Hey, Shun here!
Becoming a transfer student, that's probably the dream of some otakus out there. However, let me tell you something…
Becoming a transfer student suck.
You'll have a hard time joining a social circle because the class already established their own. New environment, which always sucks since you risk getting lost because you don't know the way back home.
There's many things that suck about being a transfer student, I'm telling you.
(Third Person's POV)
It was nearing the end of May, and the students from Kunugigaoka Junior High School's Class 3-E just came back from their fun little assassination field trip at Kyoto. Although all of their assassination plans have resulted in failure, the fact that one of their attempts managed to wound their teacher, Koro-sensei, really lifted their spirits and gave them the motivation to try once again.
Just last night, everyone was informed that some transfer students may join their class. They heard that they expect atleast two transfer students to come today at school.
The boys, especially the lecher who goes by the name of Okajima Taiga, was extremely ecstatic when he heard saw that one of the new transfer students was a beauty. Outside of the Class 3-E building, he was squirming and dancing with his arms around his body, surrounded by the embarrassed Sugino Tomohito, exasperated Nagisa Shiota, and a fed up Isogai Yuuma.
As they entered inside their classroom, along with the rustling sound of the wooden sliding door being opened, it revealed the current people who's inside the classroom. Inside the classroom, Kataoka Megu, Kurashi Hinano, and a huge, life sized black colored box could be seen, with the former two staring at the said black box in confusion.
As Nagisa Shiota, Sugino Tomohito, Maehara Hiroto, Okajima Taiga, and Isogai Yuuma entered inside the classroom one by one, they began to surround the black box in curiosity.
"The hell's this?" Sugino said, asking the question that's on everyone's mind right now.
"We don't really know. It was here when we arrived."
"Hai hai~! We were really surprised you know? There was even a new row of chairs at the back of our classroom!"
A few seconds later, as if to respond to Sugino's question, all of a sudden, a third of the upper part of the black box suddenly lit up, revealing the image of a purple haired girl with lifeless, red colored eyes. Using it's completely monotonous voice, it greeted everyone politely.
"Good morning."
"Ah! It talked!"
"I am the Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery who will be joining your class today. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Without even waiting for a reply, the light on the screen was immediately turned off.
Inside the minds of everyone inside the classroom at the moment, only one thought is swirling inside their heads.
'So it's finally come to this, huh…'
Once everyone gathered inside the classroom, properly seated in their own seats — besides some hooligans — one of the Class 3-E's faculty members came over to introduce them to it. The only new information that the others who have come early heard was that this Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery came from the country of Norway, which is well-known for it's high Per Capita Income and GDP.
Like what it did earlier, the Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery just showed its avatar on the screen for a brief moment before disappearing again once it was done introducing itself to the class formally. This left everyone speechless as they looked at the black colored box that's at the second row — starting from the back — of the left most side of the classroom.
"Hai hai, Karasuma-sensei~!" The girl who has the most petite frame at Class 3-E said while raising her hands. Her name is Kurahashi Hinano, a girl with wavy chin-length orange hair and peridot green colored irises.
"What is it, Kurahashi?"
"What about the other transfer student? Isn't there another one?"
"Don't tell me it's a camera or something else this time, Karasuma-sensei~…" Karma quipped while still leaning back on his chair. He had a huge, impish grin on his face.
"Hmm? Ah, them? They should be on their way here. They should be finished with their entrance exam by now…"
"Eh? They?" Isogai Yuuma, a guy with spiked dark brown hair with two small small ahoges on top of his head, as well as a pair of pale golden eyes.
"Yes, they." The next moment, a pretty ear grating and annoying voice rang outside the classroom.
"Nyu-huhuhu. Karasuma-san, is it okay for the transfer students to enter and introduce themselves?"
"Ah, it's fine."
A few moments later, the classroom door swung open and in came a handsome young man of around 6 feet tall. He has curly black colored hair that was cut in a mid-fade style, as well as a pair of sky blue eyes.
While carrying his school bag over his shoulders, the young man faced the class. Soon, four other people joined in.
The moment they all entered, six of the Class 3-E's students eyes widened.
The first one among the four other people was a girl of around 12 or 13 years of age, with white colored hair that goes until her shoulders. The top of her head is being adorned by a large pink colored ribbon. Along with that, she's also got a really beautiful pair of red colored irises.
Meanwhile, the second one is a girl that's around the same age as the first one. This girl has black colored hair adorned by two blue colored ribbons that are tying her short hair into a low twintail style, making her more adorable than she already is. Like the only male of their group, this girl also have a pair blue colored irises but with a deeper shade.
Next to the black haired little girl is a blonde beauty. To the students, she's completely like a younger version of their English teacher, Irina Jelavić.
Blonde hair? Check.
Blue colored irises? Check.
Buxom figure? Check.
Curves in all the right places? Check.
The only difference they could spot between both of them was probably the fact that this girl is shorter than their English teacher and that she has this more bubbly atmosphere going on around her.
The last one on their group is a beautiful black haired girl with curves in all the right places. Unfortunately, her chest area is a bit lacking. Her reddish pink eyes roamed around the classroom in a probing manner.
Many of the boys of Class 3-E was so excited that one of them, Okajima to be exact, couldn't help but shout in excitement.
"So many beauties! There's even cute lolis in here! What a good time to be alive!" Okajima have this lecherous expression on his face as he began to squirm excitedly.
"Okajima, shut up and sit down… You can now introduce yourselves." Karasuma said.
"The name's Shirakami Shun. We meet again, Okuda-san, Kanzaki-san, and Kayano-san. Oh, and there's also Nagisa-san, Sugino-san, and Karma-san here I see. Nice to see you guys again, I guess?"
"Don't bother mentioning us if we're gonna be like an afterthought dude!" Sugino commented.
"Ah, that's right. I was told that I'll be one of you guys, an assassin, so Karasuma-sensei here gave me these guns for me to use…" Shun said while playing with the two guns within his hands.
He then singled out Okajima and said.
"Okajima Taiga is your name, right?"
"Yeah. Why are you asking?"
"No, well… It's just that, you see…" Slowly lifting the two guns, Shun pointed it at Okajima.
*bang* *bang*
*bang* *bang*
Then, without even a split second passing, Shun disappeared from in front of the class and appeared right behind Okajima — his hands were outstretched, placed in front of a clueless Okajima. Right between his fingers were four pink colored BB's.
"I don't really mind if you're a man of culture. In fact, I've been there as well." While shaking his outstretched hands in front of Okajima's face, Shun patted Okajima on his shoulders.
"However, you see…" Shun tossed the BB's in between his fingers before flicking them at a really fast speed. As a result, four *shiu*-ing sounds echoed all throughout the now quiet classroom.
The four BB's were flicked so hard that it passed through Okajima's desk and created a single hole on the ground. At this point, Okajima is already sweating bullets.
"No lewding my friends, okay? Or else…" Shun showed a snipping gesture using the hands that's still in front of Okajima's face.
"Y-Yeah… S-Sure dude…"
"Yaa, that's good to hear. Ah, sorry about that Karasuma-sensei. I just couldn't help myself. Pochi and Tama are still young after all."
As if nothing happened, Shun walked back and stood beside Tama once again after waiving and smiling at Kanzaki who's sitting beside Okajima.
Everyone was so surprised, even Karasuma, that he was a few seconds late before he could utter a reply.
"A-Ah, that's fine…"
Inside everyone's mind, everyone was thinking, "What the heck!?"
(Shun's POV)
That should do it for a warning. I'm not really into showing off but that was necessary in order to protect Pochi and Tama from these thirsty middle schoolers.
Rokuko and Mutsuko-san was giving me the, "Is that really necessary?" gaze, but I completely ignored them.
After me, Tama and Pochi introduced themselves, completely reviving the fun atmosphere without them even knowingly doing so. When it was Rokuko and Mutsuko-san's turn, no one really voice anything out, especially the guys.
Probably because they were too scared to do so.
After the introduction, we were then told to take a seat. I was told to sit right beside the Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery, with Tama sitting right beside me.
Meanwhile, the girl in front of the black box was asked to sit beside the guy named Terasaka Ryouma. Replacing her in her seat was Pochi.
Meanwhile, Mutsuko-san and Rokuko were sitting right behind the black box and Tama respectively.
"Now that everyone is here, let's start the homeroom. Student on duty, on your command."
Upon hearing Koro-sensei's words, Kurahashi-san calmly said.
"Stand up!"
In response to her words, we all stood up from our seats.
The sound of guns being loaded echoed simultaneously.
And so, with guns blazing, we started our first day as a student of Class 3-E. Should I say, 'The smell of freedom and gun powder is in the air'?
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.
Author's Remarks:
※ Done! Huhu, I had a hard time finishing this up because it was already so late when I started xD. Thank you guys for reading!