Hey, Shun here!
Quick question: What's the difference between an Automata and an Android? Is it the fact that the first one is a human-like puppet/doll and the other looking like a human from the outside and a machine on the inside?
I often confuse the two with one another.
(Shun's POV)
Karasuma-sensei contacted me through my E-mail address and clarified a few things to me, with one being about us all taking an entrance exam in order for us to be formally admitted to the school. There was only a few days before the classes resumed so I and Mutsuko-san had to cram and help Pochi, Tama, Rokuko about each and every subject.
We two didn't really need to study that hard except for when we wanted to refresh our knowledge quite a bit so we had a pretty long amount of time to work with. It also helped that the three of them are extremely driven.
I really thought that Pochi, Tama, and Rokuko, being the kids that they are — and Rokuko totally having the attention span of a kid — would get bored about the tutorial classes we are having, but they persevered. In fact, I think they quite like learning new things.
On the day before we went to school, I remembered that I bought ribbons for Pochi and Tama during my quest at Rokuko's place. It's just that I am yet to give them it.
And so, our first task for the day was styling Pochi and Tama's hair with some ribbons. After that, we went to the main campus of Kunugigaoka Junior High School and breezed through our entrance exams… and we finally arrived at our current situation at hand.
You see, we have a little problem here…
*Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Bang*
Many, and I say MANY, BB's are flying out towards our teacher, Koro-sensei, as he tried to continue the lecture despite this one student disobeying the class rules which is…
"Assassination attempts are forbidden during classes… huh." Despite that fact, this Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery who is already exploiting the contract that Koro-sensei and the government agreed to — a contract that could be so easily ignored by this powerful yellow octopus — is right now disobeying the rules.
And, I know a few people who would be annoyed if their classes turned out like this…
As expected, they probably couldn't handle it anymore as this has already been the third period, and it's been happening since the first period, mind you.
"Hey, you Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery! Can't you quieten down a little!? Put an, umm, what do you call it again? Hey, Shun! What do you call that thing that they put in guns?" Rokuko looks very cool at first, standing up against this AI inside a black box in righteous indignance but, it looks like she forgot what she wanted to say at a very crucial moment.
"It's a suppressor, Rokuko."
Mutsuko-san could actually make such a thing. She talked about it when she used such a thing to wound Koro-sensei when I was out looking for Koro-sensei's students during our sudden trip to Kyoto.
I could also help in coding this AI as well. It's not just the noise that was annoying but also how her bullets are also hitting us.
That being said, I'm sure if it'll manage to last long without getting destroyed one way or another.
While the BB's are still firing on all cylinders, Pochi seems to have had enough and, taking out a huge black sword with golden engravings, Pochi brandished it in front of the Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery.
"Automatically Intelligence Fixed Artillelery-san, are you an enemy of Pochi and everyone, nanodesu!? Rules say that you can't kill the ugly yellow octopup-sensei during classes, nanodesu!" Pochi shouted with righteous indignance. While she did so, she also used her huge sword to block the BB's that are flying towards her, sometimes awkwardly trying to dodge them.
But, Pochi, you totally butchered the name of this AI, haven't you? What do you mean Automatically Intelligence Fixed Artillelery-san?
"Pochi-kun, what do you mean ugly yellow octopup-sensei? Didn't sensei already taught you that you should call me Koro-sensei? Also, where did you take out that sword!? Put it back right this instant!"
"Koro-sensei doesn't sound good to Pochi, nanodesu! The sword is Pochi's and Pochi took it out with a *whoosh* earlier, nanodesuyo?" Pochi's face was clearly saying, "Didn't you see that?" as she looked at Koro-sensei as if he was an idiot.
"Pffft! Hahaha!" I couldn't help it. That was really funny and unexpected.
As if a dam broke because of my chuckle, everyone in the class suddenly started laughing, with the exception of Tama, Pochi, and Rokuko who looks really confused.
"Goddamn it, Shirakami. I was trying hard to suppress my laughter but you just had to chuckle! Hahahaha!" A voice coming from my right said. This should be Karma-san who's sitting right beside Tama.
"Hahaha! She really butchered the name of Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery into oblivion!"
"She could've also rolled with Artitilery and it would've rolled off the tongue better! Kuuuu… hahaha!"
"Oh, yeah, it does roll off the tongue really well! Automatically Intelligence Fixed Artitilery, huh… Hahaha!"
"Also, look at Koro-sensei! Kuro-chan completely defeated him! Automatically Intelligence Fixed Artillelery-san couldn't do that~! Puu—! Hahaha!" Maehara-san said while pointing at Koro-sensei who's looking extremely hurt at the moment while dodging the attacks from Automatically Intelligence Fixed Artillelery-san.
At this moment, everyone momentarily forgot that they were continuously being annoyed by the constant sounds of barrages all throughout the morning.
"An unknown variable has been detected… Searching for ways to revise the calculations…" As soon as Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery said that, the guns that comes out of her sides was finally retracted. That was when Tama and Rokuko finally swooped in and completely taped it on the sides to prevent the guns from coming out again.
"Phew, that should to it, right Shun?"
"Problem soooolved~?"
For a few seconds, there was complete silence. Then, it was soon followed by a surge of cheers coming from everyone.
"Woooooaaaah! Very awesome Shirayuki-chan, Kuro-chan, and Labyrinthhart-san! Heroes! No, Goddesses!"
"Good job!"
Unlike the really jubilant atmosphere that taken over our classroom though, one person was very much upset about it. Of course, it was none other than the Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery itself.
"Please remove my restraints. I still have two hundred and twelve attacks to do before the end of classes…"
"Nooo~! Bang bang bang, noisy, you know~?"
"Yes, nanodesu! Master [Admin-sensei], what do we do to help her, nanodesu? Pochi hates the bang bang bang sounds as well, nanodesu!"
Well, I guess it's my and Mutsuko-san's turn to help, eh.
"We'll help you get fixed later, Ritsu."
"Ritsu? What do you mean by that, Shirakami Shun?"
"No, well, it's just sort of a sarcasm and to remind you of something. The 'ritsu' from 'jiritsu' could also mean discipline, after all. Today, you didn't show any of that and totally ruined our class." I said while shrugging my shoulders.
"See? Somebody would've said something at this moment to protect you if only you didn't annoy them with your attacks. Also, even if it's BB's, it still hurts when humans gets hit by it, you know?"
"Nyu-huhuhu, very well said Shirakami-kun. Then, Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery-san, no, Ritsu-san, please remain quiet until the classes ends."
(Third Person's POV)
Outside of the classroom, the remaining two faculty members of Class 3-E could be seen talking with each other.
"It looks like your cutting edge technology got defeated by our students just like that."
"No, I'm more surprised that even the three younger girls are also fast and powerful. Even though they're clearly not yet on the level of Shirakami, on human standards, they could already be considered anomalies."
At Karasuma's words, Irina looked inside the classroom once again. Specifically, she was looking at the five new human(?) transfer students.
"I can finally see why that perverted octopus wants them to be enrolled here. I couldn't even see their movements earlier…"
"Ah. Kuroinu Kanami singlehandedly blocked 95% of the BB's that are being fired at her at point blank range. Even if we factor in her huge sword and the fact that she could block where the barrel is aiming at easily, her insane reflexes couldn't simply be ignored…"
"Well, it looks like they managed to solve the problem so fast. As expected of the class I chose to teach in…" Irina said while leaving.
Meanwhile, Karasuma once again looked inside the classroom and thought, 'Shirakami Shun, Kuroinu Kanami, Shirayukineko Sorashi, Rokuko Labyrinthhart, and Sakaki Mutsuko… With these five people, I think the percentage of success of this assassination just got bigger exponentially…'
(Shun's POV)
It was already late, with the time being way past 5:00 PM, but us five are still inside the classroom. We're already done removing all of the tapes on the frame of Ritsu and we're now talking about what we could possibly do to solve the problem about her loud guns and the fact that she's also hitting us, her classmates.
I say us but it's only Mutsuko-san and I who are deliberating about this. Rokuko, Tama, and Pochi are on the side, playing UNO.
"Uno reverse card, nanodesu! It's Tama's turn nodesu!"
"Uno reverse caaard~?"
"Eh!? Tama also have an uno reverse card!?"
Well, they were done with their revisions so I think it's just fair that they get to play for a bit.
"…So I was thinking, do we need to make a new body for her or do we just modify the current one? I kinda want to do the former…" Mutsuko-san said.
"My Master won't allow me to get a new body…" Ritsu-san replied with her usual monotonous voice.
"Who cares about your Master? I could make better techs than him and I'm only a high school girl. And he calls himself a genius?" Mutsuko-san jokingly quipped.
"Besides, don't you want to be able to move more freely so that you could do your task better? Think about what happened earlier. If you had a body, would you be able to stop Pochi-chan and Tama-chan from restraining you?"
"According to my calculations, there's a 0.0000000001% chance that I could if my body have the functions of a normal human body." Ritsu replied in a matter of fact tone.
"Hmm, that's basically as impossible as it gets huh. You probably just said that number to account from some kind of variable, didn't you?"
"Yes. For example, if student Kuroinu Kanami were to slip…"
"Then, if that's the case, you probably have more than that amount of chance, Ritsu." Yep, I agree. Pochi is just that kind of person. Though I think she managed to not fumble for some time now.
And just as I was mentioning it inside my head…
"Achaa~! Pochi made the wrong move nodesu! No, can we reset the game nanodesu!? Pochi is going to lose nodesuyo!?"
"We can't make this game a no count again, Pochi."
A new body for Ritsu-san, huh… That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. I have many different parts for machinery inside my [Storage] from my home dimension so we could probably make use of it.
My dimension's Earth really quite good, able to make some really amazing robots. However, up until now, our technology just isn't enough to make those android-like robots.
You know, those things that looks completely like humans but are in fact made of machine parts? However, I think, with the help of Mutsuko-san's [Mechanical Crafting God] skill, we'd probably be able to do it if we do more research about it.
"For now, just input the data of our classroom on her. I'll be back after buying a few things." After saying that, I took out a feather that's pale gold in color before disappearing from my position in a flash.
The next moment, I was already inside an alleyway. Eh, this [Divine Warp Feather] is extremely handy, isn't it?
Walking out of the alleyway, I went inside a shop that sells electronic parts. There, I saw a person with an extremely familiar build.
"What are you doing here Koro-sensei? Buying some parts to upgrade Ritsu?"
※~To be continued~※
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Author's Remarks:
※ Another chapter done! Man, writing about this dimension has been a blast so far. I hope you're also enjoying it!