Quest's Completion

Hey, Shun here!

Have you ever experienced becoming so tilted that you felt like you could've sworn you tilted yourself off the face of the Earth due to how much rage you're feeling?

I rarely tilt so I haven't experienced that but I did met someone who got so tilted that he had to buy a new keyboard for the internet cafe. He smashed it so bad that even the table got pretty damaged.


(Shun's POV)

I sat up from my bed and looked at the clock on my bed side to check if only two hours really passed.

"So it was true huh… That's amazing." I muttered under my breath, remembering the seven days and six nights that I spent in that place, I couldn't help but admire the genius of whoever managed to make that event possible.

"Squeak, squeak~? Master, what wrong~?"

"Oh, sorry if I worried you, Tsuka. It was nothing. I was just thinking about the event." I replied to the Vorpal Bunny who's currently tilting her head with a smile on my face.

Upon hearing my words, Tsuka's expression bloomed into a smile. Really cute.

"Squeak, squeak. Squeak~! Event, really fun, Master~! Tsuka got, many many, new friends~!" Tsuka was excitedly bouncing up and down as she began telling me her own experiences during the event.

I was just smiling the entire time, listening to her narrations. Since I was starting to feel a little dizzy with her bouncing over and over on top of the bed though, I caught her mid air and plopped her right on top of my lap.

"Squeak~! That how, Tsuka met Shiroena, Master~!"

"Hee, that's amazing. But, you shouldn't do that again, okay?"

"Squeeeak~! Okaaay~!"

After our conversation ended, Tsuka just obediently sat on my lap while humming a tune. If I remember correctly, that's the tune of the meat song…

I smiled at the sight of her swaying her body left and right while humming before picking my phone and looking at the strings of system messages on the screen.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: The [Animal Gathering] quest has been successfully completed.

System Message: Checking the completion rate of the sub quests…

System Message: Participate in the First Event at [Only Sense Online]: Completed…

System Message: Tame a total of 5 Young Beasts or more: Completed…

System Message: Meet a Mythical Beast once: Completed…

System Message: Obtain atleast 5 Unique Equipments: Completed…

System Message: Slay the [Great Eater]: Completed…

System Message: Calculating the completion speed…

System Message: Calculating the rewards…

System Message: The participants of this [Quest] will receive: 1,000 d-coins, 1x Random D-coins Chest, and 1x Random Reward Coupon…

System Message: The participants of this quest will receive 500 d-coins for each sub quest completed…

System Message: Due to the participants doing much more than what was written on the sub quest, a [Hidden Quest] has been completed. Changing the [Random Reward Coupon] into the [Random Sense Coupon]…

System Message: Allocating the extra rewards for the completion of the [Quest]…

System Message: All of the rewards for the participants in total are: 4,500 DP, 1x Random D-coins Chest, and 1x Random Sense Coupon…

System Message: Congratulations on your quest's completion! [Dimensional Train] is now 75% ready…

System Message: You only have three days before you are automatically transported to your original dimensions…


Oh, neat. We got a more reliable way of gaining a new cheat.

After all, even though the Random Reward Coupons have helped us a lot to gain whatever cheat we have right now, it is not very reliable. Atleast with this, we know that we'll get a Sense, which is absolutely great if you ask me.

Since we were all staying on the same house right now, we decided to gather at our house's living room. Miu have some business with her party members so we didn't have to worry about her hearing our conversations.

"That was nice, we got new rewards. I could finally strengthen my [Tyrant's Eye] even more…" Rikka said while covering her eye patch covered right eyes with her hands, striking a pose. It's the pose that was extremely overused amongst all the chuunis out there.

"I'm excited to open my rewards. Can I open it now? I want to see what I got from doing a quest for the first time!"

"Maybe it would be better if we open it together, Rokuko? We haven't done this before…" Kaede-san suggested while showing her usual relaxed smile.

"Nyuu~? Tama, approves~." Tama gave Kaede-san a thumbs up for suggesting such a good idea.

"Pochi wants to open her rewards with everyone nodesu! We should do this all the time nanodesu! It's more fun nanodesuyo?"

Tama and Pochi immediately jumped on the idea. It looks like they approve of this being our tradition from now on. What about the others?

"That sounds like a good idea! It's like the club meetings my club does." Mutsuko-san said with her arms crossed and a look of approval on her face.

"You don't do that already? I thought you were doing it already since Shun and I opened our rewards together…" Rokuko commented.

"It's because we haven't really thought about doing just that up until now Rokuko." I replied.

"Although I don't intend to have fun with mortals since I'm a devil but, I guess it isn't such a bad idea to show you guys first hand my amazing rewards."

You sound like a tsundere right now, Satania-san. Also, don't raise any flags.

With the opinions of everyone including me being in favor of Kaede-san's idea, we decided to open our rewards all at the same time.

"Everyone ready? Go!"

As soon as I said so, I confirmed the opening of my [Random Sense Coupon]. This, in turn, resulted in yet another long string of messages on the [Group Chat].

"Ooooh! I got something! Is it good, is it good Shun!?" The first thing I heard right after we opened our [Random Sense Coupons] was Rokuko's scream of excitement.


"What is it? What did you get?" I peered into Rokuko's phone screen to see the reward that she got.

"Look, take a look at this! I got something called [Wizardry] or something… Is it good or bad, Shun?"

"[Wizardry]? That sounds like something that would be the upgrade of the [Sorcery] Sense or something…" Looking at the description that was written, it seems like that was indeed the case.

"You got a great haul from this, Rokuko. Now, you have even more magic aptitude and mana." Man, her luck really is something…

As for the others…

"Hahaha! IT CAME! The upgrade to my ultra powerful [Tyrant's Eye]! It's now even more powerful!"

It looks like Rikka got the Higher Sense of [Snake Eyes] called [Medusa's Eyes]. She already have this in her [Only Sense Online] avatar and it helped greatly during our battle against the [Great Eater].

The combination of the momentary petrification effect of the [Medusa's Eyes] and the multiple target functions of the [Sky Eyes] really carried us a lot during our fight against the two bosses. She one handedly disabled the [Beast Eaters] by herself before the damage dealer's attacks arrive.

On the other hand, there's Pochi and Tama who's currently showing off what they got to me. Pochi managed to get [Might] while Tama got [Swift Legs].

It's not that great of a haul, considering that we could just buy it off the [Dimensional Shop] for only a few thousand d-coins, which I knew they have plenty of, but I guess this is also fine since they could spend those d-coins on something else to power themselves up.

What I and Mutsuko-san got isn't half bad either as we got the [Sky Eyes] and the [Engraving] Sense respectively. Those were definitely great Senses but, the biggest winner of this time's [Random Sense Coupons] opening is probably Kaede-san.

It's evident that Kaede-san's very much happy at what she got as she is currently showing the most beaming smile that I've ever seen on her face.

"My defense got improved again, Shun! Look, I got something called [Stalwart Defense], the upgrade of [Sturdiness]!" In her excitement, Kaede-san even forgot to add any honorifics like what she usually does.

As an aside, [Sturdiness] is the upgrade of the Sense [Physical Defense Increase].

Now, if there's a winner, there's also bound to be a loser. Well, I wouldn't say that she's really a loser per se. It's just that, what she got doesn't align to what she wanted.

"Whyyyyyyy!? System, are you trying to sabotage me!? I'm a devil! A devil you know!? Why would a devil need this kinda Sense!? Take it back and give me something else!"

The reason why Satania-san is so agitated was because of the Sense that she got. Its name is [Healing Magic].

A natural born devil having the power of healing others. I wonder what will happen if she ever got some sort of light magic. Satania-san would probably break down and cry at that point…

"Don't get too hard on the system Satania-san. It's just doing its job. I mean, wouldn't it be great to have that Sense? On the bright side, now that you have it, you could help Alexander or the Phoenix that is yet to hatch if ever they get injured."

"I don't like to look at the bright side [Admin] Shun! I'm a devil! A devil is supposed to be destroying things, not healing them!"

Man, she got a point right there. However, I should still try to lift up her spirits somehow.

Oh, I know!

"But wouldn't it be cool if you could do a better job than the angels at healing and curing others? If you could become much better than them, then maybe…"

I deliberately trailed off at my latter words, waiting for her to understand what I'm getting at. She's a devil, I'm sure she'll get it… I think? I hope…

Sure enough, a few seconds later, Satania-san's expression lit up as she looked at me with her eyes wide open.

"You mean… If I could be better than the angels at their jobs, I could sway the humans to give up on their beliefs about them!? That sounds very evil, [Admin] Shun!? Are you sure you're not secretly a devil like me? You have the brilliant mind of one… Well, not as brilliant as me, a Great Archdemon though! A-HAHAHA!"

Good grief. Thank goodness that worked.

Though, I'm pretty sure that your plan will backfire somehow, Satania-san. I'm pretty sure that, if you become better than the angels at healing and curing illnesses, you'll be considered as a Godsend by the humans…

Should I tell here that?

"Watch me become the Greatest Healer and Devil at the same time! A-hahaha!"

Well, it looks like it's already too late to tell her that…


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page:! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.

Author's Remarks:

※ Just as I thought that I would be able to finish two chapters today since there's only a few things that I have to do, an unexpected blackout came. I forgot to charge my phone so I only had the chance to make a chapter with 800 words at first before my phone's battery died.