
"Engaged?" Spitfire says with no emotions standing at afar.

Adam stood staring coldly at his Son, watching spitfires pale skin turn red from the blow.

Brooke steps forward towards Spitfire "honey,

we were going to tell you,

it just didn't feel like the right time to give such great news."

Spitfire rolled his eyes, shifting away from her,

"And there I thought I could talk to you and tell you personal things that maybe, just maybe Dad wouldn't understand,

and you think it's ok to keep an engagement withdrawn between you and my dad? You're just as bad as Adam, you hear me." Spitfire responds bitterly.

Brooke signs,

she could see that Spitfire was shaking and decided it wasn't the time to try and explain,

She backed off.

Adam shrugs " Get over it." He states.

Spitfire arches a brow, "Oh, I'll get over it dad, I'll make sure that happens." He screams and slams the door aggressively to Adams's room.

The walls shake, and a picture frame of Adam and Spitfire drops from the fasteners, breaking the glass,

Brooke gasps in shock and runs over to the frame on the ground,

broken glass was scattered across the rug.

"Oh, Adam." Brooke cries.

Adam shook his head " Don't befall for it Brookie." He says and sets a hand on her shoulder while she knelt, " Spitfires need to get over it, he's been trying to get his way for the past few months now, I don't know if it's that Scott guy, or what, but it needs to end, I'll make sure it ends."

Brooke nods " He's just a boy Adam, Remember that," She tells, glancing up to Adam, " He just needs discipline."

Adam sighs, staring blankly outside at the full moon, He had an idea, that would Stop Spitfire in his tracks.

Next-Day... 8:30 AM

"breakfast is on the table!" Gina shrieks.

Turtle and many others gather around the table, filling their plates full of the great American breakfast.

Ding Dong... Someone was at the front door.

"Can someone get that?" Gina asks.

"Yes, certainly," Adam responds and stands up, heading to the door, but peaks quickly through the small rectangular window on the door first, Scott was outside.

"Oh, Scott," Adam says simply with the door open, a little annoyed at first.

"Good morning, sir," Scott says,

The two stood and stared coldly at one another for a split second before Adam spoke again.

"I'm guessing you're here to pick up Spitfire again?" Adam asks.

Scott agrees " Actually yes, is he ready?"

Adam looked over his shoulder, upstairs, " Unfortunately He's sick" Adam Frowns, " I'm sorry, he's been sick all night, must have been something he ate?"

Scott pouts "Can I see em'?"

Adam shook his head, Scott was 6'3 and outweighed Adam,

although Adam was way older, Scott was intimidating,

"Yes, he's upstairs, in his room."

Scott nods, and pushes through Adam, walking upstairs facing a door,

He opens it gently and peaks in, Spitfire was still in bed.

"Spit?" Scott whispers, walking leisurely over to the bed.

Spitfire scarcely open his eyes, peaking at his alarm clock which he slept through, comprehending 8:45 numbered out

"S-Scott?" He says, with a trembling voice, "i-i'm sorry" He says and a tear trickles down his cheek, "I'm so sick feeling?" he continues "I feel like dieing." Spitfire closes his eyes, sealed tightly.

Scott was extremely concerned.

And decided to hunker slowly on the side of Spitfires' bed, "You know what?" Scott asks.

"W-what?" Spitfire says inaudibly, still with his eyes shut.

"You are just fine, we're just fine, spitty, it's ok your ill, we all get sick, I'll stay around here then, if you don't mind, you'll get better, it's not the end of the world, I'll make sure you'll get better, I'm sure it's just a 24-hour bug."

Spitfire shook his head in agreement.

"Yeah," Scott says and stretches his hand out slowly to touch the side of Spitfires face, for any sort of fever sighs, "Shhhhh, you rest, I'll get you something to eat, you try in go to sleep, I'll be back," Scott says and slowly lifts from the bed.

Scott frowns and travels towards to door, opening it and shutting it behind him.

Everyone was about done eating when Scott finally made his way down to the kitchen, "Morning, you must be Gina?" Scott asks.

Gina nods,

She was washing dishes and continues while speaking, "Yes, that's correct, and you must be Scott?" She smiles.

"Yes, Scott, Scott hoying" He reaches out to shake her hand, which was covered in dirty dishwater, "Oh," He says, disgusted "Well, it's nice to meet you, I'll shake your hand later than" Scott smiles, watching the dirty water swish around while gina cleaned.

" Awww a little dishwater never killed nobody." Gina laughs, "How is Spitfire?"

"Weak" Scott frowns, "He looks ill, hope it's nothing serious."

"Hmmm, poor boy, he's been losing weight, I've noticed, I just thought, since he's a teen and everything, he's slimming up a bit." She giggles.

Scott nods, "I'm going to get him some breakfast." he says and grabs the bacon.

"Spitfire is a vegetarian,

I made vegetarian pancakes for him," Gina tells.

"Vega-what-what?" Scott says, a bit shocked.

"Vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat." Gina smiles,

Scott shrugs " Well,

Alright, I'll take this to him, thank you."

Gina smiles and completes the dishes, drying her hands on a checkered towel.

"Spitfire, I got... well Veggie Pancakes, hmm hmm, looks good" Scott smiles.

Spitfire yeses, Grabbing his head before sitting up in bed, "T-thank you, Scotty, this is nice of you."

Scott smiles " Well, your my friend, here... eat... you'll feel better." He says, handing Spitfire the plate.

Spitfire went to get the fork, his hands shook, from him being sickly, "I'm sorry I don't feel well enough to go out with you today" Spitfire frowns, then takes a nibble.

Scott shrugs "No Worries, we can go another time."

Spitfire frowns, taking a deep breath " You look nice today," He frowns "I look like trash." Spitfires wept in sadness "I always look like trash" He whimpers and a single tear runs down his cheek.