Rewards, Rewards, Even More Rewards! (1)

Hey, Shun here!

I've always wondered why stupid people think that they are smart… It's utterly hard to reason with them as they never listen or believe in empirical evidence. And they think they're smarter than they actually are.

Through some search I finally found the reason as to why they are as such. It seems like, overestimating our talent is something we, mostly, all do.

The more inferior a person's talent and/or intelligence are compared to others, the greater the degree with which they overestimate their own capabilities. Turns out that our brains have something called 'Natural Egocentric Bias', which is one of the biggest contributing factors.


(Shun's POV)

I looked at my phone's screen with a dumbfounded look on my face. This girl, Rokuko, could really be quite impulsive at times.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: Loli Dungeon Core has opened her 1x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Loli Dungeon Core acquired a [Special Dungeon Domain]…


"Hey, Shun! Look what I got! I don't know exactly what it does but it sounds like it's really amazing!"

Well, it seems like it. What she got was an extremely amazing thing. Looking at its description, I couldn't help but be amazed.

✽✽[Special Dungeon Domain]✽✽

Rarity: Unknown


This gives the user a special access to a space where the user could create a dungeon and situate its core within it. Only the user and the individuals specified by the user could enter in this domain.


"Yeah… It is amazing…" I'm totally amazed and speechless by this girl's luck. I thought that it was just through sheer coincidence that she got to summon Fenny through the 10,000 DP Gacha but this proves that it wasn't just a coincidence.

Does she have something like my [Ultimate Great Luck] skill? From the looks of it, she does…

Wait, now that I think about it, if Haku is our Goddess of Luck and she is her big sister, Rokuko should have a great amount of luck, doesn't she? This theory kinda make sense if you think about it.

"I know, right!? This is totally amazing! I could now hide my heart and it will be totally safe! Great idea, right!?" Rokuko excitedly talked about her plans, with her voice gradually getting higher and higher.

"Yep. That's also what's on my mind. With this, you'll be completely safe even if I go back to my dimension."

"Huh? You're going back, Shun? When will you go back here?" Oh? I'm surprised she didn't tell me to stay here. I was expecting her to say that, given her personality.

"Yeah. I don't know when I can come back since the [Dimensional Train] is still unavailable." Except for when I get something to help me travel through different dimensions, going back to this place is still out of my reach. Also, I think dimensional travel would cost quite a lot as well.

"That's… a shame, then. Then, to compensate, you have to become my hug pillow tonight!"

"Uh, okay?"

"That settles it! Oh, right! Why don't you open your rewards as well? You got two, right? Come on, open it! I wanna see what your rewards will be!" Since I don't really mind showing her what I'll get, I opened the [Group Chat] and chose to open my [Random Reward Coupons].

I wonder what I'll get this time. Previously, I got two amazing gifts; My [Special Transformation Skill] and Tsuka, a Vorpal Bunny.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: Shun has opened his 1x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Shun acquired a [Unimpeded Skill Scroll]…


"Ohh… Nice. This is quite nice. I have a lot of use for this." I could use this in [OSO] and [NWO] constantly since both characters are speed focused.

✽✽[Unimpeded Skill Scroll]✽✽

Rarity: Uncommon


Grants the user the skill [Unimpeded]. It is a skill which enhances the user's ability to move from one place to another in a complex environment, without assisting equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible, even at high speeds.


"Come on, why did you not use all of it? Use the other one, too!"

"Alright, alright. I was about to use it, geez."

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: Shun has opened his 1x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Shun acquired a [Divine Warp Feather]…


"The name of that sounds fancy! What does it do!?" Rokuko jumped up and then while shaking my arm that she's grabbing.

"Wait, I'll check."

✽✽[Divine Warp Feather]✽✽

Rarity: Unknown


Allows the user to teleport into any place that the user know. Restrictions are placed into this item before the train that travels to different dimensions is completed. The user could travel to other domains, but couldn't in other dimensions.


"Other domains? There seems to be some implications there." Rokuko's reward had 'domain' in its name so there might be some connection there.

After I received all of my rewards, I and Rokuko chatted for a little while before going back to going back to my room and sleeping with me as her 'hug pillow'. However, to be honest, it's more like she's my hug pillow since she so small.

As an aside, Tsuka and Fenny are sleeping at a small princess bed-like thing capable of housing Tsuka and Fenny's size. Fenny seems to be enjoying the time as she's smiling wide whilst sleeping.


During the first two days, I spent most of my time bonding with Ikumei and Zenko. Although I'd like to invite them as well, it seems like, for now, I can only invite one.

Instead of going to a city's market and buying things, the two asked me to accompany them in hunting preys. After which, they asked me to rub their heads and stomachs. It's quite the bizarre request indeed but I guess it's the cultural difference.

When the third day rolled around, I accompanied Koharu and Maichi at the kitchen, teaching them how to cook some dishes at their request. Of course, Ichika is at the dining table, waiting for the cooked dishes. As expected of her.

Seiko is at the room of the two beastkins. She said that she have to teach the kids a thing or two regarding some common sense. I didn't ask since it's a racial thing. I'm really glad I bought Seiko since she could teach the two how to behave.

"Ooh, so you cook pudding like this? You're really a genius in cooking sweets, Master desu!" This is Maichi speaking. It seems like she could talk fluently when she's not affected by her social anxiety as much — probably because of her excitement.

Ichika already told me about this but, it seems like bear beastkins really like cooking. They like cooking sweets in particular. Any dish that is even remotely considered as sweet is considered to be something that's included in their arsenal.

"I see, I see… So you cook it like that…"

Meanwhile, Koharu is taking notes seriously. I peaked at what she is writing and it was a detailed instruction of how to write a pudding, down to the very minute details like how many sugar I added and the entire procedure.

I never knew that she had a side like this to her. She's quite the diligent person.

Time passed like that, with me enjoying every single minute I had left with the friends I made in this world. We even threw a little party at the Rabbit's Capsule Restspot's cafeteria, with every adventurer renting at our inn invited.

During the day, I prohibited drinking booze since the kids were present. However, before we all went upstairs to sleep, I gave them the go signal to party til they drop dead.

"There's still three minutes before I'm forced to go back…" I'm murmured while caressing the heads of Rokuko, Zenko, and Ikumei who's currently sleeping with me. Tsuka is already inside my body, sleeping after saying goodbye to her bestie Fenny.

I myself already said my farewells to all my friends. Except for Rokuko, what they know was that me and Tsuka would just be going to the country called Wakoku to fetch some ingredients that we lack and to also explore.

It seems like Seiko and Ichika caught on to my lie but decided not to say anything otherwise. This is the reason why Ikumei, Zenko, and Rokuko decided to sleep with me tonight.

Well, it's not like I'm gonna be able to accompany them for a long time…

By the way, I have an experiment I wanted to test out so I asked Rokuko if she could give me access to enter her [Special Dungeon Domain]. She readily agreed, immediately teleporting the two of us to her dimension all of a sudden.

That place gave me a sense of déjà vu. It was exactly similar to her Master Room but bigger. This one's space seems to be ten or fifteen times larger that the usual Master Room. According to Rokuko, it seems like this space could be expanded even more if some conditions are met.

Whilst I was thinking of such things, all while absentmindedly petting the girls' heads, my body suddenly got covered by faint particles of light.

"It's time to go, huh…"

I smiled and, after brushing the hair on their girls' foreheads, I planted a kiss on their foreheads. I then used [Body Flicker] to get to my luggage without waking up the girls who are already sleeping.

"If what I'm thinking is correct, I don't think I'll be away for that long. Well, I guess I'll see you guys soon…"

"Squeak~? We leaving, Master~?" Without me noticing, Tsuka already popped in existence on top of my shoulders.

"Yeah, Tsuka. Let's go?"

"Squeak! Squeak~! Yes, Master! Tsuka and Master, go back~!"

Before long, both of us were engulfed by the faint light which teleported us to my home dimension. My first journey on a fantasy world was really enjoyable and I was able to learn about a side of me that I never knew.

With how much time I spent here though, I really miss Miu and Shizuka-nee.


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Do support me on my ko-fi page: if you'd like to see more advanced chapters.

Author's Remarks:

※ This officially ends the arc at Lazy Dungeon Master! Phew, what a journey that was. I really wanted to write many more things about this world but I guess there's still a lot of opportunities in the future to do that.