base since there's still a lot of time left before sun down. And so, with our preparations complete, we headed to Tsia Mountain. The guard didn't suspect anything.
Since we didn't have any quest slip, we had to pay for the toll fee, which was by the way quite the sum, and that was that.
On our way through our dungeon, the girls began to familiarize themselves with each other. Surprisingly, Zenko and Ikumei quickly warmed up with Seiko and Maichi, the fox lady and the bear girl, even sharing some of the food that they stored inside their [Storage].
On the other hand, Koharu, the elf girl, is occupied in dealing with the mischievous Vorpal Bunny, Tsuka. In return for playing with her though, Tsuka would let her have some of the delicious fruits that she bought using the 10,000 DP that I let her use.
"This uh... What do you call it again? Hamburger? Yeah, this hamburger is super good, Rokuko! Mmhmm! The fresh vegetable taste, the 'hamburg' or whatever you call it, they're all mixing together to make an explosion of flavors! Some kinda genius cook must have made this! It even feels good to bite down on because of this soft bread. Also, this subtle flavoring that I'm tasting… it's cheese! This thing's got cheese in it! Holy cow, talk about tasty. This is what I'm talking about… Yum!"
Once Ichika, the extreme foodie, got a taste of the hamburger that Rokuko asked to specifically prepare for herself, she went on and on about how delicious the food is like some kind of gourmet blogger. Although it feels nice to be praised, she's been at it for half an hour or so now so it's getting kinda embarrassing at this point.
By the way, in case you're wondering, the one who thought of her new name was Ichika herself. She said something about it being similar to a God of Food, but I was too occupied in thinking up of a good name for Koharu at the time.
Halfway through our way to the mountain, we picked up the pace. Thankfully, Maichi and Koharu was able to match our faster pace without any difficulty.
I guess appearances could be sometimes deceiving. It's amazing how a fragile looking elf girl and a loli bear girl could run at a speed equal to the average running speed of marathon athletes.
It's such a spectacle to behold. This just goes to show how fit people from fantasy worlds are.
The sun started to set on the way there. Ichika and Seiko suggested that we should start setting up camp, but I told them that our destination is already near. We raced through the evening mountain while being careful of encountering any monsters on the way.
By the time we arrived at the [Ordinary Cave], the sun had completely set.
"Phew, we're finally here. Good job everyone."
"Maaaasteeeeeer. I'm super hungry. Can we, like, start setting up camp?" Aren't you eating food nonstop while we were traveling? You're still hungry?
Oh, right, now that I think about it, aside from Zenko, Ikumei, Rokuko, Tsuka, and me, these girls don't know where our destination is.
"We're here already, Ichika. There's no need to set up camp."
"…This is your base, Master? Isn't this, like, just a cave entrance…?" Ichika asked, confused. Similarly, Maichi and Koharu are also showing confused expressions.
The tension they're feeling rise even more when Seiko said, "Oh my, isn't this a dungeon? You base is a dungeon, Master?"
"D-D-D-Dungeon, desu!? The place w-where monsters spawn, desu!?"
"D-Dungeon!? I'm not ready to go in, Master! I-It's, my first time!"
"Alright. First, calm down, Maichi, Koharu. Yes, this is a dungeon but you don't have to panic so much, okay? I'll explain to you everything after we go inside. Rokuko, could you bring us all inside?"
"Of course, Shun!"
The next moment, we've reached inside the Master Room. Whilst the slave girls are all looking around in amazement, I gathered their attention and began explaining things to them.
Since they are bound by the contract, they can't say anything vital about their master, nor can they betray me.
Two days later, when our new companions have settled down, I decided that it's about time for us to start building our inn. There's still about a week left before a new batch of adventurers come to investigate our dungeon, so we have that time to finish this building.
The location I had chosen for building our inn was the plot of land that was right next to our dungeon's entrance. I've already done the reclamation in this location yesterday, with the help of our Construction Golems of course, so there's already a rectangular shaped hole that has been dug in the ground, surrounding a now flattened land in the middle.
Ah, girls, I don't mind you doing your morning sparring and practice but do it in another place, okay? You can't practice in that place since I'm gonna build the inn there.
I'm talking about Ichika, Rokuko, Ikumei, Seiko, Zenko, and Koharu doing the same morning exercise and practice that I do every morning. As for Tsuka and Maichi, they're busy making jams inside the Master Room.
"Mhm... Good job, past me. You gathered so much raw materials for us." I murmured while looking at the truckloads of wood logs, clay, stone, and iron ingots.
First, I transformed into my [OSO] game avatar and molded many clays into the shape of a brick, before chucking them inside a hole I made a Clay Golem dug. And then, I modified the chant for the [Fireball] spell to create a [Fire Wall] similar to Chloe's before specifying the hole as its target.
Once I'm gone covering the hole up with a huge rock, I moved on to tinkering with the wood by first creating wooden slabs that resembles plywoods. It's really easy to make.
Just cast [Create Golem] on a few logs and it will morph into the shape I desire. I'll use them for the furnitures later like the doors and such.
What made [Create Golem] really amazing was that, I could morph basically any material into whatever shape I wanted. I could make stuff human-shaped, board-shaped, and so on. My mana would make the material pliable like clay, allowing me to use my hands to physically change its shape directly.
As for the foundation, I stuck some iron rods that resemble those I often see construction workers use, a square shaped thing that will be filled with cement later. I don't know much about construction so I hope I'm doing this right.
If you're worried about whether the building will even leash with each other, don't worry. Whatever I made through [Create Golem] did end up becoming a golem, but only in name. It would be a normal object if I didn't give it any orders.
Since materials morphed by [Create Golem] can fuse together with a mere touch, I didn't need any nails, cement, or anything to combine them. Plus, since they fused entirely, the resulting structure was quite sturdy.
You know? It's like I'm making one big golem using legos that could only be removed if I order them to do so.
After working for a while and getting most of the outer walls set up using cement and the bricks I made, I started working on the interior of the structure. I made the reception room and the lobby in the first floor, excluding the furnitures, before moving on to creating the cafeteria, the kitchen, and the future onsen. These are all in the first floor.
On the second floor, it turned out into something like a library with all the capsules stacked together neatly, creating rows of capsules that resemble a library filled with many bookshelves. As for the third floor, I made rooms for VIPs, with it's own bathing room, dining room, kitchen, and a bathroom.
I don't know how popular this inn is gonna be but I could just extend it or make another building for lodging in case we come out short in capsules to use.
Once I was mostly done with the entire structure, minus the decorations, furnitures, and etc, a curious looking Ichika approached me, sweat dripping on her body. Seems like she got pretty tired after practicing with Rokuko, Zenko, and Ikumei.
Oh, wait, that's not it. It seems like they actually finished practicing. Have I been at it for such a long time?
"What's up, Master my dude?"
"Yo. Morning."
"Eh? Hey, wait a second. Was this building already here when we started practicing?"
"Nope. I just made. Didn't I make you all move away earlier?"
"Are you being serious, my dude?" Hey, what's with that look of utter disbelief? Act like a proper slave for once, will you?
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Support me on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! My pátrèôn page is still being arranged so… yeah.
Author's Remarks:
※ Alright. This should be the last chapter regarding the inn for now. I want to finish this world by next arc or midway through that arc so I will be skipping some things.