A Warning; Months Passed (2)

Hey, Shun here!

Forming bonds during high school is really fun and is something that could be considered as one of the most fun and memorable parts of a guy's teenage years.

My cousins who are Filipino call their guy friends as 'Tropa' or 'Barkada', the Filipino equivalent of brothers in arms.


(Shun's POV)

Although the spread of the news was quite slow due to the internet not being as commonly used as the internet at my home dimension, I would say the news traveled in a pretty fast pace. Spreading the news on the internet definitely screwed up a whole lot of people.

Despite their names not being mentioned, a whole lot of people connected some other people to the controversy and it gradually became a worldwide problem. Although they didn't know what the governments were doing exactly, experimenting on so many people definitely crosses the line of many people's moral code.

The only news about what experimentations was being done, or have been done, to these people that some perceptive individuals could glean from out all the information scattered around the internet was few and far between. However, one information states that it was all about a small biological bomb that could be implanted inside of people. I have to say, Mutsuko-san and Ritsu are doing a really good job at controlling the information.

I had mixed emotions when I saw how those world leaders were all visibly irritated about the misinformation that was spreading, but they couldn't correct it since the truth is much worse. Despite all of our warnings, a few headstrong individuals still tried their luck on messing with us but, of course, their plans didn't work at all.

In summary, a lot of people were put on the hot seat as the general populace are now demanding that they answer their questions. It was all very convoluted, that's why I was having a bit of a headache for the past few months.

"As I expected, a problem involving the world is very complicated and convoluted…" I murmured while looking at the news on the TV. Even Japan could no longer keep the news shush.

As more and more people get to know about this incident, more and more world leaders gets dragged into it and get into question. I honestly find it a miracle that the contents of the experimentations remained hidden up until today. If this was in our dimension, I can't even imagine what would happen if our internet was as unencrypted as this world's.

I guess capturing the main culprit and destroying all of the remaining research regarding the topic helped a lot. Eventually though, the truth will come out and we have already prepared for it.

"Still in deep thought, Shun-kun?" I was a little surprised since Mutsuko-san suddenly appeared and sat right next to me but, at this time, I'm already used to it.

"Nah. I was just thinking about some things. Nothing really too complicated, Mutsuko-san. Anyway, have you slept yet?"

"Ah! You just called me with a suffix again!"

"Come on. Cut me some slack. I'm still getting used to it…"

She looks a bit sick, probably because she stayed up late again last night to play with the other girls of our class and the hyperactive members of our group: Pochi, Tama, Fenny, Tsuka, and Rokuko.

They had a sleepover yesterday with Yukiko-san, Touka-san, and Rinka-san. The reason? Well, actually, although it was quite obvious what the reason is, I'll say it anyway.

It's because they joined our group as well.

The reason why we ended up inviting two more instead of just one more was actually quite funny. It all happened due to a simple misunderstanding on the side of the younger girls.


It was Friday in the morning and we all just woke up. I was just about to go to the bathroom to freshen up for the morning jog. Rokuko, Fenny, and Tsuka will be accompanying me today and it seems like they got up earlier than me this time around.

Whilst I was on the way to the bathroom, I came across a very sleepy Tama, a slightly sleepy but still energetic Pochi, and a lively Mutsuko-san.

"Mor… ning~. Mas-ter~…" that was Tama's early morning voice. How do I even describe it? You could say that it's quite soft, low, and a little guttural sounding, I guess?

She's not really a morning person so it's not really a surprise that she's like this early in the morning.

"Moarningg, Master [Admin-sensei], desu!"

Pochi, on the other hand, doesn't really sound weird or anything like that. In fact, aside from having a slightly lower pitch than usual, Pochi sounds like her usual, bubbly and lively self.

If anything, it was her pronunciation that got changed by a little. Right now, she's speaking in a very elite Japanese Engurish way. And, might I add, it was very cute as well.

"Morning, Pochi, Tama, and uh… Mutsuko." I was just about to say Mutsuko-san right there but thankfully, I managed to hold myself back. It's really hard to change my way of addressing her since I kind of have gotten used to calling her that…

"Going on a jog with Rokuko and the bunny duo, Shun?"

"That's quite the funny way to call those two, but yes." I said before chuckling a little.

"How's the invites going? I'm gonna guess. You had a hard time opening up the subject about it, right?"

"Well… Yeah… Kinda. It's not exactly easy to open up a subject about joining a group that goes around dimensions doing quests, after all." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

Mutsuko gave me a long hard look on the face, making me wonder if there's something there but, eventually, she began talking once again.

"Well, just tell it to them straight up. I don't think they'd have a hard time believing you."

Whilst approaching me, she patted me on the shoulder before saying…

"Anyway, just do your best. If you want, you could have Tama or Pochi to approach Rinka-chan then you yourself could approach Touka-chan. We do need more members for our group chat's quest, after all…"

"Yes, yes. We'll do that, I guess?"

Turning my head towards the still sleepy Tama, I said.

"Then, can I count on you to talk to your friend Hayami-san, Tama?"


"What about Pochi nodesu?"

"Of course you could accompany Tama as well…"




It was honestly our mistake for not clarifying that we only needed one more person in our group chat and that them asking Hayami-san whether she wanted to join or not is just to see who would be willing to join us. Surprisingly or unsurprisingly though, they both agreed and, upon hearing Hayami-san agree, Tama immediately struck while the iron is hot and used her invite on her.

Since it was not really such a huge deal that we invited more people than we had initially intended, we ended up just rolling with it and moving on. I have to say though, majority of the reason why they decided to join was because they wanted to be strong enough to help out their classmates who might get in danger when the backlash of our current actions come. There's also other reasons as well of course.

Anyway, it's not like there would be too much backlash if I just give them one last warning that they'll never forget before we leave or something. And for that, I'd need the help of our trusty sensei.

"Yo, Shun-kun~. Are you perhaps getting ready for our second semester's final exam?" It was Karma-san who bumped me on the side whilst I was on our way to our classroom.

Honestly, it was good that I managed to make some friends here since the girls also got to form some bonds with our girl classmates. Often times, like today, I would come to school with them together then get left behind since they wanted to interact more with their friends.

I could honestly understand the reasoning behind it though. It's because they'd have less chances of interacting with them.

In Rokuko's words, she said that, "I could have any time I want to spend with Shun, after all. There's a lot of chances for that, right? Besides, You're already my partner forever!"

"That still quite far away dude. What? Are you jealous that I got the first place last sem in the exams~?" I poked fun at the fact that Karma-san was unable to take the first place from me.

I mean, Mutsuko and Ritsu was higher ranked than him, haha.

"What are you chuckling at, man? Just shut up. I'll surely beat you next time…"

"Awwe, if you're like this all the time, I'm pretty sure the girls of our class will like it very much."

Whilst I was busy teasing the usually impish Karma-san, I heard someone join in on our friendly banter.

"Hahaha. Is Karma getting teased again by you, Shirakami?" It was Sugino-san, the baseball enthusiast of our class.

"Don't bring it up, Sugino-kun. Do you want me to fire some pipping hot hot sauce up your ass?"

"No no no no, I'll have to respectfully decline!"

Before long, more and more of the boys gathered and, before I knew it, I was surrounded by my classmates. Only a few more months and our quest here will be completed.

I wonder what we should do after the graduation?

Ah, I could almost hear Mutsuko-san's words from a distance saying that I shouldn't jinx myself.


※~To be continued~※

Author's Remarks:

※ This is all I could do for now. Works are piling up and I can't focus on writing for now. I've gone through two modifications and this one was the more normal of them all xD. The other versions were just straight up bad.