Hey, Shun here!
Did you know that the meaning of 'Élö' from the name of the person who invented the 'Elo System' meant 'living' in Hungarian? It's just kind of ironic since people refer to the ranking system in games, or the 'Elo System', as 'elo hell'.
'Living Hell', huh… That sounds about right.
(Shun's POV)
In the end, everyone except those who already have a lot of gaming experience asked for my opinion on whether or not they should take this reward or that reward. It was a fun little activity that made me decide on what I wanted to go for so it was good.
The final result of our deliberations was that, Pochi, Tsuka, and Fenny will be taking [Strengthened Weapons(using magic materials] while Tama, will be taking a [Strengthened Armor(using magic materials]. She could've also taken a strengthened weapon for herself but that one pink kunoichi armor caught her eyes.
As for those who came to a decision by themselves, namely; Satania-san, Miu, Hino-san, and Toutobi-san, took the [Strengthened Weapon(using magic materials)] option. Kaede-san and Rikka took a different route by taking accessories that took their fancy.
Kaede-san seems to have taken a white ring with angel-like motifs for herself while Rikka-san chose what seems to be a blue colored scarf. Lucato-san, on the other hand, took a fancy to an armor on the selection, similar to Tama.
While they took something more, let's say reasonable options for themselves, me, Rokuko, Magi-san, Cloude, Lyly, and Mutsuko-san have different plans. Take for example Lyly and Cloude who took the [Personal Field Ownership] and the [Dungeon Making Rights] themselves.
Magi-san, Mutsuko-san, and Rokuko , on the other hand, took the [Making Box], the [Personal Field Ownership], and the [Making Box] respectively. Mutsuko-san wanted to take the [Making Box] for herself as well but I decided to have a conversation with her about that.
You see, I myself was torn between the [Making Box], the [Personal Field Ownership], and the [Dungeon Making Rights]. After weighing down my options, I decided to cross out the [Dungeon Making Rights] since I already have a dungeon to manage elsewhere with Rokuko and, while it could net me a lot of profits and materials in the long run, it's gonna be yet another load in the things I have to manage.
I already have my combat Senses and crafting Senses to manage and level up so that seems to be counterintuitive.
The reason why I had a conversation with Mutsuko-san was because of the last two options, the [Making Box] and the [Personal Field Ownership]. To be completely honest, I want to have some more use of my [Ultimate Great Fortune] aside from the privilege to get better drops and etc.
However, I also want the [Personal Field Ownership] since I needed the [Wooden Branches] for my arrows. Many of them! Constantly looking out for materials while I go around killing mobs is really starting to become tedious.
I do have some avenues where I could get the other materials after all. Hiring other players to collect them for me is one thing and buying them off of other players is another option.
After a long conversation, I managed to convince her to pick the [Personal Field Ownership]. In exchange though, I have to do one thing for her when the time comes. I was curious as to what she wanted me to do for her but she was being kind of mysterious about it.
"Man, thanks for accepting my selfish request Mutsuko-san. With this, not only will we be able to grow many trees for materials, you'll also have a huge field of your own. Thank you. Of course, you could totally still make use of our field anyrime you want." I said while rubbing my palms together with a smile on my face.
"It's fine! Shun-kun rarely request something from us after all. It's also as thanks for the really great weapon I got from you!"
I was momentarily stunned by the extremely bright smile that Mutsuko-san showed as she smiled from ear to ear. She's really beautiful, isn't she?
"Now, I have an item that I could experiment with. I could put different stones in it and figure out its effects… *mumble* *mumble* *mumble*…"
She said the same thing that Magi-san, Lyly, and Cloude said when they saw our weapons. Magi-san was really jealous of our weapons.
After I finished sending our requests to the system, I immediately received the [Making Box] right after.
『The Young Beasts will be contracted to players shortly…』
With that message as the cue, the last part of the event began quietly. Almost simultaneously, with the announcement as the trigger, the Young Beasts faced the humans they trusted most one after another.
All of us players whom the Young Beasts are now facing towards didn't utter a single word. While our reason for not speaking was because we are solemnly waiting for the contract ceremony to begin, the others remained silent because they were caught by surprise, not knowing what to do.
A few moments later, right before our very eyes, the Young Beasts have started to emit light one after another, signalling that it's now about to begin.
In front of me, Panchan, Panchamp, and Sarasvati are being wrapped by different colors of light. Panchan, for example, was being enveloped by a gray colored light.
As for the others, Panchamp was being enveloped by a fiery red colored light while Sarasvati is being wrapped by a silvery white colored brilliance, with some golden radiance showing up from time to time.
It seems like the color of the light that's covering the Young Beasts in question signifies their main elements. Or maybe it's connected to their race? After all, I can see that the other ordinary Young Beasts like the rabbits are being surrounded by a pale white light.
After about thirty seconds of waiting, the light finally subsided and we could finally see our young companions. Instead of seeing them in their previous appearances however, we saw them in a slightly different appearance.
Panchamp just became a few centimeters taller. He also gained some kind of hand wrap. As for Panchan… he didn't change at all aside from getting a little bit taller and plumper, I guess? I can't really tell him apart from his previous appearance.
Rokuko's Hakkou also only got a small-ish horn on top of its head while Satania-san's Frederick gained a new tail. Like Panchan, Tama's MiiMii and Pochi's Shirayuri also got a little bit taller and gained a new tail each that are now like their paws wherein its tips are a different coloration than their whole body.
What really threw us off was the change in appearance of Sarasvati, Taffy, and Chiaki. For some odd reason, the two little white and azure snake transformed into two different colored chibi dragons while Chiaki, the little squirrel, grew a few centimeters and gained some kind of huge leaf that doubles as her little umbrella.
"Whooooaaaaahhh! Yuri-chan looks many times cuter now nodesu! Take care of Pochi from now on, Yuri-chan!"
"MiiMii, too~. Look very cuuute…? Tama approves~!"
"Right, nanodesu! They're both cuter now nodesu!"
Pochi and Tama are very pumped up right now as they gazed at the new look of their animal companions. Meanwhile, Tsuka and Fenny are also the same.
"Shiroena, not change much~?"
"Phi-chan… bigger and, more pretty…?"
Yes, Tsuka named her young Humming Tempest Shiroena. That was a name that I suggested myself. It came from the small white bird called Shima Enaga and the Japanese of white which is shiro.
I bet that she'll end up naming it cotton balls or something if she was the one who got tasked of naming Shiroena. I mean, that would also be cute and all but I kinda felt bad for it. It's the young of a boss after all.
"Hehehe… A-hahaha! Aren't you looking very intimidating now, Frederick! How much more intimidating will you look once you have one thousand tails!?"
Satania-san herself is having her own interactions with her animal companion, same as Rikka-san and the others. Though, I don't think Frederick will grow so many tails Satania-san.
Who do you think it is? Some kind of weird Saiyan that gains more tails as they power up or something?
"You look very cute and cool yourself, Fuyuku! Good job!"
When I checked the races of the Young Beasts that I and everyone have, I was quite startled by what I found. To think that we'll have so many mythical beasts on our side.
The Unicorn that Rokuko have is the most obvious one, as well as mine and Kaede-san's dragons, Sarasvati and Taffy. To be more specific, Taffy is an Azure Leviathan while Sarasvati is an Ivory Winged Storm Leviathan.
The name of her race is longer so I bet she's more powerful than Kaede-san's, I just know it. That's always been the cliché, after all.
Anyway, back to the mythical beasts. We also have Rikka's Cloud Fenrir, Satania-san's Heavenly Fox, Fenny's Phoenix, and Lyly's Vermillion Bird.
Including the Black Heavenly Tiger and the White Celestial Tiger of Tama and Pochi, the Forest Tanuki of Mutsuko-san, the Little Fenrir of Magi-san, the Lucky Cat of Cloude, my Fire Fist Red Panda and Lucky Panda, as well as Tsuka's Humming Tempest, there's a total of 15 notable Young Beasts here.
There's some interesting ones like the Kamaitachi that's in front of Miu and that small bear near Lucato-san but I'm not really sure if they'll be able to form contracts with them. They were mostly out killing mobs after all.
Eventually, as the youngest girls were talking to their respective young animal companions, the Young Beasts suddenly disappeared. On top of Pochi, Tama, Tsuka, and Fenny's hands were small stones that corresponds to their young beast companion's colors.
Oh? They're already done with the contract? Should I also do my contracts with these little guys now too?
With that in mind, I knelt down on one knee and began talking to my new little friends.
"Sara, Panchamp, Panchan… Would you like to work with me from now on? I bet we'll have a lot of opportunities to have fun, fight, and relax together if you decide to come with me…" I mean, with my [Transformation] skill, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to summon them.
While I was doing so, I heard the voices of everyone else proceeding to finalize their own contracts as well. Aside from me, there was Kaede-san, Rokuko, Satania-san, and Rikka who immediately tried to form a contract with the young beasts.
"Let's get along from now on as well, Taffy!" Kaede-san is going with the same approach as me.
"Of course you will come with me. Right, Hakkou?" Aren't you very confident that he'll come with you, Rokuko?
To be fair, I think Hakkou likes to follow you around very much. I'm beginning to think that Fenny is training it or something.
"Now, it's time for you to come with me, Frederick! Together, we can conquer the world of [Only Sense Online]! We will make everyone remember the name of the all powerful Archdemon and her equally powerful servant! A-hahahaha!" As expected of Satania-san. She's still trying to conquer [Only Sense Online], huh.
As for her fellow comrade, Rikka…
"Huhuhu, look, Fuyuku! See these powerful eyes of mine!? You could also have a powerful ability such as mine if you choose to follow me! The power that you've seen in our battle against the [Great Eaters] was merely a fraction of what I can do!"
Regardless of their methods of how to convince the Young Beasts, they managed to convince them and that's what's important. After all, if you didn't manage to convince them, they'll just leave like what happened to Miu and the members of her party.
Even the very likeable Hino-san and Lucato-san was unable to get even one contract from the many Young Beasts that accompanied us. Thus, instead of getting a [Contract Bead], all they got was a rare item from that Young Beast.
I also got some of them. I couldn't make any more contracts with the other young beasts after all…
Once the time limit for the contract signing was done, every Young Beast who didn't manage to form a contract with the players began to leave one after another. Everyone said their goodbyes to the young animals who are leaving.
I thought the younger girls would cry when they start leaving but, surprisingly, they didn't. In fact, they sent off the young animals with huge smiles on their faces. Chief among them was Tama and Pochi, as well as Rokuko.
"Bye bye~!"
"Bye bye everyone! Greet Pochi and everyone if we meet again okaaaay~?"
"See you guysss! Sorry if I can't take you all with me!"
Following their example, Fenny and Tsuka also said their goodbyes to the young beasts who kept on looking back at us.
"Bye, bye…"
"Bye~, everyone~! Good luck~!"
That was also when we heard a notification sound ring beside our ears.
Quest complete, huh. After this, I wonder which world will we be thrown into? To be honest, I'm feeling excited but also a little nervous at the same time.
※~To be continued~※
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Author's Remarks:
※ Phew. Didn't expect that this would be such a long chapter.