Guilty Headaches

He didn't know what to do with such an article,

and quickly tossed it back on the top shelf, a bit frightened,

he hurried to put his jacket on and stepped outside of Beaus trailer,

with a yawn from a very impressive, night,

Spitfire walked away from the trailer and to the main road,

he wasn't far from the market and

since he was still hungover and his head ached,

being a little early won't hurt anything.

Spitfire walked briskly along the side of the road,

observing traffic chasing by him on the highway,

He couldn't make sense of why Beau was getting himself in over his head with illegal activity and since Spitfire,

came across such evidence,

He was in the mix of things also,

Spitfire thought to himself, "Should I tell someone?" but then again, his Feelings romantically grew towards Beau,

and if he told,

he could get Beau in disastrous trouble.

The phone rang, and the screen turned over,

Spitfire took his hand and grabbed the phone,

The caller was Scott,

and he Answered quickly.

"Scotty," Spitfire says.

Scott chuckles,

he was always sparkling and in a good mood no matter what the situation was, "Spitfire... Spitfire... Spitfire...

your Dad called me throughout the night,

Last night, I had to shut my phone off." He laughs,

"Where were you?"

Spitfire rolled his eyes and flipped

his hair to the other side of his head

he was very annoyed,

Spitfire felt like everyone needed to know an exact place all the time,

he had no freedom,

"With a friend," he says modestly,

Scott paused, "Oh... well, that explains it then," He says back

"So, where are you now?"

"Right now, I'm walking to the market," He says tiredly,

"Want me to pick you up?" Scott asks,

"Sure... it's not far from the highway,

but I have the worse headache in the world." Spitfire yawns,

Scott smirks, "A hangover Headache? or is it from this storm moving in?"

"The First question, Scotty," Spitfire' says,

walking over to a bench placed alongside

the road pointing towards the park,

He sat down.

"oh, " Scott says bluntly, "So who is your friend?"

"None of your business," Spitfire' shouts contemptuously,

Scott was speechless on the other side,

Something was wrong with Spitfire'

And usually, when he was hiding something,

he gets very offended easily

"Is everything ok?" Scott asks, his voice shallow.

Spitfire delayed the answer but spoke again slowly,

"Yes... everything is just fine,

I'm at the east park,

by the bench on the road." He gave directions.

Scott knew right where that was, "Alright, I'll be there in five."

You could hear his keys making noises while he walked outside to his truck.

Spitfire shook his head, closing his eyes,

the sun was up and getting hot,

and that didn't make his head feel any better,

"I'll be waiting," he replies,

You could hear Scott shut his truck door and a rumbling engine,

" I'll be there in no time, I'll let you go," Scott continues,

" Alrighty, bye Scotty," Spitfire' says and yawns again,

massaging his eyes.

Scott hung the phone up and continued to drive,

Spitfire sat tiredly on the bench,

and approximately Five - Ten minutes Scott arrived,

" Jump in!" Scott says through a rolled down window,

Spitfire stood up slowly and traveled to the passenger side door,

Scotts Lavender Chevy was tall,

and had an extra lift kit put on last month,

with a grunt, he jumped in, " Thank you, Scott, for picking me up,"

Spitfire' says, with a tiny grin,

Scott shifted into drive and headed towards the market,

" No problem," he says, concentrating on the road,

Spitfire looks outside at the passing vehicles,

he was withdrawn towards Scott,

as he thought about last night,

it was wonderful!

Beau unquestionably knew how to make Spitfire crazy,

but, Spitfire' felt a little guilty,

Scott curiously glances over to Spitfire, " you look tired," he says then scans back to the road,

Spitfire nods, " yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night,"

Scott arches a brow,

" oh... Well, I guess it's fun sometimes to mess around and stay up late,

I... I usually get to bed around ten-thirty or so,

It just depends on what I'm doing in the morning,"

Spitfire listens but doesn't answer,

He just nodded and kept quiet,

Scott pulls up to the market,

" Want me to wait?" Scott asks,

" If you will, that would be great,

I'll be right back," Spitfire says,

opening the truck door and leaping out,

Scott beams and watches Spitfire run to the doors of the market Disappearing within them,

He casually reaches for the radio switch turning up the volume,

A great song was playing "Sleepwalker" by Adam Lambert.

Spitfire hurried back to Scott's truck,

He had a single grocery bag with vanilla ice cream Inside,

"hey... Do you mind driving me to the Stop and Shop?"

"of course not,

I actually want to look at the belts," Scott says,

pulling out of the parking spot,

driving to the main street.

Spitfire nods,

remembering Beau's belt that he honestly couldn't keep his hands off during last night,

he was daydreaming,

love written in his brown, tired eyes,

" I hate that drive,

I think the stoplight was stupid to put there... You know what I mean?" Scott smirks, stopping and taking the key out of the ignition,

" I like black leather," Spitfire says, not paying attention to what Scott was talking about,

" Black leather?" Scott asks with the following laugh.

Spitfire grins, realizing he made a fool of himself,

" I'm sorry, I'm tired," he says smiling,

Scott was pretty relaxed with how Spitfire acts from time to time,

So he didn't really realize how distracted he was,

Scott laughed along with him.

Spitfire opened the door and jumped out,

shutting it behind him,

Scott followed, putting his keys in his back pocket,

he got the door for Spitfire,

and they entered the store.

" I gotta use the restroom,

You find the figurines, ok Scotty?" Spitfire says,

heading towards the boy's room.

Scott nods, leaving the main entrance,

Spitfire opens the restroom doors going to the furthest stall

from the door and sinks,

shutting the stall door behind him,

He didn't really have to go to the bathroom,

but it was 8:39 AM,

and Beau was on the morning break at the gas station,

sending a text message saying, " Hey sugar lips," with a heart emoji,

Beau replied within seconds, "Hey baby... last night was something else, are you sure your only sixteen?" he sends with a laughing emoji.

Spitfire smiles as he reads the text sent from Beau, replying, "Can we meet again after your shift?"

Beau replies, "Of course... I have something for you."

Spitfire glows with excitement,

what was the surprise?