Hey, Shun here!
Have you ever thought that commuting is, and will always be, a hassle? I like looking at my surroundings from time to time, enjoying the scenery surrounding me.
However, if I always see it on a regular basis, I don't think I'd enjoy it as much as the first time I've seen it.
(Shun's POV)
The moment the faint light disappeared, I and Tsuka found ourselves surrounded by the familiar sight of my bedroom. As usual, the travel speed is really fast. I didn't even have the time to blink before we arrived at our destination in one piece.
Putting down my luggage, I looked around and relished on the atmosphere. Though, I have to admit, the quality of air in this world is miles away from the air quality in Rokuko's dimension.
Whilst I was busy reminiscing, I heard a loud notification sound coming from the smartphone on my pocket. Oh, looks like the system is now giving out the rewards from my quest.
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
System Message: Allocating the rewards to the remaining non-participants of the [Quest]…
System Message: All the rewards for everyone in total are: 10,000 d-coins, 2x Random D-coins Chest, and 1x Random Reward Coupon…
System Message: Congratulations on your quest's completion! [Dimensional Train] is now 50% ready…
All of those messages are as usual, there's nothing surprising or anything about it. However, what surprised me was the next string of messages that came one after another.
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
System Message: The [Brawl All You Can!] quest has been successfully completed.
System Message: Checking the completion rate of the sub quests…
System Message: Reach an average level of 35: Completed…
System Message: Finish the Event with an average ranking of Top 50 or above: Completed…
System Message: Finish the Event with an average ranking of Top 20 or above: Completed…
System Message: Finish the Event with an average ranking of Top 10 or above: Incomplete…
System Message: Finish the Event with someone becoming the Top 1: Completed…
System Message: Calculating the completion speed…
System Message: Calculating the rewards…
System Message: The participants and the non-participants of this [Quest] will receive: 5,000 d-coins, 1x Random D-coins Chest.…
System Message: The participants of this quest will receive 500 d-coins for each sub quest completed…
System Message: Allocating the extra rewards for the completion of the [Quest]…
System Message: All the rewards for everyone, except the participants, in total are: 5,000 d-coins, 1x Random D-coins Chest…
System Message: All the rewards for the participants in total are: 7,000 DP, 1x Random D-coins Chest, 1x Item/Skill Selection(New World Online), and 1x Group Invite Ticket…
Woah woah woah, hold on a second… there was another quest? Who completed it? Also, why did the system give them a [Group Invite Ticket] when I didn't get one from that long quest I did?
Is this gender bias? The system is biased, isn't it?
Come to think of it, I feel like Rokuko got a super VIP treatment because, right after she joined, she immediately got tons of rewards…
While many questions are swirling inside my head right now, it was all immediately answered by the messages that came after the messages from the system.
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
System Message: Loli Dungeon Core has entered the [Dimensional Group Chat]…
Kaede: Oooh! A new member! Welcome, to our group!
Pochi: Master [Admin-sensei]! Pochi missed you, nanodesu!
Tama: Tama too~! Master [Admin], how are you~?
Mutsuko: Oh, hey Shun-kun! It's been a while? How's your fantasy journey? How does the aliens look like? Do they eat human food? As expected, do they look like green-skinned malnourished children with huge eyes for some inconceivable reason!?
Satanichia: A-hahahaha! While you were away, [Admin] Shun, let me tell you that I already managed to conquer the world of [New World Online]! I even blasted that self-proclaimed number one player to smithereens! How is it? Aren't I amazing!? A-hahaha!
Rikka: Don't forget, I and my magnificent [Tyrant's Eye] helped you deliver that final blow!
Satanichia: Of course, Rikka! You are one of my most valuable comrades in that fight.
System Message: Loli Dungeon Core is now online…
Loli Dungeon Core: Hmm? Shun? Where's Shun? Ah, oh, right, this is the Dimensional something right? Oh, that's right… New friends! Hello hello, friends of Shun!
Shun: You should change your name first, Rokuko.
Loli Dungeon Core: Oh, right right, you taught me that already. But what does 'loli' mean though?
Shun: …I think it's better for you not to know it.
Shun: I missed you guys too, Pochi, Tama. I had a whole lot of fun there, Tama. Actually, I met two new friends like you two in that fantasy world. They're a dog beastkin and a fox beastkin.
Shun: As for the people in another world, I don't think they differ that much to us, Mutsuko-san. There's other species as well but they weren't that weird either.
Pochi: Ooooooh! Dog beastkin, nanodesu!? Is Pochi an onee-chan now, nanodesu? That would be abastolutely ama-ziing, nanodesuyo!?
Tama: Another imouto~? Tama will take care of them~…
System Message: Loli Dungeon Core changed her name into Rokuko.
Rokuko: Are you talking about Ikumei and Zenko, Shun?
Shun: Yep. Like Ikumei and Zenko, Pochi and Tama here are also beastkins. By the way, how are they? They didn't wake up from the noise, didn't they?
Rokuko: They didn't. They're still asleep.
Shun: That's good.
It's good that those two didn't wake up, I thought.
"Squeak~! Master, Tsuka, sleep~!" Oh, right. It's already night time.
"Go ahead and sleep on the bed, Tsuka. Good night." Patting Tsuka on her head, I laid her down on the other side of the bed. I then laid down next to her and, while caressing her fur to make her fall asleep faster, I looked at my phone's screen once again.
It looks like, during the short amount of time that I was away, the girls are already beginning to acquaint themselves with each other. I just can't fathom how girls could get along so fast.
Us guys take time to get along, and that's in the premise that we are like minded folks. If not, a curt greeting is all that we'll do whenever we meet each other.
There are exceptions to this, of course, like for example social butterflies, but they're rather rare. Most of us like to mind our own business.
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
Mutsuko: Hey, Rokuko-chan, right? What's your relationship with Shun-kun? Your conversation reminds me of my mom and dad.
Rokuko: Eh? Relationship? Shun is my Dungeon Master, my partner!
Mutsuko: Partner… huh…
Rokuko: Yep! We share a bond that ties us until one of us dies!
Kaede: Woah, that sounds kinda cool. Dungeon Master and Dungeon Cores share that kind of relationship?
Rikka: So basically, you're married with each other?
Rokuko: Married? What's that? Shun and I are partners.
Satanichia: Yeah, what is marriage anyway? It doesn't sound important to me.
Mutsuko: Tsk tsk. For a devil, you sound so innocent, Satania-chan.
Satanichia: What did you say!? I… I properly know about what marriage is, alright?
Pochi: Marriage, nodesu? Pochi doesn't know it as well, nanodesu! Is that bad, desu?
Tama: Marriage is baad~?
Shun: No no no, marriage is not that bad… I think. Also, you girls will know about it when you grow up so don't be in hurry to learn about it.
Pochi: Capiché, nanodesu!
Tama: Capiché~…
Kaede: Yeah, you don't have to worry about marriage, Pochi, Tama. You just have to know that it's something that adults do, okay?
Pochi: Okay, nanodesu!
Tama: Okaaay~!
The topics were so all over the place that I don't know what we're even talking about anymore. I wanted to ask about what quest they did while I was away in detail but…
"Yeah, it doesn't look like it's possible to ask about it right now…"
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
Rikka: Then, can you tell us what marriage is, Satania?
Mutsuko: Yeah, if you really know of it, you could tell what it meant to us, Satania-chan~.
Satanichia: That… Marriage is… Uh…
Satanichia: Ahh, no, I'm not doing this!
System Message: Satanichia is now offline…
Kaede: Ah, Mutsuko-oneesan, you made her go offline.
Mutsuko: It wasn't me who started it, it was Rikka-chan!
Rikka: Wha—? You were the one who started it!
And so, everyone started bickering with one another until I came in to intervene. We need to know what they got as their reward as well.
With the fights out of the way, we decided that — like what we did after our first quest — they would each take turns in opening up their coupons. As usual, the two kids went first.
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
System Message: Tama has opened her 1x Random Reward Coupon…
System Message: Tama acquired the [Shadow Shinobi] skill…
Tama: Oooooooooooh! Shinobi~!
System Message: Tama has opened her 1x Item/Skill Selection(New World Online)…
Tama: I choose [Ninjutsu]~!
System Message: Tama acquired the [Ninjutsu] skill…
After Tama, it was Pochi's turn.
✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽
System Message: Pochi has opened her 1x Random Reward Coupon…
System Message: Pochi acquired the [Warbeast Transformation] skill…
Pochi: Beast? Is that good, nanodesu?
System Message: Pochi has opened her 1x Item/Skill Selection(New World Online)…
Pochi: Pochi wants the weapon Pochi use, nanodesu!
System Message: Pochi acquired the [Tyrant Conqueror's Greatsword • Caliburn]…
Pochi: Pochi finally have a sword, nanodesu! Pochi will tell Liza about this, desu! See you everyone, nanodesu!
Kaede: Bye Pochi. Take care!
Tama: Tama will go too~.
Rikka: You take care, Tama.
Tama: Ai~!
System Message: Pochi has gone offline…
System Message: Tama has gone offline…
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Support me on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031 if you like to see more chapters! It would really be helpful you could support me but it's fine either way if you don't xD.
Author's Remarks:
※ We're finally back! The cheats the others got will be revealed next chap. Finally, the LDM arc is over.