Hidden Memories That Would Never Resurface

Hey, Shun here!

I've never understood why I was good at things that I don't even remember studying. Things like targeting the vital areas, I've been doing that unconsciously ever since I started training hand to hand combat and the other weapon arts.

I guess it's one of those mysteries that I wouldn't be able the solve.


(Shun's POV)

Right after I got my hands on a severely weakened Shiro, I would stick with calling him Shiro since I felt like changing how I call him is unimportant, I took him inside the office and 'politely' asked him some questions regarding how the hell he came to this kind of state. Of course, I made sure to 'gently' extract that information out of him.

After a few minutes of 'coaxing' the information out of his mouth, I finally got the information I wanted. Apparently, because he only had a few months of time to research, he ended up severely lacking on important information.

However, because he didn't have any choice, he had to make use of what he had. As for him idiotically wearing his own Anti-sensei jacket, he said that it was because of his mind being too chaotic during the time he implanted a black tentacle onto himself.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures, huh. That aside, I didn't know I was good at 'coaxing' informations out of people.

"I already gave you the information you want! Now, can you fulfill your end of the bargain and let me go?" What a sassy attitude for someone who's currently under my mercy.

"Go on, please continue. Be careful though. My feelings might get hurt and, who knows? I might just change my mind."

Seeing the small smile on my face, Shiro finally understood that I have no intentions of letting him go.


Shiro looked at me with his gaze filled with hate. This gaze alone is filled with an undisguised, boundless amount of fury.

This kind of gaze, I think I recognize this kind of look.


(Third Person's POV)

Inside an abandoned building, a middle aged man could be seen tied up on a chair.

"Hey! Who's there!? F*cking unhand me right this instant or you'll regret it!"

This middle aged man has been shouting for who knows how long. His voice is now becoming hoarse from all the screaming he's been doing.

"So? Are you done yet?" said a cold-looking man who seems to be around 20 or so years of age.

"Y-You! Is it you who trapped me here!?" the middle aged man asked, his eyes bloodshot.


The moment the man stood up in front of him, the middle aged man's eyes widened, clearly knowing who the man is.

"Y-You! Are you the Black Angel!?"

Taking off the cloak that was covering every other parts of his body, the expressionless young man replied.

"Hmm? Is that the name that you guys gave me?"

"No… That can't be. That infamous assassin can't be this young can it!? According to our investigation, the Black Angel should be a man in his forties!"

The man called Black Angel just tilted his head for a moment before drawing out his kodachi.

"I don't care what you wanted to say or what you guys call me. Tell me, why are you guys targeting me?"

"Isn't that because you're taking down so many high profile people each and every time?" the middle aged man is already sweating buckets but he tried his best to maintain a poker face.

However, that was instantly broken when Black Angel swung his kodachi and cut off the middle aged man's ears.


"You even brought a tracker with you. You're that sure that you'll be the one I will capture? No… I killed a few of you guys and saw that you all have trackers inside your bodies…" Sweeping back his curly, ivory black colored hair, his pair of sky blue colored irises are now in full display.

He was named Black Angel because he's like a death reaper who harvests life like he's harvesting wheat but, who knew that the name would also apply even if you remove that reason and give him a nickname based on his appearance alone?

"I told you guys already, I don't want to join any organization and I never will, again. I've had enough of it."

Although he let out an uncharacteristically high pitched scream earlier, now, the middle aged man is back to being stoic again. However, that wouldn't work out.

"You can't suppress your screams and pain even if you wanted to. I've made you intake something that increases the pain you will be feeling with your pain receptors."

The middle aged man's eyes widened but he knew that he can't lose here now. No matter what, they were ordered not to give out any information.

"It's useless. Now, tell me everything that you know about your plan. Don't worry. I will be as gentle as I can. I will start with your skin, then your muscles… I'm sure you'll let out that information I wanted in no time."


(Shun's POV)

"No, please! I don't want to die! Please! My research is for the betterment of humanity! I swear! You can't complete it without my research and me!"

A hysterical Shiro could be seen weeping and crying as he begged to be spared by me. Although I wasn't really planning on killing him since I bet Koro-sensei and some other people might have some unfinished business with him, I don't think it would be that bad to scare him a little bit more.

"You don't want to die? How ironic, for someone who have killed almost a hundred people by experimenting on them."

"That… That was for science! For the advancement of our technology! By knowing how we could harness the power of Anti-matter, we are one step closer to harnessing it as our new power source!" Shiro said desperately.

"Hmm… So you meant that, by creating humans who could harness and infinitely generate Anti-matter, which is very hard to come by in this universe, we are one step closer to achieving a nigh infinite amount of power source by using those said humans? Is that it?"

His face, it's really disgusting and disturbing to look at. He's a guy who didn't bat an eye when creating a plan that could potentially kill a whole class of middle schoolers, but he's now shaking in his boots by the thought of him dying.

I feel like, I've seen this before.

Since I already got what I wanted from him, I knocked him out by slamming his head on the wall before healing him with a potion, in order to heal all of the mortal wounds he received before.


(Third Person's POV)

"Ha-Hahaha! You think you could kill me, just like that!? No! I won't be going down without taking you down with me!"

Inside an abandoned building, a middle aged man screamed as a crazed look filled with despair and rage could be seen within his eyes. Along with his scream, a ringing sound reverberated from within his body.




The man called Black Angel didn't expect that he would implant a bomb within his body that could be triggered via whatever way. His ears were still slightly damaged due to the explosion that one of this middle aged guy's colleague did to himself — similar to what this guy is doing.

Because of that slight problem, he didn't hear the initial ringing sound before the explosion. The next moment, when he woke up, he saw a vast expanse of white.

"An unknown ceiling…" the man murmured.

When he brought his sight down, he saw that he was in front of a hairy buffed uncle with dog ears and a fluffy tail.

"To think that I would see Izuna-chan's grandpa during my moment of death, did the explosion really mess me up that bad?" The man sounded out of his character as he looked at the buffed dog eared uncle with a stupid look on his face.

"No, it didn't, boy." The middle aged man said while looking at the young man with a slightly offended look.


"Well, boy, I've been watching your life and, I have to say, I have been highly entertained. My son likes to watch you from time to time as well so I'm giving you the chance for another shot at life." The buffed dog eared uncle said.

The buffed dog eared uncle, without giving any more context, crossed his arms before continuing.

"Go on, tell me your wish. I could grant almost anything you want."

"Then, could you send me to a place where I can repent for my sins? I wish I could go have another shot at life, but no. Too many blood has been spilled by my hands."

The buffed dog eared uncle was genuinely surprised by the words of the young man. The reason why his young son likes this man was because, in his words, he uses his own hands to uphold justice.

There's many other people like that in other worlds but, for some reason, he likes to watch this young man specifically. If anything, the most probable reason as to why he likes to watch this young man was because he uses swords, among other weapons, to battle.

Since young, he taught his boy that anything could be used as a weapon, after all.

"You really want to suffer for a long time to atone for your sins? Boy, I'm a previous War God and, I'm telling you, it didn't affect your karma whatsoever when you ended those filthy mortals. Bad karma could be canceled by the good karma that you gained by killing them."

"Is that so…?" The young man lowered his head and, while looking at his hands, he continued.

"But, as expected, I myself couldn't forgive myself. It would've been great if all of my memories regarding being an assassin was erased so that I could live a more peaceful life but, I don't think I'll do that. I think it would be better if you give that chance to another person."

"Alright. If you insist, boy."

Without saying anything more, the buffed dog eared uncle waved his hand and used some kind of power to remove the young man's soul from his physical body. Then, he sent him to a dark place that the Gods call as Avicii.

Looking at the body of the man, he remembered the words that he last said to him.

"There's still a sliver of his soul remaining on his body… That boy sure is tenacious. I guess I will send someone other than him. A parallel universe, eh. Let's do that, I guess…"

The buffed dog eared uncle began swiping on the air as he murmured.

"A him from an alternate timeline when he didn't become an assassin… This still counts as him but not him at the same time, isn't it?"

Even though many memories was long gone due to the disappearance of his soul, the soul of the assassin, his body could still remember it.

"Humans are weird, aren't they, Dad?"

"I couldn't agree more, son."


※~To be continued~※

Author's Remarks:

※ Ah man, that's done, I guess? After this, I guess I'll just do some brief overview or something before ending this arc? I'd like to end this in the next 5 or so chapters.