Rewards; Finally, I'm Home! (2)

Hey, Shun here!

Saying goodbye is always hard. However, that doesn't really meant that you wouldn't see each other again.


(Shun's POV)

After receiving my rewards, I looked at everyone who also, I'm assuming, already got theirs. However, to my surprise, it seems like most of them only opened their monetary rewards.

"Oh, I got U.S dollars as rewards! Tons of it! Amazing! This feels like a dream!" Touka-san exclaimed while looking at the amount of money that she got.

Even Rinka-san was speechless at what she received. As for Yukiko-san, she seems to be a little surprised but nothing more.

After meanwhile, looking at the [Group Chat], I saw that Pochi, Tama, Mutsuko, and Rokuko, who are already desensitized with money, ignored the [Random Currency Chests] and opened their [Random Reward Coupons]. Looking at their rewards, I wasn't surprised to see that there wasn't anything crazy in the rewards.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: Mutsuko has opened her 2x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Mutsuko acquired [Firearms Mastery]…

System Message: Mutsuko acquired [Gun-fu Mastery]…


What are the chances? Not only did she get extremely related stuffs, it's also a part of her current focus and fighting style.

As for the Rokuko, I think she got some pretty nifty skills and/or abilities. All except for that last one though.

'Wasn't this the thing that Irina-sensei were teaching the girls in her private lessons?' I thought to myself.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: Rokuko has opened her 2x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Rokuko acquired [Flash Steps]…

System Message: Rokuko acquired the [Kiss of Death]…


I was curious about this [Flash Steps] thingy so I checked its description out.

✽✽[Flash Steps]✽✽

Rarity: Super Rare


A skill that was developed and utilized by the most stealthy of all the assassins to ever live, the [Grim Reaper]. It combines misdirection, breath control, and footwork to either let the user seep into the opponent's unconsciousness, making all of the user's movement difficult to be perceived until the very last moment or outright erase the user's entire presence to the opponent using their blindspots and moments of unawareness.


This is sort of a very good technique for Rokuko to learn and to have since she's literally don't have any good weapon for when she enters the battle. Thankfully, she's just in the process of learning new stuffs and having this incorporated in her style would honestly benefit her a lot.

After checking the two aforementioned girls' rewards, I looked at the group chat to check the remaining five's rewards.

✽✽[Group Chat]✽✽

System Message: Pochi has opened her 2x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Pochi acquired [Boxing Mastery]…

System Message: Pochi acquired [20,000 d-coins]…

System Message: Tama has opened her 2x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Tama acquired a [Presence Concealment Manual]…

System Message: Tama acquired [Knifework Mastery]…

System Message: Yukiko has opened her 2x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Yukiko acquired [30,000 d-coins]…

System Message: Yukiko acquired [Weapon Mastery]…

System Message: Rinka has opened her 2x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Rinka acquired [Precise Aim]…

System Message: Rinka acquired [Camouflage Mastery]…

System Message: Touka has opened her 2x Random Reward Coupons…

System Message: Touka acquired [Assassination Mastery]…

System Message: Touka acquired [Haggling]…


All of the rewards they received were as the names suggests, take for example: [Boxing Mastery]. This skill was about proficiency in boxing — which is by the way a good addition to Pochi's repertoire due to her having a pretty lacking ability when it comes to extremely close quarters combat.

She's actually been trying to practice boxing for some time now and was starting to get the hang of it.

Anyway, back to the skills. [Haggling] is about having more skill with bringing down the price of items that are being sold to the user, [Assassination Mastery] is an increased proficiency in the killing arts, [Camouflage Mastery] is about the increased proficiency of, well, camouflaging, and etc. What's very interesting to note here though is Rinka-san's new skill.

✽✽[Precise Aim]✽✽

Rarity: Super Rare


Increases the user's precision and accuracy drastically.


The description was short and sweet but the possibilities of this skill doesn't only lie in shooting projectiles but also on other things. Although Rinka-san is, after interacting with her for some time, could be said to be a girl with a pretty straightforward personality, I think she could make very good use of this skill.

Once I saw that everyone got their rewards, I immediately stood up from my seat and said…

"Alrighty! Since everybody got their rewards, and it's all very good ones at that, let's go celebrate at the entertainment room and sing some songs on the karaoke!"

I was on high spirits since, not only did we get relatively good skills, I'm also about to meet my family back in my dimension again.

"Oooooh! Singing! Pochi wants to sing a duet with Tama nanodesu!"

"That… Can I pass on singing? I'm… I don't think I'm very good at singing…" Yukiko-san murmured.

Looking at her embarrassed expression, not only did we become even more curious about her singing, she also failed in convincing us not to make her sing.

"Alright! Let's go celebrate! Wooo! I wanna hear Yukiko-chan sing!" Mutsuko shouted while literally dragging Yukiko-san with her to the entertainment room.

Meanwhile, the other girls who are also extremely curious followed them with hurried footsteps.

"Ah! Wait! I already said I'm not a good singer though! Help, Shun-kun!"

"I wanna sing too! I'm curious about this Crazy Frog thing I saw last night! I'm also curious about Yukiko's singing!" Rokuko exclaimed while chasing after the group.

Seeing her get dragged by Mutsuko, all I could really do was smile and wave.

'With her being that pumped up, I don't think you could stop her curiosity anymore, Yukiko-san…' I thought to myself while praying for her inside my heart.

Mutsuko and Rokuko — and probably even Pochi and Tama — aren't exactly the type of people that you should pique the interests of, Yukiko-san. They're a very curious bunch.


Right after that fun night, the next day, it was time for us to leave. We already informed Koro-sensei, Karasuma-sensei, Irina-sensei, and our classmates about our departure, mostly stating to the majority of them that we will be out overseas.

Many of them, most especially our classmates, wondered why we will be leaving but, to our teachers, it made sense why we are leaving. To them, we are talents that Koro-sensei happened to have crossed paths with and, given how Rokuko and Tama looks and my background, they thought that my parents were making me study abroad or something.

Although they weren't exactly correct, we didn't go out of our way to correct them since this is a very good excuse for us anyway. We should just let them think what they wanted to think and let the misunderstanding be. Explaining further wouldn't really benefit us in any way since we wouldn't really explain it to them further anyway.

Standing in front of us were our three new members: Touka-san, Yukiko-san, and Rinka-san, plus a system fairy in training: Ritsu, and our teacher Koro-sensei. Ritsu and Rinka-san looks extremely sad and are on the verge of crying whilst Yukiko-san and Touka-san are already breaking down.

Meanwhile, Koro-sensei was the complete opposite of them. He was completely cool as he looks more than ready to send us off with the ever present smug smile on his face.

"Why are you crying, girls? We'll still be on contact, you know?" Mutsuko said while showing a radiant smile on her face.

Rokuko, Pochi, and Tama copied her demeanor as they also said a few words about meeting again. It was honestly a very heartwarming sight.

I and Koro-sensei watched them interact with all smiles.

"I'll gift you four VR Gears of your own when I get back. Remember to upgrade them before using them, okay? What about you, Koro-sensei, wanna try playing a VRMMO games?"

After saying to the girls that I will be gifting them VR Gears when I get back, I looked at Koro-sensei who was honestly a huge help to us during our stay in this dimension.

"Nyu-huhuhu, sensei is already too old for those things, Shirakami-kun. However, you know, if you could give sensei some very valuable 'things' that sensei likes, I think that will make sensei very happy…" Koro-sensei made a gesture to me, rubbing his index finger and thumb together as if he was asking for the 'goods'.

Although I already know what he meant, I wanted to tease him a little so I pretended not to know what he meant by that.

"Yaa, what is it, Koro-sensei? You actually like pictures of buff dudes? Ah, I think I could ask my dad's employees to whip out some quality 3D videos and images of them. What do you think?"

"A-Ahahaha, I guess I'll pass then."

Looking at the dejected but horrified teacher of mine, I just smiled and made a mental note to myself to send the 'goods' to him through Ritsu or something. As the girls were finishing up their talks, breaking up their group hug, I heard a notification coming from my smartphone.

"Looks like our time here has ended, guys. I guess we'll see you all again?"

"Bye byee Ritsu, Yukiko-oneesan, Rinka-oneesan, Touka-oneesan~!"

"Bye bye everyone! Pochi will miss you nanodesu!"

The first to leave through the portal they created was Pochi and Tama, followed by Mutsuko and Rokuko.

"See you everyone! Make sure to visit my dimension, okay? We need to talk about club activities!"

"Right! Visit our inn too! It's very fun and comfy there!"

Once they were all away, I looked at the group who are sending us off and hugged them all one by one.

"I'll see you guys again later. Koro-sensei, thank you very much. We were under your care for so long."

Whilst the girls were unmoving and was unable to utter a single reply, Koro-sensei smiled at me and sent me off by saying…

"The eight months your group spent with our class was one of the most fun times I had in my life, Shirakami-kun. Your group's joint assassination attempts was the most thrilling and nerve wracking things I had to deal with for the past 8 months…"

"It was fun for us as well, sensei. Ah, good luck in your work at Kunugigaoka Junior High School, sensei!"

"Thank you, Shirakami-kun. Good luck with you and your group's adventures as well…"

As I was passing through the portal, I heard the girls say their good byes as well.

"Ah, I'll see you guys again!"

And so, that was the end of our adventure at that dimension. It was long, emotionally draining, but it was also where, in my opinion, we grew a lot. How I wish Satania, Kaede, and Rikka were able to join us in this adventure as well.


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

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Author's Remarks:

※ Yosh! This officially marks the end of the Assassination Classroom Arc! This was really a huge undertaking, especially for me who aren't really into dramatic stuffs. Although I'd say that it wasn't that dramatic though xD. I hope you guys enjoyed this arc, just as much as I did!