Surprising Email

The bitter taste was still lingering on Spitfires Tongue,

he shook his head,

walking away back into the bedroom

he couldn't seem to find his sunglasses

the first time looking and decided to glance again when suddenly his phone rang,

it was Adam.

Spitfire sighed heavily,

picking up his phone, which was in his jacket pocket,

He hesitated but answered,

"Y-yes!" He says softly.

" Spitfire?... Where are you?... I was worried sick last night,

why didn't you come home?" Adam rambled,

Spitfire tried to speak bravely,

but a stutter slipped, " I-i was at a friend's house, Dad,"

" A friend?... Who Scott?... " Adam asks sternly.

" N-no... His name is Beau,

He's a good friend of mine,

I simply didn't feel like staying at home to rest yesterday..... I felt fine," Spitfire adds nervously,

Adam listened, " Well when you head back can you go to the store and pick up some vanilla ice cream?"

Spitfire glanced at his clock, " y-yeah... Sure, I'll get that right away!"

Adam was very quiet but answered, " also find something for your cousin's birthday, I know, I know," Adam says " I know you hardly know Cousin Koda, but still it's his birthday, and he got you that card, with fifty dollars, remember?"

Spitfire smirks, "Well, I don't think I'll be giving him fifty dollars,

but I'll find him something!"

" Alright... Be home soon... And Spitfire," Adam adds,

" I was worried about you last night,"

Spitfire was silent, on the other side then he lastly spoke,

"Yeah, well I'm fine," he says, " I'm old enough I can take care of myself,"

" Your only sixteen,

there is so much in this cruel world your not aware of, " Adam replays.

" Dad, I better go,

I'll pick up everything and be home, oh... Have you seen my necklace?" Spitfire asks curiously, " I left it in my bathroom by the sink?...

Last night I couldn't find it!"

Adam listened intensely,

thinking of a good explanation on why it was missing,

After all, he was the reason for the disappearance, " uhm... No, I haven't seen it!" He lied.

"Too bad," Spitfire frowns with a heavy sigh, " if you see it... Will you put it up safely?" He asked.

Adam answered, " of course," he says quickly.

Spitfire smiles slightly, " T-thank you,"

Adam listened, " alright, I'll let you go," he says.

Spitfire nods, glancing at his watch, " Bye, Dad," He says plainly,

"See you later."

" I'll be here," Adam giggles,

" Bye Spitfire," he says,

finally hanging the phone up,

Spitfire went through his call log after the phone clicked,

Chocolate and Cindy was supposed to call, but Sadly,

it looked like they have better things to do,

He clicked the off switch,

and his phone turned black,

walking quickly over to the small window above the sink,

Beau's apartment was very small and needed light,

glancing back down to the powder,

his long healthy nails tingled to touch it again,

it was all so new,

he decided to put a small amount into a plastic bag,

sweeping it in carefully,

it was just so interesting,

Spitfire folded the bag and put it inside his pocket,

The powder stained his fingertips white and chalky,

it almost had a glass look to it, as he dusted some off of his fingertips,

the sun caught the shimmery effects dancing off the light beams,

it was still very early,

The local market was probably still closed since it opened at 7:30 AM and it was only 6:55 AM

So Spitfire had plenty of time to snoop around this suspicious dimed trailer of Beaus,

He walked over slowly to Beau's Laptop computer,

Now some would call this invasion of privacy,

but since Beau wasn't home,

Curious Spitfire,

couldn't see what it'd hurt to look around,

He opened the windows Icon,

The homepage opened,

and he scanned through his websites,

"Oh, Gmail," Spitfires says,

opening the Gmail Icon,

Beau had several emails,

one was from a very odd email address,

he clicked on it,

and started to read,

"Dear Sloane,

The Delivery date has moved on the shipment of methamphetamine, We need it by the 15th of July, so if you could generously hurry the process of making Crystal methamphetamine,

I and the Team would appreciate it tons... and Remember! There is plenty of money involved."

Spitfire starred very surprised by this Email,

you could hardly pronounce the name of the sender,

and clearly, the way it readout,

Beau Sloane was Making and Selling Crystal Meth.,

Spitfire couldn't believe what he just read,

he was very startled and disturbed by the news,

he closed the computer slowly,

gazing out the window,

then glimpsing down to the Powder once again.

His eyes slowly going up to a small shelf above his head, " what's this?" Spitfire asked himself, reaching slowly, tip toeing he was barely tall enough, he grabbed ahold of what felt like a syringe with a cap on, grasping it in his hand he pulled it down, he looked very curious as the syringe and needle full of chalky liquid placed in his tight fingers, he shook it watching the air bubbles climb on the inside of the plastic syringe,

a small bubble topping a very sharp needle,

" What is this?" Spitfire curiously asked himself shaking it once more.