
Scott found the Doctor and Adam,

the three talked in the hallway,

soon the doctor left after a few minutes,

Adam headed back home

after receiving the news that Spitfire was to stay overnight,

Scott traveled back to Spitfires hospital room,

there was a chair that he kept close to Spitfire,

He seems fine,

but Scott still watched Spitfires every move,

the night zipped by,

it felt only minutes long,

Scott didn't sleep a blink

7:30 AM

Scott heard the door open and aims to see who it was,

Dr. Jillian walked quietly over to Spitfire and Scott,

"Morning... Here is Spitfire's first round of Trulicity,

it's a weekly injection,

an insulin syringe,

if you will!... " He explained.

Scott listens, whispering back, " where will he have to inject this shot thing?" He asks, curiously.

" In the lower abdomen or the thigh, wherever is more comfortable for Spitfire," Jillian replies, " he's underweight by about 16 pounds,

uhm... Trulicity should have a few pounds dropped included, but other than that, Spitfire will improve,

and be just fine,"

Scott nods,

turning his face to look at Spitfire,

who was waking up,

"Spitfire... This is your medicine,

it's called trulicity,

it's an insulin shot that will help with you feeling sick,

I want you to inject this medicine into your abdomen or thigh,

once every WeeK,

understand?" Jillian asks.

Spitfire rubbed his sleepy eyes, " will it hurt?" He asks,

Scott turns to look at the doctor.

Jillian answers, " No... It'll be a pinprick,

you'll hardly feel it nor,

will you even bleed,"

Spitfire sighs, " when do I need to take it?"

" As soon as possible," Jillian answers.

Spitfire yawns, lifting in bed,

with a long stretch, he yeses,

" ok... Give me it

I'll do it right now!" He says,

reaching his hand out to grasp the shot.

Dr. Jillian handed Spitfire the small needle,

watching Spitfire head to the bathroom,

Spitfire took the individually wrapped shot out of its plastic wrapper, holding it toward his stomach,

which he had his shirt lifted.

Jillian glances out the large window,

then Scott spoke,

"There are always side effects to the medicine, you know?"

Jillian turns to Scott, surprised,

" What's Spitfire going to have to suffer with now?" Scott adds.

Jillian nods, understanding where Scott was coming from,

" Nausea, Abdominal pain, decreased appetite," he continues

"Vomiting, some side effects being so severe that it can harm the kidneys if he becomes dehydrated,"

" So, is all diabetic medicine this horrible?" Scott asks,

The Doctor Jillian was to speak but was interrupted by Spitfires sharp voice, "Scotty?" He shouts from the bathroom,

Scott stood up entirely troubled,

heading to the bathroom door, " S-spitfire?... Are you ok?... Can I come in," he asks.

" Please!" Spitfire says.

Scott opened the door to the bathroom slowly,

Spitfire was crouched down beside the toilet,

he was sick,

and the shot was still intact,

" Scotty, please give me this shot,

I'm not brave enough," he cries,

Scott placed a hand on Spitfire back gently,

then with the other hand,

he took the individually wrapped shot.

" Right here,

just do it, Scotty...

Your stronger than I am, it's obvious," Spitfire frowns,

He wasn't throwing up anything but just dry heaving,

he wiped his wet lips off, lining Scott.

Scott took his hand and lifted Spitfires shirt

just enough to see his soft skin,

He blew a kiss to Spitfire worriedly as he pulled him in for a hug,

Scott gently pushed the needle into Spitfire's stomach,

Spitfire squinted his eyes grabbing Scott's hand,

but it was already injected,

Scott sighed heavily,

and kissed the top of Spitfires head,

"their babe... It's over," he says calmly.

Spitfire whimpers, rubbing where he was stung by the needle,

" sheesh! I thought it wasn't supposed to hurt... And they expect me to do that to myself!" He says, standing up,

Scott follows him out of the bathroom.

" Alright... Now do that every week in the same area,

it'll become easier,

the first day is always the hardest" Dr. Jillian says,

"you're free to go."

Scott smiles,

grabbing Spitfires hand,

" let's go spit." He says, seizing Spitfires jacket from the coat rack, handing it to Spitfire politely.

Spitfire smiles toward Jillian, " thank you for being so kind... Thank you for helping me out," he adds.

Dr. Jillian smiles back, " you get better Spitfire... You have a whole life to live!" He smirks, " you both have a good day."

Scott walked Spitfire out to the curb, waving his arm for a taxi, one pulled over quickly,

" you go ahead and head home, I've got a few things I've got to get done," Scott says.

Spitfire turns to Scott with a smile, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek, " alrighty then, I'll see you around? " He asks.

Scott nods, smiling, " you can bet on it!"

Spitfire smilies, getting in the backseat of the taxi.

The driver looked very familiar to Spitfire as he drove off away from Scott," hey?... Do I Know you?" Spitfire asks curiously.

The driver turns to look quickly at Spitfire, then to the road in front, " Well... Well...Well... We meet again," he grins.