Hey, Shun here!
Life's filled with unexpected events, but there's probably nothing more unexpected than dying and then coincidentally getting a shot at another life.
The specifics could've been better though. Why do my past self have to die after getting squashed by a plane and then dropping on the tall cliffs of the Himalayas' Mount Everest whilst others out there got to die peacefully before becoming a walking cheat?
Such an unfair world we live in.
After painstakingly repeating the process of taking out piles of corpses from my [Storage] and letting Rokuko absorb them for DP, we finally got more than enough to finish my sub quest.
✽✽[A World With Dungeons!]✽✽
Type: Chain Quest
Status: Incomplete
Participant(s): (1/1)
Participation: Mandatory(Voting)
Time Limit: None
Explore the wonderful world filled with fantasy creatures and dungeons. Complete all the quests in order to receive wonderful rewards!
Reward(s): 10,000 d-coins, 2x Random D-coins Chest, and 1x Random Reward Coupon to everyone. Extra rewards for the participant.
Invite one girl: Ongoing
Become a Dungeon Master: Completed
Upgrade an Ultimate Skill to Level 5: Completed
Reach a total accumulation of 5M Dungeon Points(DP): Completed
Earn 1,000 Gold coins: Completed
Just one more sub quest and I could finally go back to my home world. After confirming that my quest is finished, I looked at Rokuko who's currently beaming with joy at the DP count that she got.
Well, that's the highest DP count that she got in one go, after all. For the past few weeks, we've been constantly using them while a certain amount of DP was kept away for a rainy day.
"How's it, Rokuko? There's plenty of things left in my and Tsuka's [Storage] so we could use it all at once or…"
"Keep it, Shun! We have so many right now that I don't even know where to spend it!" Well, I thought she'd say that.
Unlike how she looks right now, she's becoming smarter and smarter. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing though, only time will tell.
Now that that's out of the way, I could finally start to talk to her about our supposed topic. Before I could say anything though, Rokuko beat me to the punch.
"So Shun, what was that thing that you want to discuss with me, really?" She sported a radiant smile on her face as she looked up at me in her DP saving form.
"…Well, I wanted to talk about a little something that I've kept a secret from you partner."
Rokuko was visibly shocked by what she heard as her eyes widened.
"What!? You're keeping a secret from me, Shun?"
"Rokuko, it actually is common for people to keep a secret or two from their family, friends, and close relatives…"
She was once again shocked by this revelation as she probably always thought that you can't keep a secret from friends. She really is quite gullible, this girl. I need to teach her these or else she might get tricked by someone with bad intentions.
"Wow, really? So it's like keeping it a secret because there's a reason for it, right? I get it…" Rokuko showed a look as if she was comtemplating something.
"Anyway, as I was saying, this topic has something to do with the future of our dungeon."
"Huh… You did say that. So what is it?"
"You see, I'm a member of a group who wanders around other dimensions to… Have fun?" Now that I think about it, what are our [Group Chat's] main objective? I never thought about this up until now.
Is it to gather energy to visit fantasy worlds? To be fair, I think most of what we've done up until now is have fun…
My past self wanted to have it so that he could have access to more cheats. And that's all there is to it, really.
Despite the tone of uncertainty in my voice, Rokuko beamed when she heard of our 'objective'.
"Wow! That's sounds great! Is it some kind of guild then? Can I join it!? I want to join it!"
"Of course you can. That's why I'm talking to you about this."
"Ohhh… I get it now. But Shun…" the smile on Rokuko's face vanished and was replaced by a questioning gaze, obviously curious about something.
"What's a 'dimension'?" Oh, right… She doesn't know about that. Guess I'll have to explain it.
"And that's what a dimension is… Based on our meager knowledge anyway."
I basically explained to Rokuko the truth about the universe, how the big magic lightbulb in the sky is a giant molten ball of fire, how there are many of that in the vast space, and etc. It felt like I was doing a science lesson, honestly.
"Whoaaah! That's amazing, Shun! The knowledge from your world is really boundless!" Rokuko's face remind me of my younger self when I first discovered that there was actually colossal rocks floating in the space that was filled with gasses that isn't human friendly.
As a child, the thought of going into space and becoming an astronaut was a childhood dream of mine. This was probably the reason why I like the concept of fantasy worlds in the first place.
Wait, now that I think about it, how do I make her join our [Group Chat]? Do I have to perform a ritual or something?
Whilst I was thinking of that, my phone suddenly vibrated. Since I already told Rokuko about my phone, I took it out of my pocket without hesitation and looked that the message.
There's only one app that would notify me in another dimension.
"Is that the 'cellphone' that you talked about, Shun!? Can I take a look?"
"Later, Rokuko. I'll let you have a look."
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
System Message: Willingness to join on the [Super Secretive Dimensional Group Chat] has been detected…
System Message: Click 'here' to receive the sacred tool of every [Dimensional Group Chat] member…
Why do I feel like this group of ours is becoming weirder and weirder as time goes by? Ma, there's no point in mulling over it right now.
After interacting with the girls in our group for a while, I knew that they're quite normal if you look past their quirks. They're quite weird, yes, but there are many people who's weird as well.
Anyway, my thoughts aside, I clicked the 'here' word and a smartphone of a similar model to mine floated from my screen and delivered itself to Rokuko, who's eyes are now shining even more intensely.
"Is this for me, Shun? It's even the same as yours! How amazing!"
Rokuko looked at her new phone at every angle and marveled at the sight. If she could take it apart, she probably would have done it.
Right now, she's hugging her phone like it's something very precious. By the way, if you are wondering, her little bodyguard Fenny isn't here with us.
She was dragged away by Tsuka since she wanted to follow us. She's probably inside Tsuka's own bed while being made as a hug pillow. Tsuka took that habit from Rokuko who kept on making her a hug pillow for numerous nights.
Accompanying Rokuko's acceptance of the smartphone, the group chat sent a string of System Messages.
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
System Message: The [A World With Dungeons!] quest has been successfully completed.
System Message: Checking the completion rate of the sub quests…
System Message: Invite one girl: Completed…
System Message: Become a Dungeon Master: Completed…
System Message: Upgrade an Ultimate Skill to Level 5: Completed…
System Message: Reach a total accumulation of 5M Dungeon Points(DP): Completed…
System Message: Earn 1,000 Gold coins: Completed…
System Message: Calculating the completion speed…
System Message: Calculating the rewards…
System Message: The participant and the non-participants of this [Quest] will receive: 10,000 d-coins, 2x Random D-coins Chest, and 1x Random Reward Coupon…
System Message: The participant of this quest will receive 500 d-coins for each sub quest completed…
System Message: Allocating the extra rewards for the completion of the [Quest]…
System Message: All the rewards for everyone, except the participant, in total are: 10,000 d-coins, 2x Random D-coins Chest, and 1x Random Reward Coupon…
System Message: All the rewards for the participant in total are: 12,500 DP, 2x Random D-coins Chest, and 2x Random Reward Coupon…
System Message: Congratulations on your quest's completion! [Dimensional Train] is now 50% ready…
System Message: You only have three days before you are automatically transported to your original dimension…
System Message: Loli Dungeon Core has opened her 1x Random Reward Coupons…
Wait, what was that message from the bottom?
"Hey, Shun! Look what I got! I don't know exactly what it does but it sounds like it's really amazing!"
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Support me on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031 for more advanced contents that's up to 20 chapters in advance.
Author's Remarks:
※ To those who are wondering, yes, Rokuko received the quest reward as well. Since she technically became a member before the system gave out the rewards, it's only appropriate that she gets a share. Also, this solves the power balance thingy where if Shun were to invite weaker individuals, they wouldn't have any role for the upcoming dangerous quests because they are too weak.
※ Fenny is a character I made to replace Phenny, the phoenix from the original. Tsuka wanted a playmate who's the same as her, a bunny, so here she is.