The Professionals Claimed

It's been 30 minutes since Spitfire was taken to the hospital,

Scott sat in a chair alongside his hospital bed,

the high pitch beep was deafening,

but Scott just watched,

horrified for his friend,

From what the professionals claimed,

Spitfire could be a diabetic,

Spitfires brown eyes started to crack open,

and he began to take notice of where he was at,

" Scotty?" He asks slowly.

Scott answers quickly, " Spitfire, baby... I'm here... Your ok, sweets, everything is ok," he says,

grabbing ahold of his hand,

" everything is going to be fine!"

Spitfire moans, grabbing his head,

"Everything is blurry, Scotty,

I'm scared, " he cries.

Scott frowns,

opening his mouth to speak,

but was interrupted by a doctor entering the room,

Scott turns to the Doctor,

" Oh, your awake." Dr. Jillian says,

he had a few papers in hand, a clipboard, etc.

Spitfire shook his head, clutching Scott's hand tightly.

Scott responds, " Doctor... What's wrong, what happened? Why'd he passed out like that," he asked,

" Well.." Doctor Jillian replies, " from the test results we took while you were unconscious, Spitfire,

we found that your pancreas,

can produce little or no insulin,

you may be a victim of type two diabetes

this disease is treatable but not curable," he finishes,

"With further study,

we will know for sure, though,"

Scott shook his head, "So what exactly triggered this?" He asks.

"Our researchers believe that high levels of Stress hormones could stop the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from working properly and reduce the amount of insulin they take, " Dr. Jillian continues,

" There are a few treatments recommended By specialists here in this hospital," He says, glancing down to the clipboard,

"Uhm... I understand you were taken here by pure emergency,

but we need to have a written signature by a parent or legal guardian, Spitfire do you understand?" Jillian says, looking at Spitfire.

Spitfire nods, looking over to Scott, "Scotty... Call dad, ok?" he says, Softly

Scott shook his head, leaning down to lay a soft kiss on Spitfires lips,

"Ok... I'll call em' for you,"

Spitfire nods with sleepy eyes,

"You need to get some rest,

then when you're parent arrives,

I will discuss the treatment supported,

I'll be out here in the hall if you need me." Dr. Jillian explains, waving for Scott to follow.

Scott stands and follows the Doctor outside the room,

"Scott... Spitfire is remarkably underweight,

Is he suffering from Anorexia" Jillian asks, " is he Bulimic, maybe?"

Scott shook his head, "I'm not sure, Doctor,

I haven't noticed him dropping any weight,

maybe Adam could tell you more,

I'll give him a call right away," Scott says,

walking over to a chair sitting alongside the hallway wall,

he takes a seat,

the Doctor splits paths,

The phone rang a few times, then Adam finally picked up,

"Hello?" Scott asks, "Uhm... this is Scott hoying, I'm Spitfires friend," He says, waiting for a reply from Adam.

Adam Listened, "And?" He asks, irritated.

"Spitfire was driven to the hospital,

we need you to come quickly,

I'll explain further once you get here,"

Scott says,

There was a long pause on Adam's side,

nothing more was said over the phone,

it was ended by a long beep.

Twenty-five minutes later, Adam arrived at the hospital.

"Spitfire?" Adam asks the lady at the front desk.

"Room #225," She replies.

Adam rushes off to the back rooms, meeting Scott sitting on the chair, "What's wrong with him?" Adam asks, speeding through the door,

Scott followed behind him,

Spitfire was sleeping very sound in the hospital bed when they entered.

"Doctor said he could be a diabetic?" Scott says, looking at Adam.

Adam turns to Scott, "were you with Spitfire when he went down?" He asks sternly, "He was supposed to get home after work at noon... here it is six-thirty." He threw his hands in the air towards Scott, "I thought I told you, very clearly I didn't want to see you around these parts with Spitfire?"

Scott snarls, "Don't talk to me like that Adam...

Spitfire is very ill, and guess what?

It's all your fault... Stress triggers diabetes, he's sick... and it's your fault, not mine, Not Spitfire, bless his poor heart, yours!" Scott roars.

Adam scoffs towards Scott agitated, "Oh you think you're smart, huh Scott... your nothing but a no-good lying piece of garbage, that, not even a fly justifies... Blaming all this on me," He Smirks, "And has it ever crossed your mind that maybe Spitfire is stirred up with the wrong kind of people... You for an instance."

Scott shook his head, "My god Adam... your Son loves me, and I love him back... I don't care what you say or call me, I'm here for Spitfire, and that will never change... I will always love him for him,

he's the most beautiful, true-hearted person I've ever met."

Adam smirks, annoyingly, "What do you mean Love, Scott?... you don't even know what that means, Spitfires only sixteen years old... Love!"

Adam laughs mockingly.

Spitfire turned over restlessly, opening his eyes up slowly,

Recognizing Adam and Scott squabbling in the room.

"D-dad?" Spitfires ask in a whisper, his voice as soft as a cloud,

Adam turns to look at Spitfire, "I thought I told you to be home after work?"

Spitfire nods, Answering, "I Ate lunch... with Barb." He adds, "Then, he wanted to walk his dog before his shift so I went along with him, I'm sorry Dad."

Adam Rolls his eyes, "When are you able to leave?"

Scott steps in, "He's not well enough to leave... look." He pointed to the IV in Spitfires' arms, along with the oxygen tube strapped to Spitfires Nose, "He's Sick Adam... don't you care about this soul sitting here in front of you, Damnt... your gonna destroy him." he shouts.

Adam shrugs, "Where is that doctor?" He asks, Marching out the door, slamming it behind him.

Scott turns to Spitfire, "Oh Spitfire, when can I get you away from that horrible person?" He asks, grabbing Spitfires hands in both of his tightly,

Spitfire shakes his head, " I Love my Dad." He cries.

Scott frowns, "Spitfire... I Love you babe... I'm going to find your Dad and that Doctor... I want to understand the treatments better, ok?" he finishes. rising.

Spitfire frowns, following Scott with his Sick, empty eyes, "Scotty..." He Says.

Scott turns to Spitfire, "I Love you... don't fight with dad, ok?"

"Only if he fights with me... he'll have hell to pay," He says coldly, shutting the door behind him.

Spitfire turns to look out the window, before closing his eyes gently and going to sleep.