Trembling Hands

Spitfire sniffled as tears started to dry,

Scott continued to hold him tightly,

although, it wasn't easy for Scott to brush off the fact Spitfire cheated on him while still in a relationship,

Spitfires' well-being was way more

meaningful to Scott than some thought,

"Come on... Let's head home." Scott says slowly, nudging Spitfire back a bit to look at him, "Dry your tears, I'm not mad at you, Come on?... where's that smile?" he asks

Spitfire frowns, "I despise my smile."

"You What?... your smile brightens my day from grey clouds,

you're like a god damn spirit yourself." Scott grins, taking Spitfire's hand,

"let's get you home."

Spitfire nods and followed closely behind Scott still,

drying tears that seemed to ignore his hints to stop falling,

The two drove and finally arrived at Spitfire's uncle's House

Yes, the very large castle one!

Scott didn't get out but leaned over the seat to hug Spitfire,

Spitfire shut the truck door and walked up the stairs

to the front entrance after the hug,

Scott watched for a minute or two before honking the horn,

waving and driving off,

Spitfire waved then

took a deep breath and stepped inside,

Tomorrow is Kodas birthday,

It was a surprise party like no other so,

everyone was working extra hard to decorate,

"My Favorite nephew... just the person I wanted to see,"

Buddy says, walking over to Spitfire who,

barely stepped inside,

"Alright, upstairs in the supply room,

there is a box of streamers and balloons,

if you could go, get that and bring it to me in the kitchen,

that would be awesome,"

Spitfire listened, then responded,

"Let me run upstairs and put my jacket up,

then I can help you," He grins,

"Great!" Buddy smiles,

with a feather duster in hand, he dusted the wall for no reason,

Spitfire hurried upstairs,

opening his door and shutting it behind him,

tossing his jacket on his bed which no one slept in the night before,

he headed into the bathroom to scan for his necklace real quickly

but again, fails to find it,

he glances into his mirror,

fixing a piece of hair that bothered him,

then raced downstairs again,

only to climb them again

when he realized he spaced out, and the supply room was upstairs,

he opened the luxurious doorknob and found the box uncle Buddy was talking about,

A rainbow of colorful streamers and tons of balloons were inside,

the box wasn't heavy,

so he hurried and lifted it,

taking it to Buddy's location in the Mansion,

dropping the box at Buddy's feet

" Here!" Spitfire smiles, trying to untangle balloon string in the box,

" Thank you so much,

that is going to help me out tons," Buddy explains,

" now, can you help move the presents to the front room, " He asks,

Spitfire nods,

but gasps when he remembers that the present he got for Koda was still in Scotts back seat, " oh great," Spitfire stomps,

Buddy looks to Spitfire, concerned,

" oh, this is just great, Uncle,

I forgot my gift,

it's in Scott's truck," he adds,

"And Scott doesn't live around here" Spitfire frowns,

" Well, I'm sure he won't mind driving back,

he's a pretty nice guy," Buddy goes on, " why don't you call him!"

Spitfire frowns, " alright, I will,

My phone is upstairs,

I'll be back in a minute," he says and races off to his room,

he dove on his bed,

grabbing his phone from his jacket pocket,

also, by accident dragging out the plastic bag of white powder,

he froze,

glaring at it,

with everything that went on with the Scott and Beau situation,

Spitfire forgot he put that in his pocket,

ever since he sampled a small amount,

his heartbeat pounded,

but Young Spitfire didn't think anything if it,

He dialed Scott's number and listened to it ring,

still starring at the bag full of whiteness,

" Spit?" Scott answered

" Scott, you have to come back to the house,

my gift for Koda is in the backseat of you're truck,

I forgot to grab it," Spitfire says nervously,

" Well,


I'm still in town," Scott says back,

" I can run it over in a minute,"

Spitfire was relieved, " Oh thank goodness, thank you so much," he says gratefully,

Scott smiles," I'll see you in a few minutes!"

" Ok... Thank you, Scotty," Spitfire says softly,

" No worries, Bye Spitty," Scott replies, hanging the phone up,

Spitfire smiles as he slowly lowers his phone,

glancing back down at the plastic bag on his bed,

it had a small hole, so,

A very little amount was coming out,

Spitfire took his pointer finger,

dabbing the powder onto his pale skin,

his shiny black fingernails had a dusty white film on top,

he took his graceful finger and licked the tip,

savoring the strange powder again,

for some reason,

it made him extremely hyper,

it stopped his worries for a few minutes,

almost like it paused time,

could it be, he took a greater amount this time?

Spitfire took his wet finger and rounded more onto it, licking it again,

after a while, the bitter taste went away,

and it was almost something you wanted more of,

Spitfire could hear someone climbing the stairs,

and he quickly laid the plastic bag on his bed,

running to his mirror to dust off the excess powder on his red lips,

Whoever it was that climbed the stairs passed his room,

and Spitfire sighed heavily,

dusting his shirt off,

the powder seemed to fall everywhere,

he took a deep breath in, heading towards the door,

once he strolled over to the doorway, Spitfire stopped,

turning around to glance at the plastic bag again,

maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to leave

it in plain sight for all of the family to see,

He hurried back over to his bed,

lifting his pillow and tossing it underneath,

he ran his hands over his covers,

wiping off any powder that fell out of the bag when suddenly his hands started to tremble uncontrollably,

he lifted his hand, watching them shake,

he tightened his fist, trying to get them to stop moving,

but they continued,

he took a deep breath sitting down on the side of his bed,

could it be he was a diabetic? or is this powder starting to affect him?

Spitfire watched his hands as both continued to tremble,

he inclined back in bed, curling his fists against his chest,

he wasn't feeling any pain but couldn't understand why he was experiencing this high that he's never encountered before.