A Text Back

Scott smiles and waves back before driving off onto the road to his house.

Spitfire took a deep breath in, Prepared himself to go inside, it was close to 3:30 PM, Brooke probably had supper on the table, waiting if not already being demolished by the family.

Spitfire causally opened the door and came inside, draping his Gold satin coat on the coat hanger in the dog's room, or what people usually call it the inside porch.

"Oh, right in time, spitfire," Brooke says,

laying out plates on the long rectangular table

" Supper is done, We're having beef stew tonight." she smiles towards Spitfire, then walks back into the kitchen to fetch forks, spoons, and knives.

Spitfire walks over to the table,

he wasn't much for meat,

since Adam never really let him try any kind of protein other them vegetables.

"Thank you, Brooke, but I'm not hungry,

I'll eat later, thank you though," he says and puts his head down,

Brooke didn't say anything but observed him climbing the stairs.

"Hmmm, well," Brooke says, making her way to the table again " Alright, Dinner time." She shouts.

Turtle, her child Elijah and Taylor were already seated, along with everyone else including, Adam.

Spitfire Rattled the door to his room hard and collapsed

in tears onto his bed,

he slammed his fist into his pillow, bitter at the world,

he hated being in this situation,

Spitfire felt so very alone every single night,

afraid Adam was to find something to criticize him on.

Spitfire laid flat on his back, staring at the ceiling,

He had a wonderful time singing with his new friends,

But why does he feel this way then?

He thought to himself, why does he feel like crawling into a hole and die?

His eyes slowly closed, and Spitfire fell asleep with dried tears on his cheeks...

He was awoken by someone shaking his shoulder, "Spitfire" a voice called.

Spitfire with lazy eyes looked around, He didn't see anyone but sat up in bed to look around better.

"Why would you do that Spitfire?... Understand that is offensive, We eat dinner together, Why can't you understand that?" The voice speaks.

Spitfire looked to the window in his room, Adam was standing looking outside "Dad, I was tired, I decided to eat later, I'm sorry."

Adam mutters, "Excuses after Excuses," he rolls his eyes " You don't want to eat because I am there, huh, Spitfire."

Spitfire shook his head differing "That is not true Dad, I explained already I was tired, I'm not hungry" he says, defending himself.

Adam Shrugs, "Your lying to me," He says furiously towards Spitfire " And Why are you all red-eyed, Crying??" Adam Asked, sternly "Crying cause you're a loser, a freak? a brat?"

Spitfire looks down, frustrated,

He didn't want to fight his Father,

he loved him, but Adam became so unfriendly towards Spitfire,

it was hard for him to remain calm.

"Dad, please go," Spitfire says quietly, Standing up.

Adam turned to Spitfire since he had his back turned, "What did you say?"

"I asked you to leave, I want to be alone," Spitfire answers again.

Adam rolled his eyes, folding up his fist and then he struck Spitfire across the face, Adam had his fingers curled into a fist,

and with the aftermath of being punched,

Spitfire turned his head in pain, an individual tear ran down his face,

as Spitfire grabbed the side of his face in utter pain,

Adam rolls his eyes on Spitfire " You better start straightening up, or things are going from bad to worse real quickly." Adam threatens and slams the door behind him.

Spitfire stood in shock at what just happened,

He trembled as blood started to run out of his nose, Spitfire wasn't allowed to speak his mind to his Father, nor the world, and when he did, there were consequences.

He walked over to the mirror, taking off a necklace he placed it into a jewelry trunk that Buddy the 1st's grandma May Belle gave him when he was first found many many years ago,

Spitfire ran his fingers through his hair Pitch black hair and sat down in the window seat to look outside,

it was still raining, and He could furthermore feel the blood bleeding from his nose down to his lip,

Spitfire took his hand and wiped the blood onto his light-colored jeans from his nose, he didn't care if it stained his clothes which it did.

Spitfire sighed heavily,

Almost sick to his stomach,

he only could concentrate on the rain running down his window, and his breath fogging a spot against the glass,

When Suddenly his phone went off, He knew it was Scott and grabbed it quickly.

The first text...

"Hey Spitty, I've been waiting for a text but maybe your busy, so I thought I'd send you one instead."

Spitfire smiles as he reads it and sends.

"I'm sorry, the time got away from me, Still raining :("

Secondes Later...

"Still raining here too :( Hey, I'm curious if you have anything planned for tomorrow?" Scott Asks.

Spitfire read it and wrote back.

" I have nothing planned, Will Kristine and the others join us, for whatever we do tomorrow?"

Scott wrote back.

"No, actually, Kristine works at the petting zoo,

and Kevin is visiting his mom,

Avi will be doing nothing but staying home id assume,

it'll be just you and me."

Spitfire beams to himself, texting back.

"Pick me up tomorrow, where are we going also?"

Scott texts back.

"it's a Secret, just wait and see, I have it all planned out."

Spitfire texts back.

"Ok, I'm excited."

Scott texts back.

" You seem quiet, I know your texting, but is everything ok?"

Spitfire shakes his head sorrowfully and bits his lip, Texting back.

"Yes, everything is fine, I'm just tired :)"

Scott texts back.

"Well get some rest, I have a day full of adventures for tomorrow planned."

Spitfire Nods, sending that last text...

"I'm Excited!"