Hey, Shun here!
I bet everyone have experienced talking to a salesman or woman even once in their lives, right? I've encountered a lot of them many times and they're honestly really annoying to talk to, especially when you could not afford what they're selling.
For some reason, they seems to be doing this on purpose or something. Or is it just me?
(Shun's POV)
"Squeak~? Nice to meet, Master's, Dad~?"
My Dad was watching my and Tsuka's interaction with curiosity while sipping his coffee but he didn't know that that was a mistake.
After seeing Tsuka really try to greet him, albeit using the rabbit language that he didn't understand, he choked on the coffee that he just drank.
"*COUGH*! *Cough*!"
Seeing that my prank succeeded, I went to the kitchen to help Mom out. When I entered inside the kitchen, I saw the back of a mature woman who's wearing a frilly apron.
Yep, that's Mom alright. She's even wearing her favorite apron, like always.
Even before I could approach her, Mom started talking to me with her back still against me.
"Oh, you're here now Shun. You didn't really have to help me, you know? Mom can cook by herself." I sometimes wonder if she have another pair of eyes behind her back.
"I'll help Mom. It's better if you have some helping hands, right?"
Once I said that, Mom turned around letting me see her face. It's been quite a while since I've seen her and Dad.
As for her appearance? Well, she's like the older sister of Miu and Shizuka-nee.
Long and flowing black hair that goes past her elbows, thin and perfectly curved eye brows, droopy eyes that hides her jet black colored irises, and the double eyelids. Aside from the hairstyle and the beauty mark, she looks exactly like Shizuka-nee and is like the older version of Miu.
Her build is on the modest side, probably like Mutsuko-san's but slightly better? All in all, she's beautiful and my Dad probably spent all the luck he had to get her.
Not only that but she's good at anything she does. She's one of those people who could pick up anything and everything and still do it well.
I learned a lot of things from her during my childhood. In fact, you could say that she was my first master and who I wanted to be like when I grow up ever since I was young.
I mean, Dad's a great guy as well, but Mom's just on a realm of her own. I kind of understand how she managed to bring up Miu and Shizuka-nee on her own before she remarried.
"That's true. Then, could you help me chop these please? I'll need it in 20 seconds."
"Sure." After twisting my wrist a bit, I got ready to assist Mom in her cooking.
It took us around 30 minutes to cook four and a half servings of dishes. Since Miu us still not finished playing the game, we had to wait for her on the dining table.
As an aside, the reason why it's four and a half was because of Tsuka's portion. She's currently sitting on a baby chair, in the middle of me and Mom who's sitting next to Dad.
"Aren't you such a darling? Come, let Mom pet you." Currently, Mom is busy petting Tsuka who's munching on some grapes. Seems like the moment she laid her eyes on Tsuka, she was immediately defeated by our resident bunny's cuteness.
She even said that she wants to take Tsuka with her on business trips. However, that's not possible Mom.
Meanwhile, Dad is still busy looking at the latest news on his newspaper.
"When is Miu coming down?" Dad asked without removing his sights out of the newspaper.
"She should be going down in a few more minutes."
"Miu is really hooked on games, isn't she? However, it's not good for her health if she keeps on missing her meals like this." Mom said, still busy petting Tsuka.
"Yeah, that's actually been on my mind lately. Mom, Dad, aren't you one of the major stock holders and the members of the board of the company who made this game? If you could develop space-time dilation technology or something, maybe, even if you make the game only be accessible for 8 hours, the technology would make it so that the—" before I could finish my words, Dad interjected.
"That the players playing the game could still spend a whole day on the game? We already developed that technology. In fact, it's about to be released."
"Hmm… Shun is right dear. Just the other day, I saw in the database that Shizuka is spending a lot of time on the game even though she's in her college years. We should limit the play time of the players so that they wouldn't live such unhealthy lifestyles."
Uh, that's kinda scary. I didn't know that Mom would even go out of her way to read through [OSO's] database just to monitor her kids.
I should keep this a secret from Shizuka-nee and Miu. Yep, let's pretend I didn't say anything.
"Hmm… That's true. Our kids are growing adults so we can't have them live such unhealthy lifestyles. I'll propose this to the board as soon as possible."
"Be sure to get it approved, okay?"
"I know honey. This is for our kids after all."
Yep, let's forget this ever happened. When the time for this announcement comes, I'll act like any other player and get angry or whatever.
As soon as our discussions ended, Miu came downstairs, oblivious that her plans for summer vacation is about to be altered. I bet she's going to feel bored sitting around the couch all day…
"Onii-chan, what's our lunch—!? Wow! Mom, Dad, you're here!" The moment she saw Mom and Dad, Miu immediately dashed and bear hugged Mom. I could tell you with certainty that she just called out Dad out of formality.
She's actually a huge mommy's girl. You could probably say that we siblings all are? I mean, which kid wouldn't adore such a kickass Mom who seemingly could do anything during their childhood?
Our lunch was mostly spent with us speaking about the most trivial things in life. Even Miu who knew that our parents are the big wigs of the game we play, didn't ask about anything regarding it.
Shizuka-nee is the only one missing and this lunch would've been the perfect family meal time.
Once lunch was over, Mom and Dad received a call from their assistant so they had to leave ASAP. After telling us a few things like be careful of strangers and the like, they left as fast as they arrived.
"They're gone again."
"Well, that's just how it is." Sometimes, I think that living as a middle class family wouldn't be so bad. Having rich parents certainly have their own merits, a lot of it in fact, but it also have huge and glaring flaws.
Seeing that Miu's mood is at an all-time low, I decided to change the topic.
"When your onii-chan is rich enough, I'll buy the company Mom and Dad are working in and give them an eternal day off. Well, let's go back to the game! I'll have you accompany me through making our first ever guild hideout!"
Without further ado, I dragged Miu upstairs and after urging her to take her VR Gear with her, I, Miu, and Tsuka logged into the game while laying down on my bed.
"Hmm… First off, I need to meet up with Miu, buy plots of lands, then show Rokuko the ropes once she logs in…"
With my game plan in mind, I set out by following them.
First, Tsuka and I met up with Miu at the southern gate of the Town of Agann then, we went to the fields where we talked to the NPC farmer who just so happens to be nearby the fields that I bought. I bought the six remaining pieces of land I needed to become a landlord.
Mutsuko-san doesn't seem to be here right now. She's still offline so she's probably busy in real life.
After buying the fifth piece of land, the price shot up tenfold, with the sixth piece of land costing 300,000 G. Well, it wasn't much of a problem so I still bought ten of them anyway.
"Can you handle all that land alone? If needed you can hire a farmer's daughter, want to try it?" Man, this farmer guy should consider taking a business course. He'd thrive there.
Anyway, regarding the farmhand, I'll consider getting one after this.
"I remember you saying that you wanted a store? There's a lot of land to pick from so you can freely choose." This farmer guy is becoming more and more human-like as time goes on. He even remember our conversation from the other day.
"I'd like to take the place that's adjacent both to the field and the main street then."
"You chose some favourable conditions. A piece of land there will cost you 500,000 G." Eh? It's surprisingly cheaper than I thought. I thought it'll cost me 2,000,000 G or something per plot of land.
"Well, I know that you're quite rich so you probably need a spacious land, right? Three or four of them would fit your needs." Here he is again with his business talk. Is he a real estate NPC in disguise?
"How wide is one land?"
"The same as a single field."
Then I think four wouldn't be enough. I want a large guild base. It's so that I could make the other parts of the building suit the needs of our crafters.
"Then give me ten plots of land. I wanna expand it in the future as well so I'll give you an extra 1,000,000 G for safekeeping." I know that he will hit me with another price raise for the adjacent fields so I immediately went with a counter offer.
"Give me another — 500,000 G and we have a deal."
"Good. That's a deal then."
With just this transaction alone, I spent a total of 2,050,000 G to open the six remaining fields I needed to become a landlord, yet another 5,000,000 G for the plots of land for our future guild base, and another 1,500,000 for a reservation fee. That's a grand total of 8,550,000 G spent in a single conversation.
When I thought that, the key item, landlord's certificate appeared in my inventory.
"Then I'll pass this to you."
"This is?"
The NPC passed me a few sheets of paper and a pen. It seemed important even though there was nothing written on it.
"Draw the floor plan of the store on it and just show it to the [Master Carpenter] at the Second Town. Just put the estimates in there. After that you just need to pay me to build the store."
In other words, this is a quest item. Also, you really are a real estate guy and not a farmer, aren't? This just about confirmed it.
So I just have to go to the Second Town to pass this quest called [Building Construction] that is in my quest column? Easy.
"Alright. I got it."
"Oh, right. I've forgot." The realter NPC narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms while saying so.
"In case you want to hire farmer's daughter, it's 100kG a month."
"Yep, I thought so. Now I'm convinced that you're not a farmer."
"What will you do?"
"Give me a one year contract for 1,000,000 G. I bought so much for you now so you should give me a discount on this…"
With that, I managed to hire a farmhand. She can cultivate the farm with a hoe, plant the fertilizer and I or Mutsuko-san just have to give her Seeds and specify partitions, and everything would be done by itself.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.
Author's Remarks:
※ Another chapter done! Phew, that was kinda mentally draining, specially since I had to write after working xD.