Engraved Jewelry Box

Spitfire walked over to the table,

sitting down on the farthest side from everyone else,

although it was his birthday,

the crowd started to downsize to just a handful,

Spitfire sat in deep thought,

tears ready to fall from his dark eyelashes.

"How could Cindy and Chocolate forget all the fun we used to have?" Spitfire asked himself,

He honestly couldn't make sense out of all this,

it was just too odd.

"They almost acted scared to hug me,

Do I stink? am I weird,

and they are afraid?" He asks the heavens quietly.

Spitfire was so chaotic inside,

like a thunderstorm begging to rain,

he was angry,

it's just messed up and hurt Spitfire terribly,

why are his best friends acting this way?

Spitfire sighs heavily, he drys his tears on his sleeve,

and from the back, a visitor spoke,

it was Cousin Grey.

"Oh, Spitfire, Dry them tears, Crying over them too, just ain't worth it." Cousin Grey says, kneeling to Spitfire, who was sitting at the table chair.

Spitfire turns to look at Cousin Grey,

Cousin grey was living at Buddy's headquarters when Spitfire was first brought home and helped take care of Spitfire.

The two grew close over time,

and Spitfire thought of Cousin grey as another Dad,

Only a father who doesn't hit him.

Spitfire nods,

and then speaks, "Your probably right."

Cousin grey yeses, "You bet I am right,

you are better than, Those two girls."

Spitfire frowns, "I don't get it?" he says, "I don't understand why they forgot such important childhood memories." He whimpers,

"We promised we'd always be friends, and they act so uninterestedly?"

Cousin Grey frowns, "Well?" He shrugs,

"Don't worry your pretty little head about those two,

they are the ones who aren't important."

Spitfire frowns, "I guess your right,

they suppose to call tonight,

hopefully, we can talk about it and fix the situation."

Cousin Grey Smiles,

"I'm sure everything will be fine,

Now come on,

let's go get some of that ice cream." He giggles,

and takes Spitfire's hands in his big hand,

pulling for him to follow,

The two walked into the kitchen,

and picked out the flavors they chose,

it was a delicious after-birthday treat.


The party was swept up, and the cake was in the refrigerator,

Spitfire headed upstairs and into his room, shutting the door.

He walked over to the dresser,

undressing and getting in something much more comfortable,

when someone knocked.

"can I come in?" Someone says.

Spitfire turned to the door nervously, "Uhm, yeah, sure" he spoke.

The door opened.

Adam walked in, slowly,

taking a seat on the foot of spitfires' bed,

the both of them stayed very quiet for a few minutes,

then Adam spoke.

"did you enjoy your birthday?" He asked.

Spitfire nodded, " yes, of course, it was great!"

Adam Yeses, " I'm glad." He says plainly, discerning

" that necklace?" he says, glancing at it around Spitfires' neck.

Spitfire grabs it, shoving it down his pajama shirt, " what about it?" He says back.

Adam shrugs, " it's nice, very classy, Hoying knows your style,

I'm guessing?"

Spitfire nods, turning away from Adam on his bed,

he faces the mirror, "he knows me very well, dad, to be honest."

Adam nods, standing up, "Well, kid, I'm glad your birthday went well,"

he says, walking to the bedroom door,

" oh, after work tomorrow, I need to talk to you," he finishes.

Spitfire arches a brow asking, " why not now?"

"It's late,

tomorrow is better," Adam says with a nod

"Night, Spitfire,"

Spitfire nodded, answering back, " night, dad," he says,

turning away from the bedroom door,

which was closing,

It was an interesting discussion for Spitfire, speaking with His Dad,

Was it just because it was his birthday? Or has Adam changed?

Spitfire rubbed his eyes tiredly,

Watching the phone on the stand,

Cindy was supposed to call,

but here it 10:30 PM and No in-coming call,

Finally, twenty minutes later and Spitfire wandered over to his fluffy bed,

plopping down in many layers of luxury bedding,

He dozed off to sleep quickly.


The Night felt very short when the new morning sun peaked through his window and across his face,

Spitfire moaned tiredly,

Stretching his arms with a long yawn.

Reeeee... Reeeee... Reeeee... Spitfires alarm clock made a vibrating sound.

Spitfire slammed his hand down on it,

standing up out of his bed, still sleepy, he shuffled to the bathroom.

He ran his fingers through his hair,

It stayed pretty low maintenance being that short,

With a steady hand, Spitfire outlined his eyes with black eyeliner,

and then his lips with red lipstick.

He was the only lad who wore makeup around town,

But everyone was pretty used to such a bold character,

Spitfire put on his leather jacket, a sparkly red shirt,

and pants with the pockets ripped,

He smiles with confidence leaving his bedroom,

forgetting his necklace on the bathroom sink.

"Morning Dad, Brooke, Uncle," Spitfire says,

trotting down the stairs, "What's for breakfast?" turning to the table.

"Bacon and Eggs," Brooke says,

bringing a sizzling pan full of hot Bacon inside.

"Hmmm, I'll pass," Spitfire says, a bit disgusted.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot,

Do you want me to cook you something else?" Brooke asks.

"No," Spitfires says, Bluntly, "I gotta go, I'm running late."

Adam Watched Spitfire trot to the Front door,

"See you later, everyone," Spitfire says before shutting the door behind him.

Adam took a piece of Bacon, placing it on his plate, "I didn't see that necklace he was wearing last night, did you?" He asked.

Brooke shrugs, sitting next to Adam,

Turtle and young Elijah made it for breakfast also,

"No, Actually, I didn't?" Brooke says, following.

Adam nods, Standing up,

He was curious if Spitfire had it maybe in his pocket,

or did Spitfire leave it in his room,

So Adam left the table, taking the bacon with him,

"I'll be back," He says, walking upstairs.

He walked casually to the first door on the right, opening it slowly,

Of course, the room was empty and chilly.

Spitfires window had a small crack at the bottom for fresh air,

Adam curiously glimpsed in Spitfires Jewelry box,

it was Spitfires grandmas,

so it had Maybelle,

engraved on top.

He opened the top compartment first,

but the necklace was nowhere to be seen,

Adam shuts it and moved to another trinket box, only finding more miscellaneous jewelry, but not the necklace.

Adam searched in Spitfires drawer but nothing,

finally, he headed to the bathroom,

Spitfires bathroom was very clean and organized,

and The Sparkly Necklace was laying,

draped around the handle of the hot water tab,

Adam carefully picked it up as soon as he saw it.

Adam Stood starring at this glittery,

diamond-filled necklace in the palm of his hand,

it made him angry thinking Scott, someone,

He wasn't so keen about giving his Son something so Expensive for his birthday.

"What am I going to do with this?" Adam says to himself, dangling the necklace in front of his face, narrowing his cold glare at the bright diamonds.