Hey, Shun here!
People say that there's a fine line between genius and stupidity, and I believe that.
Take Mutsuko-san for example. She's a very bright girl but then, after living with her for months, I found out that she would sometimes do some extremely stupid things like suggesting to eat something like an ice cream made out of wasabi and sardines.
(Shun's POV)
I just got out of my newly built company. I am having a huge headache after staying up for two days just to arrange everything so I involuntarily wanted to visit a hospital on my way back.
However, I changed my mind and, before long, I just decided to go to a nearby shop to eat some street food.
"Thanks for coming!"
"No, thank you for the delicious food."
While smiling at the diner's owner, I went back to walking aimlessly on the streets. I really didn't have anything planned for today and I was planning on just sleeping but, I'm not really feeling sleepy yet.
As I walked on the sidewalk nearby a riverbank, I couldn't help but hum a tune and enjoy the peace and quiet that I'm having right now. Ever since we got here, the reason why I always wanted to take the girls out from time to time was so that they wouldn't get bored or anything at school.
Whilst it's good that they're enthusiastic about school and our quest, doing it everyday without breaks is a recipe for boredom. I also have our classmates to thank, especially Kayano-san, Okuda-san, Kanzaki-san, Yada-san, and Hayami-san for being friends with Pochi, Tama, and Rokuko.
Those four girls, despite knowing of how strong the three are, didn't shy away from becoming their friends. Since we have a quest to invite one girl, we were seriously entertaining the thought of inviting one of them.
"Hmm~… Since the day that we met girl~. I never had anyone hmm…" I continued to sing as I walked down the road.
However, my jolly atmosphere was instantly broken when I heard someone scream at the top of her lungs. I found the voice extremely familiar so I searched for where the voice is coming from and found out that it came from a house just a few meters away from where I stand.
"Help! Help! My brother he, he's having a seizure!" shouted the voice.
Unfortunately, despite some people passing by in front of her house, they pretended like nothing happened. That's… That's really quite cold of them.
Well it's not like I could blame them though. Not everyone would like to meddle with other's business but, yeah… That's still so cold.
Also, I think I recognize who's voice this is. Using my speed, I excused myself and entered inside the house where I saw my classmate, Yada-san.
I heard that she had a sick younger brother and that was the reason why her grades failed but, to think that her brother's condition was like this. Even though she was shouting for help, Yada-san was surprised when she saw me appear in front of her.
"H-How did you get here, Shirakami-kun!"
"Eh? Magic, I guess? Anyway, tell me when did the seizure start."
"I-I recorded it already." Seeing that she recorded the time, I guess her shout was really kind of involuntary. However, since I was already there, I helped in putting her brother's body sideways while still maintaining distance.
We then waited until his attack was over. The moment it was done, we waited for the doctor to arrive and I accompanied her to the hospital. Her mother was out for work so no one would accompany her there, that's why I went with her.
Seeing her sit on the bench inside the room where her brother has been confined, crying, I approached her and tried to atleast lend her my shoulder or something. She was so stubborn at first, not admitting that she's sad but, she broke out crying a few seconds later.
Ever since that day, I would visit her and her brother from time to time with the girls. Stealthily, we also checked her brother's condition and we came to a conclusion that a potion should be able to help him get better.
It was just in theory though and we haven't really tested it out yet. A few days later, after that incident, I met another one of our classmate… That week was really quite something.
It's been a hard month for everyone of us in Class 3-E. Attacks that came from those people with black tentacles inside their heads didn't really hurt anyone severely since Mutsuko-san was prepared for the eventuality of this kind of attack, we managed to capture and incapacitate those assailants before they could harm any of us.
During this month, we didn't stop from studying. Also, me and my group also didn't stop from trying to locate each and every black tentacle people that was sent out by Shiro.
Today was the day that we finally managed to locate and capture each and every one of them. As for those that was just getting dispatched by Shiro coming from his base, we've long been capturing them. If not for the many black tentacle people that was already on the loose, it wouldn't have taken so much time before I could finally retaliate.
"How's the research about how we could remove those tentacles out of their bodies going, Mutsuko-san?" I asked while looking at Mutsuko-san who's lying on her stomach on top of the sofa, fiddling with her laptop in her pajama.
I was already used to this kind of sight so I didn't blush as much at the sight of her bare slender waist that was being shown in its full glory to me, due to her shirt's fabric folding upwards.
"Hmm? Well, we still need some more data about it."
"I thought so…"
"Ah, Shun, are you going to attack that annoying white guy tonight? Want me to come with you?" Rokuko asked, also wearing her own expensive looking pajamas. It looks like, while I went away from her dimension, Haku visited her and gifted her this clearly very expensive set of pajamas.
Upon hearing her words, Pochi and Tama popped out of their room and said the same thing as Rokuko.
"Pochi will go too, nanodesu!"
"Tama will go~?"
Looking at the two of them who's currently wearing a yellow and pink pajama respectively, I patted them on the head and caressed their animal ears. Ah, this is the healing that I needed.
"No need to come with me, Pochi, Tama. Aren't you taking care of the black tentacles people already?" I said as I reminded them of what they said they will be doing to help out. They're really such good kids.
"Ah, Pochi forgot nodesu!"
A few minutes after our dinner, I went out under the cover of the night sky and, using my [Divine Warp Feather], I appeared inside Shiro's laboratory. Despite being unable to attack Shiro for a while due to the fact that he clearly sent those humans that he broke to attack our classmates and us, I was going some sneaking around inside his laboratory.
Heck, this place couldn't even be called a laboratory. According to the intelligence that I gathered through Ritsu's help and my own investigations, the top leaders of a select few countries were giving him the prisoners who are in death row or those most wanted criminals so that he could experiment with them, and I quote "Without worry".
Despite those 'benefits' that he's receiving from those backers, Shiro would also go out of his way to kidnap a few more people. It got so bad that a few people would be reported as missing every other day.
However, the revelations doesn't end there. Just yesterday, after sneaking around undetected by this idiot, I found something that made me grimace hard.
Inside his office, written on his observation files, I found out that he was actually the leading scientist that kick-started the human experimentations regarding a subject that was also included in our quest, 'anti-matter'.
Koro-sensei was the result of his first human experimentations. The reason why he was so fixated on Koro-sensei was because he wanted to conduct further experiments on him, so that he could finally perfect his studies.
What made my blood boil even further was the fact that Koro-sensei saying that he will kill everyone living on Earth like what he did on the moon was mostly something that he said based on unproven hypothesis of these guys. The likelihood of Koro-sensei exploding when he dies was very astronomical that you actually have a better chance of winning the lottery ten times in a row!
"This guy, he deceived those world leaders and Koro-sensei so that he could achieve his own goals." I murmured.
It was then that I heard someone's voice coming from outside the door of that guy's office.
"Who's inside my office!? Is that you, monster? You can't touch anything here since this whole base of mine is coated with your weakness. Hahaha! To think that you were stupid enough to come into my territory yourself."
Upon hearing his nearly deranged laughter, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. He seems to have a few screws loose now? I wonder what happened.
"To think that I were stupid enough to come here and serve yourself on a silver platter to me!"
"Nah, it was the other way around, Shiro-san. To think that YOU were kind enough to serve yourself in a silver platter to me. You see, I was really looking forward to this time, when I finally get my hands on you, Shiro-san."
Surprised by the sudden voice that came from behind him, Shiro-san hurriedly looked behind him but that wouldn't do anything for him. He saw me, then, what of it?
"Or should I say, Yanagisawa Kotarō-san?"
"How did you know my name!? Ah, I know now, that monster probably told you everything, didn't he!?"
I wonder what happened to this guy. He seems to be overly paranoid and a little deranged.
Uh, maybe not a little?
"No, he didn't. I figured it out myself."
Noticing something suspicious about this guy, I hurriedly took out my sword and cut all of the muscle fibers on his four limbs, preventing him from walking. I can't take chances when it comes to this guy.
"Aaaaaah!" Along with a thud, Shiro's body fell onto the ground.
That was also when I heard some kind of sound coming from inside his jacket. This reminded me of the sound that Koro-sensei's body emits whenever we hit him with our attacks.
This guy… Don't tell me he used that black tentacle for himself and then wore an Anti-sensei equipment?
Finding this hard to believe, I looked at this guy before taking out a few ropes and tying the hoodie of his coat on his head.
The moment that happened, Shiro let out a scream as he wriggled his body on the ground like a salted worm.
"You… I didn't know that you were so stupid as to wear something that counters you. Are you really a smart guy or an idiot?" I could only assume that this guy's plan got derailed so much that he had no time to research everything fully.
This explains why he seems so on high alert, or should I say, paranoid. When I was talking to him earlier, he wasn't just looking at me but also at his surroundings.
There's really a fine line between genius and stupidity, huh. I thought to myself while looking at the suffering Shiro.
※~To be continued~※
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Author's Remarks:
※ I hope this didn't come off as a forced development. My thoughts about this Shiro guy is that, if he wasn't given so much time to prepare, he wouldn't have been a problem.