A Warning; Months Passed (1)

Hey, Shun here!

Is it true that doing something wrong feels right? Or is it because people just innately like to break the rules?


(Shun's POV)

It's been an hour or so since I took care of Shiro, who, by the way, I placed in a secluded place only we know — Rokuko's Dungeon. We made a simple jail inside her dungeon and made a few goblins and Assassin Bunnies guard the guy.

Why did I not kill him? As I've said before, he still have some uses. Take for example, this thing that I'm just about to do.

"So, is the connection already established, Ritsu? I'm pretty sure they will be calling for a meeting anytime now."

『Yes! It's done, Shun-san! The video feed will be cut off and replaced by your video call in one, two, three!』

Looking at the screen of my phone, it was now replaced by a video feed that shows a few people wearing a me rather fancy clothing, sitting around a very long table. Ritsu told me that there are also people who couldn't attend personally in this meeting and is watching and participating under the comfort of their own roofs or whatever.

"Yo, it's very nice to finally meet you all, presidents, emperor, prime minister, king, queen or whatever you yourselves or your people call you." I spoke in English in order for majority of them to understand it.

Only a few percentage of people have English as their native speaking language but a lot of people have English as their second language. I always find this weird but, I guess it wouldn't be considered some sort of universal language for nothing?

『Wha—… Who hacked into our meeting!?』

『Wasn't this secure!? What is a child doing in our meeting!?』

『Everyone, quiet down. Let's maintain order!』

As expected of the leaders of their own countries, they were quick to calm down.

"Well, I just came to visit my good friend Shiro who, for some reason, likes to visit us every other month and endanger our lives. Ah, I'm pretty sure that you guys wouldn't recognize him by his alias, so I guess I should call him Yanagisawa Kotarō here, right?"

The moment I mentioned that name, each and everyone of them turned serious. Some of there were showing either a furious, confused, and some other emotions earlier but their ears perked up the moment I mentioned that name.

"Well, I hate to beat around the bush so I'll tell it to you guys straight. I don't really like going around the shadows, and I also don't like people who likes to work in the shadows, doing some rather annoying dirty work, that's why I came here the moment I had the chance to." Looking at each and every one of them, I continued.

"The reason why I brought Shiro-san's name up is because I've manage to make him cough up many interesting facts about this ongoing research, as well as you guy's relationship with him."

Putting my phone to the table, I leaned back at the comfy office chair of Shiro. I, of course, made sure that I am still visible to them.

"Man, why do I not find it a huge surprise that people would even go as far as to fund someone who they very well know is someone who could disect and experiment on humans without batting an eyelid. I wonder what your people will think of you if this news came out~?"


"Oooops~! Sorry, you have been muted. No one is allowed to talk other than me. If not, I could just either go there and silence you myself, or I could use the long winded method of slowly destroying your reputation and your life? I could do both at the same time, too. Who wants to test it out?"

Although I'm not pretty sure if news about me came out already from the Japanese Government, I wouldn't really be surprised if majority of these guys knows about me already. Not that I mind it, anyway.

Sure enough, no one talked.

"Hmm… I guess Japan's president already told you about me? Well, anyway, as I've said, I just dropped by to give everyone a warning and a food for thought…"

Adjusting my seat, I tried to show a serious expression before saying.

"I'm here to warn everyone not to look for Shiro anymore since he's under my custody. Those who will try to do so will be dealth with accordingly. I'm not really scared of any of you since I could just easily kill you all. Unlike Koro-sensei who you could counter, I have a lot of things hidden that you guys don't even know about, so be careful~. Okay~?"

『Some things that are still hidden… From us?』

"Yes, that's right! I have a lot of them, you see. Well, that aside, let's talk about the juicy side of things. Did you guys know? You were actually duped, bamboozled, and made a fool by Shiro-san?"

Everyone showed a puzzled expression on their faces upon hearing my words.

"Ritsu, send them the files."

『Coming right up!』

After a brief pause and making sure that everyone received the files, I continued to speak.

"As you all can see from the title, it will tell you [How The Leaders of Various Nations Got Duped by a Mad Scientist: For Dummies!]. It will tell you the lies that Shiro-san told you."

Ah, I think I'm having a bit too much fun role playing as if I'm the boss of a gang or something.

"Anyway, I think that's all I have to say to you guys. Do whatever you want with the information I provided to you. If you're having some doubts, check the videos and pictures we sent to you as well. Those are images and videos taken by an amateur so I bet you guys will like it. A lot of you guys like the 'Amateur' tag, don't you?"

With that, I immediately signaled to Ritsu to end the stream of sorts.

『Good work out there, Shun-san!』

"Well thank you. But yeah, I wonder if they noticed that I almost laughed a couple of times? I don't know why but acting that way kind of made me want to laugh or something hahahah!"


(Third Person's POV)

At an unknown location where all of the word leaders gathered to discuss about a world threat, everyone remained silent as they looked at the files on their laptop or phones.

"What does he mean by some of us liking the 'Amateur' tag?" One clueless president murmured.

The president near him, who heard his quiet murmurs, couldn't help but think to himself.

'What the heck? There's actually someone so innocent?'

"Ku-hum, don't mind about it. More importantly, we need to talk about this thing that that boy sent us…"

"Ah, he's right. We need to talk about this more pressing matter instead of talking about something like amateur whatever. Who likes that tag, anyway? The things in there are very amateur-ish and low quality." Due to this one statement, some people took offense and a huge fight broke out due to it.

"Well, says someone who's tastes are much more, let's just say, questionable, at best…"

"Order, order! Stop fighting! We're not here to talk about our taste and preferences!"

This will surely be a looooong meeting.


(Shun's POV)

Months Passed by and, let's just say that it really isn't exactly easy to reign people in. Despite my blatant warnings and them knowing very well what I'm capable of, they still opted to do what I warned them not to.

I mean, I guess? Why not?

It's probably because they don't know fully well the consequences of doing so or maybe because they were trying to probe me, who knows? Anyway, since they so generously offered themselves as my very first punching bag, who am I to not oblige?

The moment I, Ritsu, and Mutsuko-san got to work, we, little by little, posted on social media and some other platforms what this certain world leader has done. It starts from the moment he started to do his political campaign until this day.

They of course tried their best to block these news from blowing up but we just hacked into these IT experts and destroyed their computers using a virus. Not before making good use of them by posting on their social media regarding the ongoing news, of course.

When they tried to say that none of it was true, we hired some analysts secretly to study our evidences and broadcasted the results on the television, radio, and every other media outlet. This guy wanted a thorough beating so I'm giving it to him.

When doubt about him began to rise amongst his populace, we released the statement about him colluding with a mad scientist who are doing human experimentations. Due to the seeds of doubts that we have planted day by day, it was a quick ride from the very top of the world into the very bottom.

People lost trust of this guy and he is now undergoing an impeachment trial.

A few more people tried our mettle out but, we just straight up destroyed them. After months of dealing with their harassments, I've already had enough of them.

Good thing the leader of Japan was quite smart and didn't mess with us. Or else, he'll also be included in those people who are now facing the wrath of the people they're serving.

"Haa… That was really tiring…"

A few months have already passed ever since that day when we captured Shiro and a lot has happened. The biggest news was probably the fact that Rokuko have used her [Group Invite Coupon].

"Are you okay, Shun-kun? Here, have some coffee…"

"Thank you, Yukiko-san… I really needed that."

Yes. Rokuko invited Kanzaki Yukiko-san to our group. Because she used her own invite, we could still invite one more person if we wanted to.

Honestly, I didn't expect Rokuko to beat me into it. We were debating who to invite amongst the four people we singled out but since Rokuko already invited Yukiko-san, that makes it three.

I did say way, waaay back that they could use their invites if they want to so… Why am I surprised that she invited Yukiko-san?

Speaking of Rokuko, she's currently sleeping on my lap. Due to Mutsuko-san's influence, she's been a little more proactive when it comes to doing some skinship, which I didn't really mind.

"Hey, Shun-kun~. Why don't we just invite all three of them so that we no longer have to think about who to invite? Have some faith on the author and let him do his magic!"

"What are you even saying, Mutsuko-san? We can't possibly invite that many people. You know how our group is…"

The phrase, 'The more, the merrier!' doesn't work on our group. More like, it's 'The more, the crazier!'.

"It's fine, it's fine. If we don't invite more people from this world, who knows what will happen to our friends and classmates over here? People who are suppressed will often do some crazy stuffs, after all…" Noticing the sudden shift in her tone, I understood that she was being serious this time.

I mean, I can understand her worries. I also formed some bonds with the boys and everyone here. I'm not so heartless as to not think about the consequences of what I'm doing against those big shots.

If anything, I'm also worried about that.

"Don't worry, be happy~? Here, Tama will give [Admin-sensei] a hug to keep pain away~!"

"Pochi too, nodesu! Pochi will give Master [Admin-sensei] a kiss to scare away the bad things away, nanodesu!"

And so, I was once again swarmed by them.

They're right. Why am I constantly worrying about things?

It isn't my style to worry about things so much. I don't know…

After entering this dimension, I couldn't help but question the things that I didn't know I know. It has been clouding my thoughts.

'Why do I need to think about complicated stuffs when I could just have fun, relax, and treat this as a vacation of sorts? Yeah… I should do that… more…'

As my thoughts gradually drifted, I could faintly hear someone saying, "That's right, Shun-kun. Just relax and leave the rest to us. You've done and have been doing your best this entire time so let us do our part as well."

I felt a warm sensation on my cheeks but I could barely pay attention to that. I'm… already… feeling… sleepy…


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.

Author's Remarks:

※ That should do it for a major timeskip. I will touch upon some other things that happened next chapter but is this fine? Was it not too jarring to read after reading that slow paced Slice of Life that the previous chapters have? This is the best I could do so that we don't have to read and write about Assassination Classroom for one more Arc xD.