Scratched with Gold

"Your dad is a fool." Scott snickered.

Spitfire shook his head, " Well, he's just overly protective of me."

Scott shrugs " Looks to me like you can protect yourself, like what's the big deal?"

Spitfire waits to speak, walking down the sidewalk with Scott.

Scott turns to him, grabbing his arm, "What's the big deal, Spit? why does your dad treat you like a child?"

Spitfire arches a brow " I believe he loves me." he says

"But struggles to show his feelings towards me,

it's only been lately,

I've noticed it,

but Chocolate says it's been that way since I was like six."

Scott listened, "Oh," He says,


"I'm not sure, to be honest though," Spitfire says with a grin towards Scott.

Scott chuckles, "I have a few friends I'd like you to meet."

"Really?" Spitfire says and resumes to walk.

"her name is Kristine,"

Spitfire nods listening

"We formed a band,

it's an acapella group,

no instruments,

that includes me, Kristine, Kevin, and Avi," Scott says.

"Are you offering me a job?" Spitfire asks,


Scott smirks " If you want the job?"

Spitfire giggles a bit " Wow, this is exciting, so where do I meet these individuals?"

"At my place," Scott says.

Spitfire nods, walking beside Scott, up to a door on a brick house.

"I'm home... did y'all miss me" Scott beams, opening the door and walking into the room, separating the front room from the inside porch.

Kristine stood and greeted Scott with a hug,

joining eyes with Spitfire gradually.

"Hi... I'm Kristine, delightful to meet you thou must be Spitfire,

we've heard a lot about you." Kristine smiles, reaching out to shake his hand.

Spitfire was not shy, he didn't fear much and shook her hand, introducing himself to the rest of the group.

"Nice to meet all of you," Spitfire says with a smile.

"Can you sing Spitfire?" Kevin Asks.

"Can I sing?" Spitfire smirked "Yes, actually, I can sing,

I've been singing since I was five

my father is a very famous singer."

"Your father?" Avi asked.

"Adam, Adam lambert, to be honest,

he's very strict on my singing techniques,

he wants me to be the best," Spitfire says with a petty frown,

but smiles instead.

"Whoa, Adam Lambert is your father??" Kristine Asks surprised by the sudden news.

Spitfire glanced around the room, watching everyone's feedback.

"Then you sir, must have some pipes, go ahead,

Sing us something." Kevin says with a chuckle, waiting to be amazed

Spitfire sighs,

it was clear that everyone thought Adam was Spitfire's biological father, and, of course, that included those thoughts Spitfire was very skeptical about.

"Go ahead Spitty," Scott says. and walks swiftly over to the rest of the group, "You are going to be blown away guys, he's got the voice of an angel," Scott says excitingly.

Spitfire was a little nervous,

he's done choir for years,

and sung in church whenever they needed the youth choir to attend,

but just singing something for only four or five people to watch was scary, Spitfire felt he was being judges or interviewed for a job.

Spitfire closed his eyes and opened his mouth, the song he was singing he wrote himself, nothing you've ever heard before,

His voice was soft, smooth, and like a hot knife slicing through butter,

his voice was sharp, notes slipped off his tongue speedily, and left Kevin, Kirstin, Avi, and Scott in a daze.

Spitfires vocal range was extreme and like Ol Adam,

he could shake the chandeliers pretty easily.

Spitfires voice was Angelic,

the range Spitfire had was unbelievable,

from A2 to E#7,

His voice was mesmerizing,

And before he finished with the note at the ending of his harmony,

he was interrupted by a round of applause by his new friends.

Kristine stood in shock,

a single tear trickled down her cheek, a quick sniffle she wiped her tears away and spoke. "My god, Spitfire,

where did you learn to sing like that?"

Spitfire smiles, his eyes lit up " I was born with it,

it's natural to me."

Kristine still was thrilled by Spitfires' talent,

and placed her hand on Spitfires' shoulder with a smile, she says "That was beautiful,

I still can't believe what I just witnessed."

Scott laughed, moved " I told you guys,

his lungs were scratched with gold."

"I'm not sure what you just handed to this poor little group we call a band, but this young thing in front of me, might be our secret weapon to success," Avi said.

Spitfire nods,

he was shy, although he didn't fear much, but fixed his hair from in front of his eyes nervously, "Thank you guys, I seriously didn't think I was all that."

Scott scoffs, "You must be deaf, kid,"

"Seriously, Spitfire, your voice is entrancing." Kristine says, "Absolutely amazing."

Kevin smiles, "Hey Scott," He says, and walks over to Scott

whispering a few words in his ear,

Scott nods and waved for Kristine to join the whispering circle,

Avi joined also,

Spitfire stood alone and looked around the room curiously.

"Spitfire, are you up for another tune?" Scott says,

with a smile.

Spitfire nods "Yes, of course, what are we singing?"

"Your song Spitty, teach us it the lyrics, " Scott says, "What's it called?"

"On my way home," Spitfire answered.

"Are you a tenor?" Kristine asks.

"Yes, I qualified as a high tenor in school," Spitfire says.

"I'm a baritone, Kevin and Avi are both Bass, so I'll take the main chorus ok?" Scott says, taking place.

"Awesome." Kristine smiles excitingly, "Alright boys, let's sing!"

The Accapella group of five stood in a line,

the height difference was noticeable from all angles.

They sang "On My Way Home." for the first time.

The lyrics meant something to Spitfire since he wrote it,

Scott was singing the main chorus since he had settled voice in his chest, baritones usually take the lead anyways in groups.

This song was written just for him.

Spitfire got the part of high notes in the background, the words "Whoa!" Throughout the song, and although it wasn't much, without Spitfires extreme voice, "On My Way Home" Wouldn't be the same.

Spitfire carried them words over everyone's voices, as they sang the rest of the parts together.

At the ending of the melody, The five bowed their heads at the closing of their song, it was performed in a living room, but the group could almost hear the crowd cheering them on.