Hey, Shun here!
Raid Bosses, many games have many of these things. They're a menace, hard to fight, and they usually come with some smaller creatures that could make your already miserable life even more miserable.
Some players likes doing it because of the abundant rewards but many dislike doing it a second time after participating in their first Raid Boss fight.
(Shun's POV)
After our conversation was wrapped up, Mikadzuchi-san left, along with Shizuka-nee to do their preparations. She was once again accompanied by Cloude who seems to be convinced to take charge of the frontline operations and strategy.
Lyly and Magi-san was left since they didn't want to go to the frontlines themselves. This means that they will be the only ones staying in our camp while our Guild battles against the [Great Eaters of Mythical Beasts].
"Are you sure about that decision, Shun-kun? From the looks of it, this monsters is beyond the level of a single Blade Lizard could compare to, you know? It's basically a Raid Boss."
"That's right Syuncchi! There's no way a small Guild like yours could handle one of them, much less two!"
Magi-san and Lyly seems to be genuinely worried about us but there's really no need for them to be worried. If anything, I think they should worry about the bosses we're about to face instead.
"Kukuku… There's no need to worry guys. I'm pretty sure my [Tyrant's Eye] is more than enough to give these bosses a run for their money, raid boss or not!"
"Paired with my all too powerful flames of hell, the battle will just be a piece of cake! I should thank [Admin] Shun for giving me this opportunity to make those lowly mortals fear me! A-hahahaha!"
These two hardcore chuunis are too pumped up right now. Surprisingly, Mutsuko-san isn't too excited about all this.
"Alright. Everyone, I apologize for arbitrarily making a decision on my own." I said while looking at each and every member of our guild.
"It's nothing really, [Admin] Shun-san. I actually wanted to fight that strong boss as well! Isn't it why we're here?" Kaede-san said with an angelic smile on her face. Man, her current blonde and blue eyes appearance right now really made her seem like an angel.
As if agreeing with Kaede-san's statement, the younger girls also showed their support to my decision.
"Tama will fight~!"
"Pochi will too nodesu!"
"Tsuka, too Master!"
"Fenny… too…"
I was moved by their words. Like, seriously.
While I was about to thank the girls, someone just had to come up to me to break the mood. Some red haired devil girl approached me with a smug grin on her face and patted me on the shoulders before saying…
"Don't worry about it [Admin] Shun! With our group's amazingness combined, the fight will be a walk in the park even if there are like, ten of them! Right? Right? Though I will surely be the MVP in that fight."
This single comment from the one and only Satania-san made the whole conversation spiral into something else.
"What are you saying Satania-san? My [Tyrant's Eye] is very strong and I'm confident that it is enough to make me the MVP…"
"No no no no, Shun is even more amazing so he will surely be MVP!"
"Master [Admin-sensei] is toootally ama-ziing nodesuyo? He like, an-an… um…"
"Myuu~? Annihilated~?"
"Right nodesu! Master [Admin-sensei] annanihated that [Beast Monster-san] nodesuyo!?" Pochi was so excited that she mispronounced the word 'annihilated'.
"It's 'annihilated' Pochi-kun…" Rikka said jokingly.
"Auuuu! Pochi is wrong again nodesu!"
After a few rounds of exchange, their heartwarming conversation finally ended. I then told them that it's already time for us to get ready for the upcoming battle.
I myself have something to do before we battle the enemies.
"Now, where is Lyly? Oh, there he is."
The reason why I'm going to Lyly is because of my bow. My [Windbreaker's Silver Longbow] to be exact.
I have two items that could be socketed in it but I never had the chance to for some time now. Having them socketed now would definitely help.
Lyly has the [Woodworking] Sense and he's very much familiar in making weapons such as staffs and bows. Currently, Lyly is in the middle of repairing a wooden staff.
"Hey, Lyly."
"What is it Syuncchi? You need something?"
Lyly momentarily stopped what he was doing before turning towards me.
"Well, I need your help to socket my bow…"
"Hmm? Socket it? Socket what? An item?" Lyly seems to be confused at what I was trying to say momentarily.
"Yep. That's right. I want to socket a stone that I have onto my bow for the added effect."
"What do you want to socket in it? The Stone of Bladescales for the added attack damage?"
"No. I want to socket a unique one on it. It's a rare stone I have called [Stone of the Tempest]."
When I mentioned that word 'unique', Lyly's face became serious. Without saying anything more, he just gestured for me to give him my bow and the [Stone of the Tempest].
He was very focused as he began his work while I watched on the sidelines. A few minutes later, he sighed deeply before giving my bow to me with a dejected expression.
"Here, take it Syuncchi…"
"Why's your expression like that Lyly? Did it fail?"
"No. It didn't fail. Just… Just take a look at it. This thing just resonated with the stone you gave me and it gained some extra skills because of it."
New Skills? Filled with skepticism, I looked at the description of my bow for a second and was completely astonished.
What the heck happened to it?
✽✽[Windbreaker's Silver Tempest Longbow]✽✽
Item Type: Equipment
Equipment Type: Weapon(Bow)
A special equipment granted to the first and last person to complete the [Investigate the Silver Fiend's Lair] quest. With it's blessing of the wind, it grants the arrows fired through it wind enchantment, granting each arrow extra magic damage and faster projectile speed. It has now been enhanced by the power of the Tempest coming from defeating the Silver Fiend, granting it even more power over the wind.
ATK +120
MIND +80
Additional Effect(s):
ATK Bonus
Enchantment: Wind MAG Damage
•"Recurring Wind"
- A passive skill. Everytime an arrow is fired using the [Windbreaker's Silver Tempest Longbow], an extra gust of wind in the form of an arrow will follow, dealing Wind MAG Damage to the target.
•"Frost Arrows"
- An active skill that allows the user to fire arrows that could freeze an enemy from the inside out. This skill have three effects.
Effect 1: The arrows fired while this skill is active inflicts the status effect called 'frostbite' which lowers the enemy's movement speed and attack speed drastically. This effect lasts for five seconds.
Effect 2: Everytime a single target is hit by an arrow, the target will gain 1 Frost Arrow stack per hit(maximum of 10). Once the skill reaches 10 stacks, the target will be immobilized for 3 seconds, dealing 50% of the user's MAG Damage over time.
Effect 3: Once ten stacks are applied to a target, the warm and moist air that was pushed upwards by the chilling air that comes from the arrows will form thunderclouds above the target before striking them down, dealing 200% of the user's MAG Damage to the target.
"What the heck just happened to this bow Lyly?" My mouth couldn't be closed right now due to how dumbfounded I am. The ATK and MIND it gives was enhanced by +40!
"Well, I don't know as well Syuncchi. But, I think the most important thing is you got a great bow, isn't it? The effect of the wind got stronger so it has the effects of a cold front now! Isn't that something to celebrate about!? Yay!" Lyly said as if he's trying to convince himself that everything is alright.
I mean, I'm happy that it turned out the way it did but… Yeah, you know what? Nevermind. The game gave it to me so I might as well use it to the fullest, right?
After we all got ready, Mikadzuchi-san once again came to pick us up. We traveled towards different player camps for some time, helping the young animals as a group.
Our team was divided into three groups; The Super Awesome Animal Caring Team, the Super Awesome Beast Eater Sweeping Team, and the Super Awesome Food Making Team. Of course, the names were thought up very carefully by the younger girls.
The 'Super Awesome Animal Caring Team' was assigned the task of playing with the animals and looking after them. The members of this team are Fenny, Tsuka, Pochi, and Tama.
The 'Super Awesome Beast Eater Sweeping Team' was assigned the task of killing every [Beast Eater] around the vicinity of the camp, with Miu and Rikka leading it. The other members of this team are Hino-san, Toutobi-san, Lucato-san, and Satania-san.
As for the 'Super Awesome Food Making Team'? Well, we were assigned the task of cooking nonstop. There's me, Mutsuko-san, Kaede-san, and Rokuko. Magi-san and Lyly are too busy with their own repairing jobs so they obviously couldn't help us out.
Anyway, after a few hours of doing this, we were finally done. It was already the morning of the next day when we finished with all of that work.
"Good work out there, Syun."
"Oh, hey there Cloude. It looks like you're looking very tired as well."
"I'm very used to this. Anyway, our plans will commence during 6 at night. You guys could take a rest for now since you will need all the energy you could have for the battle. You probably already heard which [Great Eaters] you will be facing, is that right?" Cloude said while adjusting his glasses.
"Of course. I'll… I'll talk to you again once I'm fully rested up." I said while dragging a very tired Kaede-san and Mutsuko-san towards their own sleeping quarters where Miu, Rikka, Satania, and the others are sleeping.
As for Rokuko? She's currently clinging onto my neck like a koala. I'm so tired already but I just can't let these girls sleep outside…
(Third Person's POV)
Right in the middle of a forested area, there's a huge figure flailing around as it seemingly tried to remove something on its body. However, its movement was so slow that whatever it was that it's trying to remove from it's body could easily dodge its incoming attacks with ease.
All it could do right now is cry in anguish as it swing it's multiple tendrils randomly. Just when it was about to attack once again, its huge body began to get covered by a thick layer of frost and, before long, it turned into a huge ice sculpture that couldn't even move a muscle.
For three seconds, it stayed like that, unable to move as low booming sounds continuously resounded from all around it. Then, without any forewarning, a flash of light suddenly came down from the sky, followed by an extremely loud sound.
A very thick lightning struck the gigantic creature, freeing it from its cage made of ice. Unfortunately for it, it's misery is only just beginning.
Angered by the damage it received, it readied itself to smite whoever it is that harmed it. But before it could do just that, a streak of a sky blue color that glimmered in the night sky pierced one of the eyes on its body.
Then, slowly, its body once again got wrapped in a thin layer of frost later.
It tried to swing one of its tendrils towards the ground in anger but its attacks was met with some resistance. It couldn't even throw a tantrum now? Now that is really annoying.
"Hehe, I got you this time! "Block"! Everyone, you can attack now!"
"Roger~! Tama special ninjutsu~,"Sword Dance"~?"
""Gurando Slash", nanodesu!"
"Get a taste of my roaring flames of hell! "Flame Burn"—!"
It got sliced, it got diced, and everytime it tries to open one of its eyes, it would get pierced by an arrow or get stabbed by a sword, a dagger, a knife, or whatever immediately. These hateful humans isn't even giving it a breather.
Just behind the group of girls who are battling this disgusting gigantic figure that seemingly came out of a lovecraftian book, there stand a young man with black hair with some silvery blonde highlights. His deep blue eyes are staring right at the giant monster without even batting an eyelid.
"This one's already at a pretty low HP. As for the one that Miu and her party's attacking… Hmm, I guess I should shoot that one down some more. Once their HP are pretty much in the red, I think we could execute both of them immediately…"
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.
Author's Remarks:
※ Phew, atleast we managed to get all the other things out of the way. This boss thing took more chapters to write than I expected. Well, once I'm done with this, I myself can finally take a breather.