(Third Person's POV)
Inside the Master Room of a dungeon called [Ordinary Cave], located at Tsia Mountain, a bunny could be seen lazing around on the sofa. She was rolling around the sofa while playing with the green ribbon that's adorning the base of one of her ears.
"Squeak~! Tsuka, booored~!"
Yes. This bunny is none other than Shun's spirit bonded familiar, Tsuka. It's been a few days since her master, Shun, and her other playmates, namely: Ichika, Koharu, Zenko, Ikumei, and Rokuko, has been occupied with building a structure called 'inn'.
Due to a lack of people to play with, Tsuka ended up inside the Master Room, alone, and with nothing else to do. She missed playing with her master so much but her master is busy so she couldn't play with him for a long time.
According to her master, this hateful thing called 'inn' would be built in no time but he will also have to go away for a few weeks to build similar 'buildings' in the capital of the Laverio Empire, as per Haku's request. Even though her master said that he will be back before a new group of adventurers come to investigate the dungeon, Tsuka still felt sad.
"Squeak~! Tsuka, bored, bored, bored, booored~!"
While she was rolling around, an idea suddenly hit her. Her master told her yesterday that, as long as she doesn't create trouble, she's free to go out and play.
With that idea in mind, Tsuka practically leapt out of the sofa with a light bounce. After that, she made a bee line towards the exit of the Master Room. Once she was out, she was greeted by the sight of Seiko directing a couple of Construction Golems to expand the dungeon.
This is the fifth basement floor of [Ordinary Cave]. Seiko and Koharu was tasked in expanding the dungeon, following the instructions written by Shun while he and Rokuko is away.
Ichika, Maichi, Zenko, and Ikumei, on the other hand, is busy with the inn. Ichika is helping Maichi eat the dishes she made, or rather, diligently helping her in the kitchen while Ikumei and Zenko is busy tending to the rabbits and making everything inside the inn sparkly clean.
"Oh my, are you going out Tsuka-chan?" said the surprised Seiko.
"Squeak, squeak~! Tsuka, going out to play~!" Tsuka replied while nodding in affirmation.
"Is that so? Be careful, okay? Master will be worried if something bad happens to you."
"Squeak~. Squeak! Don't, worry~. Tsuka, strong!"
"Okay... But still, be careful out there."
"Squeak! Tsuka, will!"
If anyone's wondering how Seiko could understand Tsuka, well, that's because she asked Shun if she could perhaps have a way to communicate with Tsuka. Tsuka seems to be an important part of this dungeon and an important companion of her master so she's quite eager to look after her.
During that same day, Seiko received a skill scroll containing the skill [Rabbit Language Skill] from Shun.
Once she was done talking with an extremely worried Seiko, Tsuka traversed through the dungeon without difficulty. Though there were many traps in each room and passageways, she remember where all of them are, that's why she wasn't getting caught into one.
Well, the fourth and fifth basement floors are empty since there are still no monsters nor traps and rooms in it. It's the third to first basement floors that are filled with traps.
When Tsuka exited through the dungeon's entrance, she was greeted by the sight of Zenko and Ikumei frantically running to and fro while carrying some objects that she doesn't know of. It resembles those objects that her master used to 'clean' things.
Since the two are busy, Tsuka decided not to bother them. Using her maximum speed, she travelled through the mountainous path before reaching the main road. She's almost always with her master whenever he goes to Tsia City so Tsuka remembers which direction she should take to go there.
Why is she going to Tsia City? To play, of course.
With her speed, it didn't take long before Tsuka finally reached the gate that leads to Tsia City. The problem is, there's a guard who's inspecting every individual who wants to enter the city.
Thankfully, it was the guard that Tsuka was quite familiar to. Like what her master taught her, Tsuka obediently joined the line of people waiting to enter the city while the people ahead of her are getting inspected.
Tsuka was the last 'person', or rather, bunny on the line, with three humans ahead of her so she had to wait for quite a long time. Once it was finally her turn, much to her dismay, the guard ignored her.
Well, in truth, this gatekeeper just didn't notice her. Who in the world would expect a bunny to properly wait in line to enter the city, anyway?
Furious, Tsuka went next to the gatekeeper and gave him a good smack on his legs.
"Squeak! Don't ignore, Tsuka!"
"Ow! What the heck? Who did that?" Hearing a squeaking sound coming from below him, the gatekeeper looked down and saw the rabbit that always accompanied the 'prince'... Or atleast that's what he thought. He committed the appearance of this rabbit to memory since it seems like it was the favorite pet of the 'prince'.
"What's wrong, rabbit? Is the Royal Highness not here with you?"
Tsuka looked at the man in slight confusion. It's as if she's looking at a weirdo.
"Squeak? Squeak, squeak. Royal highness? Tsuka doesn't, know."
The gatekeeper noticed the look that Tsuka is giving him but just he decided to ignore it.
'This rabbit is definitely not looking at me like I'm a weirdo, right? Yep. Definitely just my imagination.'
Since she knew that this weird guy can't understand what she's trying to say at all, Tsuka just pulled out 5 copper coins out of her [Wallet] and offered it to him.
"Squeak, squeak~! Here, Tsuka's fee~!"
The gatekeeper guy couldn't be more confused by the situation he is in.
Did this rabbit just took out five coppers?
Why does it have money?
Why is it giving that money to him?
There's so many questions but there's no one present to answer it for him. Left with no other choice, the gatekeeper had to guess what this is all about.
"Are you giving me that money?"
Tsuka nodded.
"Is it because your owner wanted to give this to me as a tip?"
Tsuka shook her head.
"Oh, it's not, huh. Wait, is it perhaps because I'm hardworking and he was secretly trying to give this to me as a bonus? His Royal Highness really is quite thoughtful."
Yet another no.
"What is it, then?" Clueless as to what the money is for, the gatekeeper decided to ask the rabbit directly.
"Squeak! Fee!" To make it easier for this weird human to understand, Tsuka pointed at the gate, then at the money.
Then, when the gatekeeper saw Tsuka's gestures, he finally understood what she meant.
"Ohhh! So that's what you meant. A toll fee, eh? I don't think a rabbit needs to pay a toll fee to enter the city but... If you insist."
The gatekeeper wanted to decline the money but he noticed the cold stare that Tsuka gave him when he was about to decline. Although reluctant, the gatekeeper took the five coppers from Tsuka's paws before clearing his throat.
"Ku-hum. I welcome you to Tsia City, rabbit. I hope that you'll enjoy your time here." He felt so stupid for doing this in front of a rabbit. Even though it's seemingly an intelligent one, a rabbit is still a rabbit.
"Squeak~, squeak! Thank you~, human!"
With a swagger and pride that was innate to a bunny that was of noble birth such as her, Tsuka walked inside the Tsia City. It's secret that she was practically skipping excitedly, okay?
Inside the city of Tsia, a weird sight of a bunny strolling through the side street attracted the attention of some kids as they've never seen such a cute bunny. Unfortunately for them, Tsuka ignored them entirely.
When some curious children tried to approach her for a hug, they all stopped in their tracks when they felt a shiver run down their spine. Some even cried when they felt that bone chilling shiver.
Even though Tsuka had some money with her, she didn't buy anything from the stalls. The reason being, the stall owners kept on ignoring her.
Her frustrations towards the stall owners aside, Tsuka really like the atmosphere of this bustling city quite a bit, but it still doesn't beat the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the forest. So, once she got bored of the city, Tsuka exited through the northern gate before starting to run around aimlessly.
What? You're saying that she might get lost?
That's impossible. Just the other day, Shun gave her a limited access to the [Dungeon Menu]. This gave her access to the [DP Catalog] allowing her to buy things using the DP Shun gave her.
Aside from that, she also gained access to the dungeon's map function. Thus, Tsuka knows roughly where she is.
Speaking of the location she is in, she's now in a pretty far away place. She's been strictly following the main road, aka the road that traders use to travel to and fro Tsia City, but she honestly didn't know where this road will lead her.
Smelling something in the air, Tsuka stopped in her tracks. She was so distracted that she didn't even notice that a gaudy carriage was approaching her.
"*sniff* *sniff*... Squeak~! Carrots~!"
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Support me on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! This author needs it to survive during these trying times xD. By the way, I'm still setting up my pátréòn. I find it great since it has scheduled posts.
Author's Remarks:
※ This is the exciting part of the arc I was talking about. Can't wait to write the rest of it. Like the arc about the girls, this will also be filled with BS plotlines so you'll lose if you take things so seriously. Like, honestly, chill and read, don't take this seriously as this fanfic was not made with the intention of this being a serious fanfiction in mind.