Slow Motion

Tick tock tick tock...

Were the only sounds loud enough to hear in Scott's living room,

The two moved, from the couch to the floor,

how? neither of them could answer you at this moment,

but because of the rowdy romance,

they endured,

Both Spitfire and Scott laid side by side,

Spitfire resting his head on Scott's shoulder,

smashing down a thick,

shaggy rug beneath him,

Spitfires breathing was deep,

The both of them contrived to wear one another out and fell asleep in the middle of practicing love,

Spitfire laid over the side of Scott,

his fragile hands draped over Scotts strong one.

If I had you, that would be the only thing I'd ever need, if I had you-

Spitfires phone rang continuously,

it was in his shirt pocket,

but his clothes were

thrown over to another part of the living room,

Not money, fame, or fortune-

It was His father's Song "If I had you" As his ringtone.

Scott woke very alarmed by the sudden noise,

yawning as he lifted,

Spitfire fell to his lap, "Spit?" He asked,

nudging Spitfire, gently.

Spitfire whined as he rubbed his eyes, " what?" He says softly, sitting up along with Scott.

Scott pointed to Spitfires shirt,

The Sun was going down,

so the amount of sunshine coming through the window was low,

"Your phone was ringing," he adds.

Spitfire inched over to his shirt, digging to find the Pocket,

grabbing his Samsung,

and swiping the screen,

five miscalls displays in red,

and eighty-four text messages.

Spitfire being very troubled,

He clicked on the text messages,

all were from Adam, his Father.

Spitfires hand started to shake,

it was becoming hard to hold his phone,

Scott watched his body movements,

As Spitfire,

hurried and slipped his shirt over his head in a dash,

"Spit?" Scott questions, worriedly.

Spitfire didn't answer but scrolling through his phone,

"My Dad is going to kill," He says slowly, putting his phone down on the floor, "Oh Scotty, Dad's going to kill me," He cries.

Scott crawled over to Spitfire on his knees,

"Babe, No one is going to kill you, I promise." He replies

Spitfire shook his head, sniffling,

he was about to cry,

"I-i was supposed to talk to him after work,

I spaced that out,

Oh, Scotty... I'm sorry I pulled you into this,

I better get home,

Dad's going to kill me."

Scott grabbed ahold of Spitfire's shoulders before Spitfire could stand up, giving them a tight squeeze, "Stop saying that." He says sternly,

" Spitfire? ... if your father is harming you because you're a little late, and you believe he's going to kill you, I don't want you to go home." He finishes with a pout, " Spitfire?" He shook him again,

Spitfires eyes were reflecting, and tears almost fell,

he was quiet, sitting there in silence listening to Scott ramble,

Spitfire started to lean backward slowly,

he was blacking out, his eyes wide open,

"Spitfire!!" Scott screamed, grabbing ahold of him, "Spitfire... are you ok?" he asked troubled,

Spitfire turned to look towards Scott,

"I'm so light-headed," He says, whispering,

taking his head in his hands,

he spoke with a voice soft as an Angel

"Spitfire... hold on, hang in there." Scott says worriedly, picking Spitfire up once he stood up himself, taking him to the couch laying him down gently "Spitfire look at me,"

Spitfire stared at nothing up at the ceiling,

his hands were shaking,

Scott tried to stay calm,

what was wrong with Spitfire?

"Spitfire, look at me," Scott says, grabbing a Flashlight from the small stand by the fireplace, shining it in his eyes,

his pupil's looked healthy,

but Spitfire laid very still, sweaty above his brow,

Scott shook him once more,

trying to get an acknowledgment.

"Spitfire... Spitfire, come through.. talk to me" Spitfire heard very little in an echoey wispy voice by Scott,

he could see nothing but black,

"Spitfire!! Scott shook him anxiously,

Spitfires eyes looked glossy but dry from not blinking,

Scott hurried to his phone dialing the hospital,

" Uhm, yes... I live at 849 on the main street ... Please," Scott says,

taking a breath, he was panicking,

but continued to speak,

" Please, hurry, my friend is not responding," he says,

glancing over to Spitfire on the couch,

" yes, please hurry!" He says, hanging up,

The ambulance was on its way.

5 minutes later...

The medical crew bustled in,

A man dressed in a uniform knelt beside Spitfire on the couch,

he strapped a blood pressure cuff around Spitfires arm,

pumping it full of air,

another man checked Spitfires eyes and breathing,

Scott stood afar watching nervously,

he was so scared,

A Lady walked over to him concerningly, " Can you please explain, sir?" she asked.

" Yeah, uhm, of course," Scott stammers over his words glancing over to Spitfire, who laid on the couch very weak,

" He was fine! Then, he got a few texts from his dad... And..." Scott froze, thinking back, " and..."

The Lady nods, " and?"

Scott shook his head communicating again, " and, then he said he was light-headed,

he began to fall backward but I caught him,

then after that,

he wouldn't respond,

he just shook?"

" We need to get him to the hospital,

his breathing is unstable, slow," a Man, says waving for the other people at the ambulance to bring in the stretcher,

Scott watched,

rushing away from the woman and to Spitfires' side,

grabbing his hand.

" Spitfire, everything is going to be fine... I'm here with you,

I promise." Scott says in a low whisper,

Spitfire laid, his eyes shut now, an oxygen tube up his nose,

Scott helped the young man lift Spitfire onto the stretcher,

The crew hurried out the front door,

placing inattentive Spitfire in the back of the ambulance,

The team loaded up,

Scott followed,

Scott watched the Holter monitor climb then drop almost as hard as the truck did in the potholes,

Spitfire was unconscious,

They had him hooked up to many cords,

and a sharp IV placed in his arm

Scott watched afraid,

placing his hand on top of Spitfires,

it felt like forever, like they'd never make it to the hospital,

Finally, they did...

Scott watched people run chaotically around him,

Two men wheeled Spitfire through the doors,

once they got him out of the ambulance,

Scott followed along with the rest of the organization,

everything was in slow motion,

the running,

the monitor,

even the clock,

He watched Spitfire get wheeled away, his shirt still open from an exciting evening, will Spitfire be ok? Was Scott's only question.