Hey, Shun here!
When I was young, I remember trying out those rock climbing courses as a little kid, accompanied by my Mom, Dad, and my two sisters, Miu and Shizuka-nee. Mom and Dad were using the one for the adults on expert mode while us kids are using the ones for, of course, kids.
That was one of the moments when I started to be amazed by what our Mom does. She was so fast at climbing up, and it look so effortless when she does it as well.
(Shun's POV)
Even before the sun was about to set, all of the groups that are assigned on their positions to take on one of the six [Great Eaters of Mythical Beasts] are already heading towards the different positions on the map. We, for one, was assigned on the Eastern part of the map, the part of the map that we explored the most.
While other groups are busy talking about the positions of parties and group battles, the duty assignment and switching, voice exchanges and other methods, and so on and so forth, our group is just chilling with the amazing singing voices of the younger kids as our background. They got hooked to a song other than the "Meat Song" that they like so much.
It was a song from an anime that Rikka showed them. The song was made by a rabbit who knows how to rap, which instantly became a hit to the two bunnies. It's funny how Fenny would rap with a dead pan expression while singing a cute song.
Tsuka, Tama, and Pochi were mostly just vibing, following Fenny's lead as she sang. Pochi would stutter most of the time but it wasn't that noticeable since the song is repetitive and light hearted.
When we reached the specified location before the sun completely sets, the merry atmosphere that we're having was completely shattered.
Why? It's because, in front of us, there stood a huge mass of black meat.
It's not the delicious looking kind of meat but the extremely disgusting one. It's something extremely similar to the [Beast Eaters] but, if you up the scales by a lot, you'll get this monster that's also many times more disgusting than the [Beast Eaters] I just mentioned.
This huge mass of meat that's akin to a mountain in terms of size is covered human faces, with anguished expressions on them. Like a creepy four-legged animal, it crawled using its own limbs while creating large holes on the group due to just how big and heavy it is.
As it moves around, it continued to shriek in this kind of eerie sounding voice that could probably make just about anyone feel disoriented. In short, this thing is not the most pleasing creatures out there. If it can even be called a creature at all.
Not only that but, the eyes that are the weakness of it were everywhere. On its back, limbs, all throughout its torso, and all over its pineapple-like head that's also full of eyes. All of these eyes are shedding tears of blood as they hatefully looked around with an empty and dark look in those numerous eyes.
Its murky dark colored tendrils, or tentacles if you prefer it that way, flailed around as it uprooted the trees that it get its hands on… or maybe tentacles on? Whatever.
"Ewww! This creature's more ugly than I thought! Are those developers really sick on the head? First, it was that females only dungeon filled with creepy wriggly insects, now its this…" Rikka said while backing off slightly.
Satania-san, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be perturbed, similar to Miu, Hino-san, Toutobi-san, Lucato-san, and Mutsuko-san who have lots of gaming experience.
"It doesn't look that ugly though? It looks like one of those creatures in the lakes of hell." Oh, I often forget she's a devil. So creatures from hell looks like this, huh.
Anyway, similar to her, Tsuka, Fenny, and Rokuko also doesn't seem to be affected by its appearance. While me and Kaede-san are a bit put off by the appearance like Rikka but not so disgusted that we would throw up and quit the game, no.
I mean, we didn't have that much experience seeing these kinds of creatures in game with that ultra realistic graphics… What am I saying? The game is not just ultra realistic but very realistic.
Anyway, enough about the monster. Let's talk about our strategy for this raid.
Our strategy here is to apply as much DPS as we could to the monster while remaining on a relatively manageable HP percentage. Our group was further divided into two teams who would do damage to the two different enemies while Mutsuko-san and I would switch teams whenever one team needed more DPS or more heal than the other.
Mutsuko-san is basically our dedicated support in this group as she carried many [Potions] and [Blue Potions] that we could use. She even made many [Condensed Potions] that she could dilute and make into either a [Blue Potion] or a regular [Potion] on the sidelines while we battle if need be.
The team composition at first was like this.
Extra Cool Monster-san Extermination Team 1:
Extra Cool Monster-san Extermination Team 2:
This was the most balanced way we could form the teams. Team 1 have Kaede-san who could fully tank for them, with Pochi as their backup semi tank player, while Team 2 have two semi tank players in Lucato-san and Hino-san, with Miu who could also tank some damage when needed.
Team 2 have three magic damage dealers in Tsuka, Fenny, and Miu but Team 1 have the highest magic damage output player of our guild in Satania-san. If the damage output on either teams becomes packing, I could just switch to the team and question and deal damage myself.
Our plan here is to lower the bosses' health bars at the same time before killing them at the same time. When they're on the critical HP, we'll finish them both off using a certain power move.
For this battle, other than me who got my long bow socketed with a unique stone, Kaede-san is wearing a newly made full set of white armor made by Magi-san. Paired by her new white shield, this made her look like a real paladin, unlike that certain little sister of mine who does acrobatic stunts while calling herself a paladin.
Her new armor is called [Thorned White Rose] which has the effects of both the [Stone of the Earth] and the [Stone of Bladescales], which are the drops from killing the Golem and the Blade Lizard from the west and east regions of the original map respectively. The armor have the [Stone o Bladescales] which has the effect of reflecting a percentage damage of the damage dealt to the one who's wielding it while the great shield have the effect of the [Stone of the Earth] which gives it a high DEF Bonus. The effects of the armor is where the 'thorned' part of the name came from.
"Alright! Everyone, are you ready!?"
"Pochi is ready nodesu!"
"I was born ready Onii-chan!"
"Yeah! I'm ready now, Shun! I think?"
"Me too! My [Tyrant's Eye] is tingling…"
"Let's do our best everyone~. I'll do my best to not receive damage while tanking for you all~!"
"Give me a portion of the material drops from these bosses when we defeat it, Shun-kun."
"Tsuka, ready, Master!"
"I'm ready to burn them to a crisp! A-hahahaha!"
Everyone almost simultaneously responded to me, making me also feel enthusiastic when I heard their excited shouts.
Once we started our fights, each and every members of our groups began to deal massive damage on the [Great Eaters]. I say massive but we could only deal around 0.1% of its HP as damage individually.
This will take some time, I thought. In my team, I was assigned in sniping the eyes that are hard to reach while the girls were busy destroying the numerous eyes its torso and the lower parts of its body.
To help them out and to slightly prevent them from receiving too much damage, I began spamming the hell out of my [Frost Arrows] which only costs a measly amount of mana. Paired with the many [Mana Potions] that I have, I could basically do this all day.
Because of me shamelessly spamming my [Frost Arrows], not only will one of the boss's eyes be destroyed while I do so, he will also be slowed everytime before getting rooted, and stunned for around two seconds when the number of the stacks hit 10. Not only that, but once you destroy an eyeball, we could destroy the tentacles surrounding that eyeball without worrying about it regenerating.
Speaking of the 10 stacks, it triggers the passive effect of the [Frost Arrow] skill, which is applying frostbite to the target. The duration of the frostbite was lower because it seems like this boss have some level of status effect resistance on it.
I mean, it makes sense since, if what I tried out multiple times worked, it would've remained frozen until it dies. Basically, what I was trying to do was using [Frost Arrow] on an [Iron Arrow +10] before using [Rapid Fire Bow — Shotgun Barrage] and [Alchemy] to trigger the instant frostbite effect.
Unfortunately, it didn't work so only one arrow got enhanced by the [Frost Arrow]. Well, it wasn't so bad since I still have [Recurring Wind] which helps me deal a frick ton of extra magic damage due to how many arrows I shoot using [Rapid Fire Bow — Shotgun Barrage].
Eventually, after switching teams, to Team 1 this time, I realized something. Since the target is extremely huge, couldn't I just use [Rapid Fire Bow — Shotgun Barrage] and fire it at the [Great Eater] at an extremely close range to deal massive amounts of damage, while also not missing?
Not only will I have an easier time lining up my shots, I could also do something that I've never done before. Without any forewarning, I ran straight towards the [Great Eater 1] before climbing up its body easily.
How can I do that? Well, I have the skill that I received as a reward from the [Group Chat] called [Unimpeded] after all.
The shortest way to describe it is… umm… it's like doing parkour but on an unhealthy amount copium?
That aside, when I reached the top of its body, I took out five [Iron Arrows +10] and aimed it at an eye at the side of its head or whatever. Then, after casting [Rapid Fire Bow — Shotgun Barrage], I madly tried to cast [Lower Matter Conversion] on each and every one of my arrows.
*shui* *shui* *shui*…
Unfortunately, I only heard the sound of 28 arrows hitting the eyeballs. Meaning, I only managed to cast one [Lower Matter Conversion] on an [Iron Arrow +10].
But, like they always say, results comes with practice, and that's what I did. Even when my [Arts] is on cooldown, I would try to practice using [Lower Matter Conversion] on my arrows one by one.
As I practiced it, I began to get a feel for it and, eventually… I managed to pull it off.
""Rapid Fire Bow — Shotgun Barrage"!"
Following my shout was a loud sound of arrows being fired. It almost sounds like those fireworks being fired. Paired with the [Recurring Wind], it's like there's two rounds of fireworks.
When the first one of 50 arrows hit the eyeballs, the [Great Eater momentarily let out a scream of anguish. However, soon after, it became frozen solid.
"Let's get out of here!" I don't know if I could get hit by my own skill but I don't want to take the gamble.
As soon as I leapt out of the way, *BOOOOOOM* I heard a loud clap of thunder from up above that came after a blinding light that struck the [Great Eater].
Once the sound of the thunder calmed down, I heard someone shout from the other side of the battle field.
"Hey everyone! I got something good! It's called [Sky Eyes]!" It was Mutsuko-san's voice announcing her acquisition of a Sense that I and Rikka-san are very familiar with.
The HP of the bosses are already nearing critical levels so I guess that's just perfect timing?
※~To be continued~※
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Author's Remarks:
※ I cut this chapter since it was becoming longer xD. Next chapter is the end of this event(for real this time) hahaha.