
On Scott's side,

he sat on his couch,

he smiles as he receives the last text,

Sending a winking Emoji back to Spitfire.

Spitfire brushed his hair from in front of his eyes,

he always seemed to have a few strands out of place,

that annoyed him.

His nose had stopped bleeding,

but bloodstains on his jeans were still visible,

Spitfire decided to call Cindy.

The phone rang for a few seconds when finally Cindy Answered.

"Hey, Cindy, what's up?" Spitfire asked.

"Nothing much, you?" Cindy Asked.

Spitfire sighs " Nothing too interesting, had a small rehearsal at Scott's place this afternoon." Spitfire explained.

"That's Awesome,

Scotts a cutie pie, huh." Cindy laughs.

Spitfire shrugs to himself " Well, I guess if you like blondies."

Cindy laughs " I do actually like blondies, although I'd say Brunettes are more attractive."

"Scott is taking me somewhere in the morning,

I'm excited, hope it does nothing with water or nature,

I'm not too keen on dirt, as you already know," Spitfire says with a smirk changing the subject.

Cindy says back, "I'm sure it'll be awesome Spitfire,

very exciting!"

Spitfire smiles but stays silent, watching someone walk outside his bedroom door, concerned it was Adam, "I just wanted to check up on you, tell you my plans for tomorrow, but I guess I'll let you go." He says.

"Yeah, no problem, call me tomorrow?" she asks.

Spitfire nods " Yes, when I find time, for sure."

"Alright then," Cindy says, "I'll let you go, talk to you tomorrow then,


Spitfire answers back " Bye Cindy," He says before hanging up the phone.

...5 minutes later....

"Choo, Choo, the Uncle train is coming in,

The Uncle train is coming in, Choo Choo!!" Buddy the 1st says, barging through Spitfires bedroom door, on his hands and knees.

Spitfire jumped from the window seat up, surprised.

"Uncle, I'm not five anymore." Spitfire says bluntly, "Get off the floor."

Buddy the 1st smiles and does a few circles around Spitfire, playfully, before getting up on his feet.

" My favorite nephew, what's troubling you, kid?" Buddy the 1st

asks worried, "You always love the Uncle train."

Spitfire shrugs " Nothing, Uncle, I'm fine."

Buddy the 1st flashes down to Spitfires legs,

noticing the bloodstains on his jeans,

then back up to Spitfires deep brown eyes.

Spitfire turns away from Buddy the 1st,

It was getting later,

Spitfire was hungry since he didn't eat dinner,

but chose to suffer from the outcomes of starving,

so he didn't have to see Adam.

"Uncle, did you need anything?" Spitfire asks.

Buddy the 1st shrugs, "Nope, just wanted to come to see you."

"I'm going to bed now,

I don't want anything to eat, by the way," Spitfire says, " Leave me alone, please."

Buddy the 1st tips his head in puzzlement,

He's witnessed Spitfire stopped eating and was visibly dropping weight,

and was very confused about what the reason was for all this sadness?

"Ok," Buddy the 1st says, simply, "Ok, I'll go, I'll see you, tomorrow kid," he says, walking to the door.

Spitfire nods " Night, Uncle." he says simply.

Buddy the 1st shuts the bedroom door quietly, taking a few seconds to analyze what just happened before walking away.

Spitfire walks, slowly to his door,

placing his ear on the door, listening,

everything seemed quiet.

Spitfire sighed heavily, His head hurt

and for some reason, he felt sick,

almost all the time now, it's beginning to be a daily thing,

But tonight it had worsened, racing to the bathroom,

he couldn't hold anything down,

not that he had eaten anything anyways,

This isn't the first time Young Spitfire has gotten sick for No reason.

it brewed inside him,

deep down inside, his father was to blame.

His window was open, so his light blue satin curtains

blew in the night breeze,

Spitfire had shut his eyes from all the pain and sat in once

resting between the toilet and the bathtub for 20 minutes or so,

his ribs hurt since he wasn't throwing up anything

but the weight against his lungs,

Spitfires eyes were very heavy,

and he felt very unwell,

he didn't feel like standing up,

felt very limited,

and was scared if he tried it, he'd fail.

He breathes roughly,

Spitfire was becoming bothered by the thought of cowering down to his dad.

Bitterly, Spitfire was bound and determined to stop

the madness that very night, he dried his tears on his sleeve and pulled himself up using the bathtub to help lean on.

Forcing his way out of the bathroom, he walked fiercely out of his room and into the hallway, he had a staircase to climb but ran up them quickly.

Pounding on Adams door loudly, "D-dad," he says with a stutter, "Dad we need to talk."

No answer from Adam, on the other side of the door.

"Dad," Spitfire says, fully.

Still No answer.

Spitfire rolled his eyes, stomped his foot, with rage, and turned the door handle aggressively, only finding Adam and Brooke slow dancing to classical music in his room.

Spitfire stood Alarmed,

Brooke, and Adam, Both stopped and starred towards Spitfire.

"B-Brooke?" Spitfire questions.

"Oh, sweetheart, we probably should have told you sooner." She says, slowly, stepping away from Adam,

watching the violence in Spitfires' eyes grow.

"Dad, you and Brooke?" Spitfire says, "When were you going to tell me?" He says sternly, "You fool, you put me through it all, don't you?

you love to see me in pain, don't you?" Spitfire screamed, "Now your dating Brooke?"

"What's wrong with that Spitfire?" Brooke asks,

"I love your Dad, Sweetheart,

we're happy together."

Spitfire shook his head " Well, Brooke trout." He says coldly,

"My lovely dad abuses me, He makes me sick" Spitfire cries,

"He hits me, he calls me names." Spitfire says, turning towards Adam who was still quite from shock, "you've caused me some problems that I'm having a time dealing with, you hate my friends, you hate me, you wish you never found me, huh?" Spitfire shrieks.

Brooke puts her head down "Darling" she says, concerned.

Adam tenses his jaw and walks aggressively over to Spitfire, taking his fist, and meeting it with Spitfire's cheek.

Spitfire grabbed his jaw and shied away from the force of the hit, Then meeting eyes with Adam.

"How dare you speak to Brooke that way," Adam shouts. "You Know what happens to people that speak to her in such manner?" He asks "They get exterminated." Adam says, taking his other fist and doing the same thing, only harder, backing Spitfire up a few steps. " Brooke is a wonderful woman, who I love very much, We're Engaged," Adam yells back at Spitfire.