A New Face

Adam held the necklace in his tight fist,

gritting his teeth, he looked closer at the neck,

seeing little words engraved on the inside,

Adam arched a brow and looked closer.

"I Love you" was clear to see in tiny cursive letters,

and Adams's mouth fell open.

"Why?" He whispers, turning the necklace over on the backside,

nothing else was engraved.

Adam has large fingers,

and the tiny necklace was a bit hard to hang onto,

bacon grease made it slip,

and the necklace,

begins to fall.

Adam reacted and tried to grab the necklace,

but it was too late,

It hit the drain and fell between the small drainage holes.

Adam slammed his fists on the bathroom sink, " oh great!" He shouts angrily.

Brooke, from downstairs, heard his yell, " Is everything ok?" She asks.

Adam grabs his head in sheer alarm,

He never wanted to lose the necklace,

only sabotage it, now it's down the drain... Lost.

" yea, everything is fine," Adam says, scrambling downstairs nervously, Shutting the bedroom door behind him.

Brooke looks over Adam curiously, " did you find it?"

Adam shakes his head, "No actually, I didn't,

he must have it,"

Brooke shrugs and continues to eat breakfast.

Adam eats a piece of bacon, sitting down at the table,

trying to brush off the fact,

He just lost something important to Spitfire.


Scott smiles,

entering the room full of chairs and tables,

"How are you doing this morning, spit?" He says, taking a seat at the spin chairs at the front counter, facing the open kitchen.

Spitfire was on the other side.

He smiles, " I'm doing fine, lover," he says brightly,

turning to the Coffee pots.

Scott watches with a smirk, "you're cute when your bent over," he smiles

"You know... while working like that," he grins, masking his tracks,

watching Spitfire behind the counter.

"Stop that flirting, Scotty,

Want to get me in trouble?" Spitfire giggles.

Scott laughs along with him, " Well if you lose your job,

then you'd have an excuse to move in with me."

Spitfire turns to Scott placing his coffee in front, "That's always an option." He answers, smiling big at Scott.

Scott takes a sip of the drink, smiling from ear to ear.

"This must be Scotty,

hmmm yummy," someone giggles.

"Barb!" Spitfire shouts,

Barb is Spitfire's friend and co-worker,

He was short, had red curly hair and dark skin, and yes,

like Spitfire,

He found Scott very attractive.

Scott turns his head to see who was making jokes, "Nice to meet you!"

Barb was also working at the café,

Spitfire usually worked the breakfast shift while

Barb washed dishes and cleaned tables,

Barb laughs, taking a seat next to Scott.

"Spitfire has told me in great detail about you, Scott," he says,

Scott arches a Brow, " oh yeah? Like what?" He smirks, taking another sip.

Barb giggles thinking back, "Well, like how pleasuring it feels to run your hands down your hella strong stomach," he says solemnly.

Scott burst out laughing, almost spitting his coffee out on the counter,

"oh my god, Spitfire... You naughty boy," he added,

wiping chortling tears away from his blue eyes.

Spitfire tasted his lips, looking towards Scott,

" I only wish to see that strong muscular stomach more often." He smiles flirtatiously, taking a break on a seat next to Scott and Barb.

Barb giggles, watching the two,

gaze at one another,

smiling with love written in their different shades of eyes.

" Well, how is that coffee?" Spitfire asks.

"Delicious!" Scott answers, " as usual!"

Spitfire smiles, but the chimes at the front door broke the smiles, and Spitfire stood up, " welcome!" He states, heading behind the counter.

" Thank you!" The newcomer says politely.

Spitfire watched this young man walk to the front table,

and chairs, he sat next to Scott.

" What can I get for you today?" Spitfire asks.

" Hmmm..... Well, what's good?" The young man asks.

Spitfire arches a brow shaking his head,

with a shrug, he answers, " well, we have so much,

I haven't tried all of it!"

The young man smiles, glancing over at Scott,

who was sipping his coffee, slowly,

"The blueberry muffin is pretty tasty, though,

It's freshly baked!" Spitfire says, standing, looking at this new faces,

Spitfire was decently short standing at 5'10,

most boys his age were much bigger,

and robust.

Spitfire had a very petite-built body,

A tiny waist that was taken in narrow by a tight apron,

He was easy on the eyes,

and that usually got him a lot of attention.

" Sure, sounds good to me!" The man smiles.

Spitfire responded, Heading to the Cabinet visible for the public to examine, grabbing the muffin and placing it on a white plate,

"Here you go, enjoy it,

they usually go bad,

so I'm always happy to see them ate." Spitfire says,

handing the plate to the stranger.

The man Smiles, taking a bite, "Oh, your right, they are delightful!" he says, surprised.

Spitfire smiles, taking the empty seat between this new person and Scott,

Scott finished his coffee and causally turned to the character.

"New here?" He asks curiously.

The Gentleman shook his head, Swallowing the muffin, and spoke, "Yes, Very new.. just moved here yesterday."

Scott nods, "What's your name?" he asks, "Mine is Scott,

Nice to meet you."

"Beau, Beau Sloane, Nice to meet you! Scott." He says, reaching his hand out to shake Scott's hand.

Scott grabs his hand and gives it a firm squeeze,

"So why did you come here?

To this tiny little rat nest, what brought you here?

if you don't mind me asking,"

Beau shrugs, "I dont mind, Uhm, Job.. To be honest,"

Spitfire listened but didn't speak, watching Scott and Beau mingle,

Barb wandered back and finished Washing the plates from last night's business.

"What's your job?" Scott Shrugs, asking another question.

Beau answers, "Well... I Usually work whatever is open at the moment, I'm going to be working at the gas station, part-time, And You?"

Scott smirks, sarcastically,

"I'm in the music industry,

I'm going to strike it rich one day."

Beau glances to Scott, "Wow, Good for you, so what do you do?... Songwriter?"

Scott yeses, "Yeah, I write songs, Sing... I can play the piano and guitar."

"Talented Son of a-" Beau went to say, but Spitfire spoke.

"I and Scott work together, Actually, this Summer, we are going on tour."

Beau smiles at Spitfire, "That's awesome you guys,

So what's a talented pretty little thing like you working at a café then?"

Spitfire smiles, Blushing, "Like you... A part time job, for the time being,"

Beau agrees, "Cool," He added,

watching Spitfire work behind the counter,

his eyes following Spitfire's quick-moving feet,

and back up to Spitfire's upper body,

Scott caught this sudden gaze Beau had for Spitfire,

Beau was checking Spitfire out

and tension-filled the air.