One of a kind

"Beau!" Spitfire laughs.

Beau smirks, " I didn't even recognize you and Steven... Why were you at the hospital anyway?"

" Long story, turns out I'm a diabetic, actually I passed out and when I woke I was in the hospital," Spitfire tells the story, "Oh and it's Scott," he adds.

Beau listens, " damn... I'm sure sorry bout that," he frowns, " so you're going to have to watch what you are eating? And all that?"

Spitfire nods, " ahhh huh ... I'm going to have to shove a needle into my stomach every week also,"

Beau shakes his head, " that's sure awful... I'm sorry,"

Spitfire shrugs, " it is what it is... Hey?" He asks, " I thought you worked at the gas station?"

Beau nods, " I did, but they decided that they can't pay me, so I told them I can't work for them... There missing out on a hard worker," he says

" So now you're the taxi driver?" Spitfire chuckles.

" Yeah, actually... But I completely forget to ask where we are even going, I've been doing circles around town hall for the past," he looks at his watch, " for the past five minutes,"

Spitfire smiles, " don't worry about it, I'm not looking forward to heading home anyways,"

Beau frowns,

with a shrug, " can I ask why?"

Spitfire shook his head, " I'm actually not comfortable talking about it,"

Beau pulls over to the park, " my lunch break...

Wanna stay and chat?

Or do you seriously want to get back?"

" I'll wait for you,

I'm in no hurry to be honest," Spitfire nods taking a seat on a quiet bench by a crab apple tree that was in full bloom.

Beau grins,

taking a seat next to him,

" so... Tell me about yourself?" He asks, looking at Spitfire.

Spitfire smiles bashfully, " I'm boring,"

Beau shakes his head, " Nah, that can't be...

Actually, I was told by someone your dad is Adam Lambert?"

Spitfire yeses, " yeah, actually, I'm his adoptive son,

I was abandoned at birth,

and he found me stranded,"

" That's amazing," beau says shocked,

" I mean, you being abandoned isn't amazing,

but just the thought," he says honestly.

Spitfire grabs some leaves from the tree, " yeah, guess I'm pretty lucky?"

Beau smiles, " I'd think so,

things could have been worse,

I mean, you could have grown up in a children's home."

" True, I guess, I should be more thankful for the things I have," Spitfire adds, following the fine, thin lines on the back of the leaf.

Beau watched, cracking a small smile watching Spitfire mess around with a simple leaf,

beau continues his eyes scanning Spitfire sitting beside him,

Spitfire felt beau's glare and lifts his head,

Beau quickly turned his head and continued to speak,

" So being a celebrity son... How is that?"

" Nice!, your respected I can give it that,

I just feel that I have a goal bar to reach...

My father is up here" he raises his hand,

"and I'm down here, and then the hard part is,

my father is my biggest critic," Spitfire frowns,

Beau listens watching Spitfire's lips move enchantingly,

Spitfire had charisma, a swag that everyone was attracted to.

Spitfire continues, " I just feel like I need to make my mark?... You understand?"

Beau nods " I do understand to be honest... My dad is a physical therapist, and my mom is an assistant educationist," he adds, " I'm a job nobody,"

Spitfire frowns, " I never really had a childhood,

I was in dance since I was six,

then vocal training ever since then..." he continues,

"My dad is very strict,

he wants me to be the best."

Beau takes a bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich,

still listening to Spitfire, he answers mumbly, "And how old are you?"

Spitfire giggles at Beau for even trying to speak with food in his mouth, "I'm sixteen, my birthday was the 28th,"

"Oh well, Happy belated Birthday." He chuckles,

swallowing his sandwich piece, "So you and Stacey?"

"Scott, Beau... Scott," Spitfire shouted,

taking a handful of potato chips,

from the bag that was open on the oak picnic table,

"Scott, Stacy, Steven... it's all the same," Beau replies with a grin,

"What's the story with you and him?"

Spitfire smiles, thinking back to yesterday, "We Love each other... I guess he's like a protection to me, a security blanket."

"So you and Scott are dating?" Beau asks curiously.

Spitfire shook his head, "Yes... it'll be a year in September,

After my friends had to move away,

I was pretty lonely," he snickers, "And Scott was kinda there when no one else did if that makes sense?" he says, glancing down to his phone,

he was still expecting a phone call from either Chocolate or Cindy.

"So your sixteen, and he's?" Beau asks, taking another bite.

Spitfire arched a brow at Beau,

he was asking many questions,

and Spitfire tried to figure out what his motive was.

"25?... 26?... 30?" Beau smirks,

grinning afterward.

"He's twenty-five." Spitfire answers bluntly.

"Whoa... That's like ten years or so?" Beau chuckles, "Thee cougar stands in front of me, your highness." he jokes.

Spitfires shake his head, "The average age gap for relationships is fifteen years."

Beau smiles, "Well... guess if your happy, I don't have any say in it... hell... we barely met, I don't care what you do," he smirks, taking another bite.

Spitfire nods, with a humble smile, "I better get back..."

Beau nods, crumbling a Zip bag into his jean pockets, "Sounds good what's the address?"

"It's only a block from here, on lonely street." Spitfire answers standing up behind Beau,

following him to the taxi cab.

"Lonely Street?" Beau laughs, getting in the driver's seat.

"Yes, Lonely street?" Spitfire says, frustrated towards Beau's reply.

"Man! ... I need to remember there is nothing normal about this town" Beau laughs,

Once Spitfire got in the back seat,

Beau pulled out of the parking place at the park,

he drove the speed limit pulling up to Spitfires Uncles house,

"Nothing normal about this house?" He says, leaning over to look out the passenger-side window at the magnificent house Spitfire called home.

"Spitfire smiles, "This is my Uncle's house... it's pretty awesome, huh?"

Beau shook his head, "Boy, I'd say... defiantly not normal though?... but I mean hell... look at you?" He adds.

Spitfire stops and turns to look at beau, puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Beau continues, "You are a Sixteen-year-old boy who is more beautiful than any woman I've ever laid eyes on?"

Spitfire blushes, kicking a rock across the driveway nervously, "Really?" he asks softly.

Beau agrees, "Yeah... I wouldn't lie, your a one of a kind Spitfire... a one-of-a-kind."